How many of you retards fell for the VR meme?
How many of you retards fell for the VR meme?
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You're on Sup Forums. No one here can afford VR. Shit, most people here can't afford a $60 game and have to resort to piracy
Has VR finally give the way of 3D(again)?
bought for the porn not the games
I did.
No new games in fucking months.
It's only good when a friend comes over that hasn't done it before.
>tfw you bought a psvr
Its fucking awesome, I'm laughing at you poor fags.
why cant they just rebrand it as a smaller monitor screen that you can put in your head.
needing a monitor to hook shit up is killing the tech
>I can't afford it so it's a meme
I like this meme.
So what games are there?
What games do you play on it?
There are no games.
All I have played and enjoyed so far
>Resident Evil 7
>Rush of Blood
>Thumper [VERY underrated game]
>Job Simulator
>Mortal Blitz
>PS Worlds London Heist
>Star Wars Battlefront VR DLC
literally lmaoing @ your life
I bought a ps vr too god damn it
PSVR has RE7 which is the best one so far. Also EVE: Valkyrie. Otherwise it's waiting for more games like Ace Combat 7 and Agony.
Oculus has Edge of Nowhere and The Climb. Vive/Oculus have Serious Sam, Narcosis, Obduction, Project CARS, ADR1FT, Dreadhalls...
Keep in mind PSVR isn't even a year old, I think that one is the most likely to get core games for it.
Are there any VR MMOs yet? I haven't played a good MMO since guild wars but I'd definitely buy a headset to jump into a world like that.
And i'm sitting here with the premium option the Vive. Some of my friends come over every week and tend to go get snacks and take turns playing it all day. Worth every penny but I would be lying if I would say you should pick up gen 1 products.
You could use things like Vorpx to do it for any game. I.E use Vorpx and then scroll in all the way in WoW for first person.
However the closest thing at the moment would be Elite Dangerous.
>Ace Combat 7
There will be only tiny sections with VR you can't play full game in it.
I guess I'm more interested in one designed for VR instead of just camera/UI mods. Perfection would be an MMO where all users used VR, talked via headsets instead of typing, a real immersive experience, but that probably won't happen in my lifetime.
I can't rp as a girl if it uses the mic, loser
Better than nothing. Do we know how much VR content there is overall yet?
Sadly there will still be faggots who waste a year of thier life training thier voice to sound girly for this purpose.
I mean we are closer than you think. The Oculus and Vive have built in headphones.
The main problem is who and when they will make it because for an MMO which is a costly and time consuming development cycle your gona want a big install base.
To be fair though they could make cross platform for Oculus, Vive, and PSVR for a decent sized install base and most VR fans tend to not care about paying for shit since they like supporting the industry, heck people even pay for VR porn simply because they want everything to expand.
so like traps do?
also voice modifier to help change your pitch
>tfw i fell for it, but got a refund
I know a guy IRL who did this. We work at a call center and he uses his calls to practice, it's been like half a year and he sounds passable now. It freaks me the fuck out when he changes back to his deep tone now it's like hes possessed.
Are there voice modifier programs that work in real time?
>Pic related.
i told myself i'd buy the third generation of head sets if vr took off, but it didn't, so i bought nothing.
>Not wanting to hamehameha wave people you hate on public
>Not wanting to join goku in his conquests
The game library across all VR devices truly is fucking pathetic.
I think I've seen maybe 2 games that look even remotely decent.
Well make it 3, in 5 days Rick and Morty VR comes out.
Idc about Dragonball but the use of AR in it also is pretty cool imo.
I really want to buy one but it will be a dust collector on day 2 after getting one.
Idk how much it would be to get that version but you can always get a shitty GearVR or Cardboard. If you like it but keep it as dust collector it's porlly due to the lack of features and option but at least you'll have something to watch movies on an airplane or train and it will be better than your normal phone without it, that's what I do with my Gear VR since I have no reason to really use it since I own the Vive now.
I already have a non-cardboard cardboard but these VR/AR toys really appeals to me.
not yet but i'm going to fall for it as soon as i can get a rift for around $400.
Idk with it being not as open ended as the Vive and the controversy of the lawsuits and Palmer leaving I don't see a stable future for them
I was too poor to fall for it.
I should be able to afford VR when it gets good (probably never)
>balloon feet
Fat people disgust me.
I got one as well. Love it.
is that really something you have to take into consideration? aren't all games made for the vive compatible with the rift?
Eh mostly the lawsuit shit is what has me worried for them.
Regardless take what I say with a grain of salt since i'm gona be biased since I own the Vive and only every used DK1 Oculus.
yeah but i mean even if oculus go under rifts should still be perfectly usable shouldn't they?
still playing custom maid 2
They should yeah, but I rather not be a sinking ship and then manage to get by with driftwood.
It's also possible for developers at that point to give up on touch support and just make it "Get a Vive or use a gamepad and get no hand presence"