>this kills the overwatch
This kills the overwatch
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not until they fix the god damn hit detection, warping laggers and netcode in general. I want to like this game but it still needs some work
overwatch has casuals , normies and girls
The only thing this game kill is itself.
When was the last time you heard anybody mention Quake irl?
does this have waifus like overwatch? if not fuck off
Net code is garbage, worse than closed beta Overwatch.
If Polygon likes it you know it's shit.
good netcode is the bare minimum expected from an online fps and qc has worse netcode than even vanilla quake 1.
>half second delay before your rockets actually fire
this kills the quake
While this game only vaguely resembles Quake it looks like a hero shooter done right.
If it cant run on toasters it wont
So a hero shooter done right is a shooter where the differences between heroes are so small that they're practically placebo and the whole hero system could be thrown out the window with no detriment to the gameplay?
i'm getting rock solid 60fps on a gtx 560
>he still games on a 560 non-ti
do you plan to upgrade this decade or...?
i'm not particularly compelled to upgrade, given the current state of pc gaming.
yeah current games are shit. the market will crash soon. even older games benefit from a new gpu though, such as Metro.
Get better internet. I only experienced this when I was dropped in a server with 100+ ping.
If I wanted to get killed by Brazilians shooting me through a wall I'd just play CSGO
2500k @ 4.3ghz
whats wrong with girls, i dont get it. every grill i met was just like anybody else.
CSGO> every flavor of the month online shooter you know it to be true
I've yet to see any single person excited for this game in real life or online
I'm beginning to think this game is CPU bound because my friend with a 960 2GB and i5 4430 said it was "unplayable".
Maybe because not everyone loves a particular sub genre from the 1990s?
I just hope UT4 at the very least gets out of alpha before the heat death of the universe.
It's worse than Q3 in every aspect, but now you can spend money on loot crates to give your character a cyan mohawk.
Would it be better than Quake 3 anyway? What gameplay change would it take to become better than Quake 3, Live, and CPMA combined?
i have everything set to minimum for the sake of visibility and stable framerates. unsurprisingly it doesn't run well with everything maxed out on my pc. did your friend tweak the video settings at all before declaring it unplayable? maybe xe has higher standards than me.
Quake multiplayer fucking sucks. What happened to single player games?
seems pretty fun to me, movement feels a bit strange though.
Said it was all on low already
quake 2 and 4 happened
give me the true quake 1 sequel
>still no key
I would trust nu-id with a Quake reboot/spiritual remake. Champions' environments look great. A SP game like this would be amazing.
quake 1 was the only game in the series with fun single player and even then it was nothing like id originally intended it to be.
The majority of Sup Forums are just edgy high schoolers at this point, saying shit like this for attention. A large portion of the rest of Sup Forums are /r9k/.
That, or the guy who posted that had one too many experiences dealing with "gamer gurls" and figured that every member of the opposite sex that plays video games must be like that. Retarded, I know, but that's the level of intelligence that most people in society posses.
if nothing else, the atmosphere in qc is nice and i like the character banter, even if they never fucking shut up. i'd much prefer a single player game with those assets and that degree of polish. same with unreal. i don't care much for ut4, but i'd love a proper sequel to unreal 1.
there's too much fucking clutter holy shit
I could stand Ranger with a little less edge. You would think his dialog would be a bit more respectable considering he's got a name and reputation to live up to. The "I'm getting to old for this shit" direction they're going is good.
Don't want to be sleepy on the battlefield, that's for sure.
he's literally losing his marbles after fighting demons and shit for two decades according to his bio. i think his personality is justified, considering every champion's quirks are (intentionally or not) comically exaggerated.
Do you not understand what a beta is? Morons like you are why devs put these autistic NDAs on betas now.
>can't turn the announcer off
jesus christ just fucking shut up
Wow, it's like he's pointing out the bugs and shit and telling people about the current state of the game.
>b-but it's a beta!
