It was #1 in UK

>It was #1 in UK
>now in fucking Australia

How the fuck did they do it?. A turn-based JRPG being the best seller

wake me up

Other urls found in this thread:

japs are coming back with a vengence
the west is sick of all the sjw infested games

so 5 copies?

I went to buy P5 from a Target in Sydney, and the person in front of me in line was also buying Persona 5. Asian, of course.

By being one of the only games to come out this month.

This board has been trapped in their echo chamber for too long. Persona is pretty fucking popular.

No games

plenty of jap games could pass for sjw but since they are japs no one cares

Persona 5 is the 6th best-selling permanently Sony exclusive game on PS4

Is P5 a good enough place to jump into the series, or do I have to play through previous instalments to understand what's going on?

like what?

I was in the line at JB on the morning of its release.

There were about 15-ish people there, and of them, 90% of the people had a copy of P5, and of those guys, all of them were Asian. I felt a bit left out.

Oh i forgot Australia is full of asians

that explains a lot, and UK is full of weebos

western cuck developers are having their business turned into inefficient marxist wealth redistribution centers. people who like actual games have no choice but to buy japanese games.

I've literally never heard of or seen Persona outside of Sup Forums and get the impression it's ultra weeb.

>not believing in the power of waifus

It's not a joke OP.

didn't a lot of autist were sperging because BOTW promoted race mixing?

like that


that is what i've been telling Sup Forums for a long time, even Kanye West likes Persona ffs

You can jump in. It only references previous games' characters.

You're retarded

>muh race mixing
good thing I asked, you're an idiot

Delete this god ffucking dammit fuck

>all that normie shit
>suddenly P5 in first place

wtf aussies

I'm not saying Persona is "Mario" status, but it would atleast be the 3rd game mentioned if you asked a normie "whats your favorite JRPG?"

Weaboos and Asians studying here can move numbers when they all buy one relatively mainstream title en masse.

Nioh apparently did disproportionately well here.

Final Fantasy being first, and the second being?

When you ignore genres and look at the entire list as being terrible games, suddenly everything fits together a lot better.

Not one game on that list is better than 5/10 for anyone with taste, so there's a real commonality there.

t. Australian patrician

Good, catchy, music
Fun characters
Having the balls to add risqué and even trigging (I fucking hate using this word) story and themes .
Willing to be both silly and serious.
Full of mechanics and activities.
Good creature, stage ad character design.
Word of mouth.
Ridding the P4 love.
Doesn't suck.
Hell, just pick 3 and it has a lot of other games beat.

>Kingdom Hearts

I'd imagine some would say some ARPG like Dark Souls or something like that.

Australians are the only ones who i don't hear complain about other race taking over their country

Why is this?

You aren't listening then.

>t. chang

>button mashers
>higher than 3

Sorry user but andromeda is the best game on that list at 5/10 and it only gets there due to the muliplayer. Aside from Hollow Knight and the Necrodancer DLC, this year has been shit tier.

Still, 2017 will probably beat 2016 as the only games worth playing that year were Hyperlight and Furi at 7/10 each. HK and Necrodancer's DLC have already objectively won out over 2016. The closest competitor aside from ME:A at 5/10 is probably BotW as a 4/10 grass watching/rock climbing simulator.

They are cucked

>only games you consider to be good happen to be on PC


Asians are the ultimate race, just look at who made the game we are talking about in this thread

I don't care about them enriching my country desu

why are you on a video game board if you don't like video games

t. Zhang

So should I latch on to this when I never played a Persona in my life? All the talk about 4 made it look more like a dating sim which killed all my interest back then.

Not that impressive since the 4th is a shitty port

>Sup Forums
>liking video games

That Ghost Recon shit has been advertised very heavily over here too. It's on all the buses/bus stops.

If you like JRPGs it's unlikely you'd not like the game.

It's pretty much the same game

Trump is making anime real again.

This is the best one so far, it really should have the Shin Megami Tensei in the title, it deserve it

Standard JRPG with dating sim elements. I'm really starting to hate the school setting too.

Instead of asking us to conform to their cultural values or whatever they just become goon drinkers like the rest of us

So what's ATLUS going to do with all this money

>A turn-based JRPG being the best seller
they genre never fell out of popularity, the publishers just thought they needed to make their turn based franchises into action based ones because a small number of action games had huge sales numbers

they abandoned a genre, but the players never stopped wanting it

Make fighting and rhythm game spinoffs.

Make a proper Shin Megami Tensei for PS4, they now the fanbase is there now, even in the west

Brand recognition
Being a good game.

Seriously, do you people not realize how huge Persona has gotten since after 4?

People are actually desperate for a turn based RPG since Final Fantasy is down the shitter. It also happens to be a fucking fantastic game to boot.

Kanye loves anime, so, no shit.

