End game Sojiro >>>>>>>>>> End game Dojima
End game Sojiro >>>>>>>>>> End game Dojima
Psychologically we're more inclined to like people who start disliking us and grow to like us over people who always liked us.
Sempai Soji, Sojiro Baby
He hates Potter and loves the ladies
>he leaves you alone with your love interest knowing you're going to fuck like animals all over his furniture
God bless this man.
Its not that we like people who dislike us and then like us, its that we like people who are neutral or untrusting who gradually switch to like or trust because it shows growth and realness to the relationship.
That was when he immediately went to bro-tier in my mind. When he refused to be a cockblock.
You have to work to gain Sojiro's trust and respect, Dojima has to like you because he's your uncle and he's never around anyway.
Guys how do I play the new persona if I dont have a ps3 or ps4.
Dojima never really seemed to like Yu, more Yu was just his nephew.
I really liked the Akira/Sojiro dynamic.
>shit gets serious
>try to tell Dojima about TV world and murder case
>arrest you for bullshitting
>shit gets serious
>Sojiro all in with the whole metaverse stuff
>lies to the police for you
>get arrested for you
>make false alibi to protect you from horde of angry waifus
the list just keep going
You dont
Stay strong p5mc-kun.
Nice anime
>exaggerating sojiro that much
Lmaoing @ that comic creator senpai
Use your vita to remote play your neighbor ps4.
Hierophant Confidant Rank 10 made me shed some tears, won't lie.
Yes exaggerating behaviour for comedic affect is a common writing tactic user. Good work noticing.
P4-kun was the mysterious popular city kid that everyone want to be around. P5 kid was deemed a vagabond and troublemaker before he set foot in his school.
What a pussy. Me too
which makes him infinately more interesting and entertainin to follow
it is
He knows his fate now with P5 being the most successful game in the series, that Atlus will whore out on him and his team for the next decade and ruin his game's image like it did P4.
I actually misted up at the sun rank 10
I dont know why but it got to me.
buy a ps3 or ps4
I ended up liking Yoshida way, way more than I expected to.
I have a very refined taste in humor, and I can tell you it is by far not funny.
>I have a very refined taste
Yeah well I have a very really refined taste in humor and I can tell you it is.
I can't wait for Potter-kun to blow his fucking brains out with the endless fucking spin-offs
Is that image meant to be scare me away? I laugh at you.
It is not. It is simply not funny. Nobody else (With an IQ as high as mine) thinks so.
The bright side is that Fukuyama will be hamming it up the entire time, but the downside is fucking spinoffs.
i have the most refined taste in autism and i can tell you that you have 4th stage autism.
it helps that his arcana bonuses are the best in the game
P4's writing and cast was always shit senpai. They just made it worse somehow
t. P3fag
>who is marie
We said P4 not P4G you fucking pleb
Rev up that petition
To be fair a guy who was literally set to be Emperor of Japan paid people to hold you up on false charges.
If your disgusting shit nephew who for all you know raped a girl came to live with you you bet you ass he'd sleep in the spider filled attic.
P4G IS P4, P4G is canon because fatlus said so , dumbass
Do Dojima even fucking DO anything?
I know P5's theme is most adults are assholes but in P4 the adults were so useless they may as well have not even been there.