>Reaper comes home from a long day of killing and getting no tail
>cracks open another fifth of Jameson
>Eases back with a cool, mentholated cigarette
"I'm getting too old for this shit"
>this kills quake franchise
Not even that guy, but you're being retarded. Compare any big game now (Team Fortress 2, Counter Strike: Global Offensive, Rainbow Six: Siege, Overwatch, DotA 2) to their Closed Beta, and there's a mile of fucking difference.
>killing anything
so who's the best champion?
what makes you say that?
>got a key today
if u play overwatch after qc comes out you have a slim boner and a small dick but if you play qc then you have a fat boner and a big dick
u know its true
you poor bastard, you have no idea how much you just fucked yourself
>client side hit detection
>server side projectiles
just... what
>no way to set up a preferred matchmaking region
>getting thrown into the russian containment zone instead of having to wait 30 seconds more in your closest region
>random 255 ping spikes and getting kicked out to the title screen
>feels like you're playing on ukrainian listen servers and not on dedicated id servers
So it needs at least 5 years after release to be decent
the "im too stupid to realize that at this point and time the QC Beta is a technical test specifically intended to analyze network performance" gang up in here
All the oldfags that care have families, but no time now.
All the newfags these days want bright colors and aim assist.
>it's a beta so we're not allowed to criticize it or make any comments whatsoever because everything is subject to change
ok pal. didn't know i misclicked and ended up on reddit.
To be fair. It's ridiculous to complain here when you could go to their forums and point out their mistakes so that they can improve upon them.
What, what's the ploblem?
siege is still complete ass.
Quake Live > CSGO
Why have a Quake Champions thread on Sup Forums at all if people can discuss it on the official forums? Wow, it's almost as if people who didn't get into the beta want to know what the current state of the game is.
It's hilarious how wrong most of the posters in the QC threads are about how old players feel about the game. The general consensus is that the game has a lot of potential but has some technical issues that need ironed out. With some polish and balancing this game will be amazing, for Quakers and new players.
Of course there are some legit Quake vets that will piss and moan about anything that's not QW or Q2 or Q3A/OSP/CPMA or QL or whichever their fav is, but the bulk of pros and old players seem to be cautiously optimistic.
battleborn has more players online than quake live
I really don't care about that. 99,9% of these threads and ever other thread on Sup Forums are shitposting and shitty baits.
how many times are you going to repost that word salad?
is that the real tox? do you need a key to browse qc beta forum?
>different movement and abilities are placebo
lmaoing at your life kiddo
Yes and yes.
it actually doesn't
Quake Champions will have much more players than this
Overwatch dies from laughter
nice, post more pros
You can select MM region by clicking globe icon in the right bottom corner. Iowa, Amsterdam and Moscow are available. General chat is global tho.
>you move slightly faster when going in a straight line
>you take 20% less damage when standing still
>slightly better air control
>10 units faster or slower
>realistically get to use the active ability once or twice per lifetime, providing gamechanging effects such as magically conjuring a health kit totem out of your ass or increasing your max hp by 2 per use
Holy shit, you've really opened my eyes dude. They're dramatically different. Whenever I change my champion, it's like I'm playing a completely different game.
>knife hat simulator 2013
four chans is for persons eighteen years and above old
>Battleborn: 12,070 all-time peak
>Quake """Live""": 6,154 all-time peak
if the game doesn't have a fatass chinese qt then I seriously doubt this
t. beta orbiter
womens suffrage was a mistake
it has some qts
if you like lizards then I guess Sorlag counts as a fat lizard qt
>some blue haired pixie is a qt
This game will be BattleBorn 2.0
nice ladyboy
Unusual coloured hair used to be my fetish and I am sad that (((they))) ruined it for everyone else
are they lizards with boobies or realistic lizards without? I'm down either way tho
Realistic lizard people.
INCREDIBLY fucking realistic holy shit, that facial animation on the menu. It's like seeing a crocodile suddenly talk, wobbly "swallowing" motions across the entire head and neck. 10/10
and then she opens her mouth and literally says 'le tasty'
QL wasn't a steam game until they started selling it
I.E. dead
-scale bearer
put Xaero, Sarge, Bones, Orbb, Uriel, Klesk and Bitterman, and we're good, we dont need that fag, nu-doomguy
100000000000% agreed my man.