Make more of the same dungeon crawler but with a different name on the box

pisses me off that Australia gets a pass for being cucked but Sweden and Germany are apparently literally hitler for lax immigration

Are you guts retarded? Why are you acting like Persona is some obscure series?


If you're not from a first-world country then you're not getting in mate.

asians are not niggers, and they assimilate

So is the PS3 version good enough? I don't wanna buy a PS4.

Because they come to Australia and become Australians

Refugees go to Germany and Sweden and turn it into the Islamic Caliphate of Deutschland and Swedenstan

I love video games. I just didn't fall for the open world meme nor do I like generic FPS games.

The true cancer are those that find walking simulators like Witcher, BotW, and HZD tolerable. I sunk 9 hours into BotW and I don't think I had fun for even one minute. All I experienced was boredom, and anger over how bored I was. It's fucking sad that this place has become willing to tolerate such bastardizations of good franchises. 10 years ago you people would have been mortified by Zelda and MGS becoming open world games.

At least indie devs are still keeping the industry alive while AAA devs continue to churn out literal shit. What was the last triple A game that was good aside from Monster Hunter? I can't even remember. Meanwhile FTL, Darkest Dungeon, Necrodancer, RoR, Hyperlight, Furi, and Hollow Knight are among the best games made in recent years. Face it, triple A titles are dead. They're marketed at dudebros and normies. Literally nothing in OP's picture is good, at best you have middle of the road pure average in ME:A.

India and China are not first world countries.
You are a fucking moron or a lying chink.

Normalfags didn't care about persona until it was about masks

>muh only jap devs care about games
>west is bad! sjw faggots who care about money!

Is Sup Forums really this pathetic? Holy shit, kill yourself.

Literally the same game. Atlas delayed the game so many times but the PS4 version is hardly an improvement. P5 is a good game though

Is Monster Hunter considered AAA? I mean, this is a series that actually regresses in terms of visuals and technology.

you will have to buy one for the next SMT project for PS4 anyways

>A turn-based JRPG being the best seller

People are tired of ARPG's especially after XV, just goes to show the whole "Nobody wants turn based anymore grandpa" statement is just a meme.

You say that you hate it but I bet you will fall in love with one of the 2D girls if you play it.

Reminder that Ghost Recon is ALREADY discounted here

the next SMT is on Switch

RPG fans have always liked turn based games. If they didn't, they wouldn't be RPG fans.

The issue is that games like FF need to sell to dudebros to justify their budget. You could sell a turn based game to a dudebro in 1997 but you can't do it in 2017.

>not subjective

Name 5 games you love, and I guarantee they'll be trash.

I'm going into town tomorrow. Should I buy this?

Ever since Aussies lost the emu war they are letting strong white male chinks impregnate their women so they can have their revenge on the emus.

Do you like JRPGs?

Vocal minorities online tried to kill turn based games. I think it was most prominent before FF15 released and when people were trying to say that the FF7 REMAKE should still be turn based because of FF13 and FF15 looked messed up. When FF15 released they were proven right because everyone generally agrees FF15 is disappointing.

Based Atlus does not fuck around. They know there is demand for turn based games and they basically have the whole global market to themselves now since the nearest competitor is actively trying to deny that there is demand for turn based games.

do you like waifus?

I felt like I was playing P4 so I'm disappointed. On the bright side the SMT project will have a higher budget

asians have been here a while. many of them, particularly those 30 and under, are as Australian as any of the white people of british descent. hell, one of the biggest bogans I ever met was an asian dude in my class in high school.

>I'm going into town tomorrow. Should I buy this?

Do you actively not dislike anime, tons of story and turn based combat?

Then yes, absolutely.

keep crying libcuck, every normalfag will wise up to your cancerous religion

He wasn't the one complaining about race mixing in his post, though. He only said some people were complaining about race mixing.
You two are clearly retarded or baiting, maybe both.

>#1 in australia
Couldn't find a single copy in any stores.
I'm proud of my country.

Fuck off Chang

Worry not user I made this image for a GOTY thread at the end of last year. Feel free to enjoy my objectively correct taste.

We actually buy quite a lot down here m88.

'full' is a bit over the top - Sydney is Azn central though.

>this delusional

You really need to go outside, bud.

they've been taken over already

I love the turn based gameplay and elemental/fusion mechanics as much as the next guy but do people really buy the game for that and not just because you can date waifus? serious question

We were so thirsty for a good turn based JRPG over here in Australia, Persona 5 was like a river in a dry land

Could this be the most shit taste known to man? Outside of Dragon's Dogma, maybe.

>worrying about some shit emus
Cassowary > Emu.

>mass effect 2 over 1
>meme fortress 2

You're making this easy.

what if the australian localization of Persona 5 replaced all songs with midnight oil?

Because the abos can't into technology; they're too busy drinking petrol

>Bunch of literally who

I'm laffin

I prefer ME1 over ME2, but it didn't come out in 2010 now did it?

ME1 > ME2, but Dark Crusade > ME1.