>ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) – The Albuquerque Police Department is worried about the way its officers are being portrayed in a version of a popular video game.
>A local teenager created a modified version of the video game, Grand Theft Auto, using pictures of real APD patrol cars that players can drive as they act as officers.
>The local creator said he did it out of a passion and respect for law enforcement, but police said it’s a violent game that could give people the wrong idea.
>A modification of Grand Theft Auto lets people play as officers instead of playing the criminals like the original game.
>And as an aspiring police officer, a local 17-year-old took it a step further.
>“This is kind of my way of representing Albuquerque PD to my capabilities right now until I’m of age to apply,” Sean Muir said.
>The modification with APD cars in the game is available for anyone to download online — and people have, with videos popping up on YouTube.
>The game can get gruesome. While some players will write citations and respond to calls for service in the game, others acting as officers are shooting and killing people for no reason.
>That’s an image the Albuquerque Police Officers Association finds concerning. “Police officers don’t go around just killing people. We take this profession very seriously,” said APOA President Shaun Willoughby.

What game lets me treat our boys in blue with the respect they deserve?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Police officers don’t go around just killing people. We take this profession very seriously


So I'm guessing it was either a really slow news day or the president of that association is extremely out of touch.

Wait. Albuquerque is a real place? I thought it was a fictional place made up for Bugs Bunny cartoons

>police officers don't go around JUST killing people.
>we take this profession very seriously


>that could give people the wrong idea.

The amount of people this stupid statement applies to is so few they're statistically nonexistent.

This is what political correctness does to people, it turns them into quivering retards afraid of hurting someone's feelings by stepping on their shadow.

>>Police officers don’t go around just killing people
He's right. They instead seek even the smallest of reasons to kill people.

>“Police officers don’t go around just killing people. We take this profession very seriously,” said APOA President Shaun Willoughby.


the fuck does this have to do with political correctness? APD doesn't want to be portrayed as fucking homicidal maniacs, has nothing to do with your PC bogeyman. take your greasy ass back to so you can spew retarded buzzphrases at will.


t. Tyrone

I don't understand

Well yeah they don't just kill people. Sometimes they write tickets and stuff.

Triggered reddit fag.

If you can't see the correlation you're a fucking retard too.

>hurr le correlation/causation meme

They're niggers.


The point is they don't get to do shit about it because it's a mod of a video game and falls squarely under fair use.

Hong Kong buffet sounds great user. Go there for dinner.

>triggered reddit
it's reddit to point out that the fucking police department doesn't want to be painted -- even in jest -- as fucking crazed loonies? especially in an area wher ethey already are on bad terms with niggers? lmfaoooo. retard.

>muh reddit

they can't change it directly, no, but they can voice their opinion. they're no different from you or me, cucky.

All You Can Eat Take-Out. I always thought Santa Fe was nice, but obviously Albequerque is after my enlarged heart.

It was build in 1995 for Space jam in honor of Tupac, by warner brothers.

>replying to multiple people in one post

Is that what you were doing?

It looked like you started screeching because someone insulted the culture of political correctness, something which you're clearly part of, otherwise you wouldn't have acted like such a triggered little reddit bitch about it.

>it's reddit to point out that the fucking police department doesn't want to be painted -- even in jest -- as fucking crazed loonies?
Except they're not being painted as crazed loonies, some old fuck is getting his feathers ruffled over a texture in a video game mod, that you have to go out of your way to find and install, that looks like the city's police cars, because he doesn't know how video games work and thinks it could somehow reflect badly on them.

i wonder how they decide between a ticket and a bullet? must be random.

i love how before BLM cops were known fascist bullies who beat the shit out of EVERYONE, black, white, male, female, even a lot of Sup Forums knew not to trust cops, who were known to infiltrate protest groups like Occupy and stir up violence with the police so that cops would have an excuse to beat up protesters. When Christopher Dorner went on his mission against police corruption and started killing cops, Sup Forums loved him and knew he was sticking it to the dirty fascists. Cops were utter douchebags and everyone knew it

and now AFTER BLM, cops are suddenly pretending their innocent blue collar guys under pressure in a difficult job boo hoo. now they play nice and professional? now they never brutalize people? you know, maybe BLM ACTUALLY WORKS AND IS KEEPING THESE CROOKED COPS IN CHECK! really makes you think doesn't it Sup Forums?

One of the first police mods people made for GTA V and IV was for British police. Don't see the bongs moaning about it.

Yeah, I'm sure that having reports of cops shot dead by black lives matter supporters in the back of your head while you're pulling over a black man really helps soothe an itchy trigger finger.

stupid mother fucker it's a fictional town in Breaking Bad you god damn mongoloid

>“Police officers don’t go around just killing people.

>Yeah, I'm sure that having reports of cops shot dead by black lives matter supporters in the back of your head while you're pulling over a black man really helps soothe an itchy trigger finger.

i'll take things that probably almost never happen for 1000.

Theead full of niggers.

can't wait for Sup Forumss god emperor to start WW3 and for all those unemployed white males who voted for him to get drafted.

American police officers kills you at the slightest sign of aggression. I went to US once and I got stopped for a ticket for overspeeding and when I try to question it (because I check my speedometer constantly it never went above 60mph) the officer grabbed his handgun and told me to bring this shit to the station.
That was the first time that ever happened to me and i still wonder how americans can live with a bunch of trigger happy assholes.

>Moved out to Albuquerque in 95.
Seems legit.

>Sup Forums is imploding again over a shitty clickbait article in a literally who town with a population of 10 people
never change

American police kills more people than the american army. People expect a bloodbath, else the police aren't doing their job.

>it's another police are mad about a mod episode

They need to fire the writers of this show

> Albuquerque

> Alba-koikey



>man not only has a gun, but is actively shooting at somebody
>not expecting the police to cap him at the first opportunity

Of all the examples you could have posted, why that one?

exact same thing happened here in Australia.

He was shooting at people who attacked him though. He was defending himself and got shot.

Most draftees are blacks. Also you can get drafted or enlist while being autistic.

>gun already in hand
>picked up and spun around like a little girl
>shoots them AS they run away

To use deadly force you have to reasonably suspect harm was to be done against you or someone else.

Bipartisan support for women to be added to the roll too.

Based Lupin.

Wasn't it in Albuquerque where they police shot a homeless man for camping on public land and then sent a dog to bite his leg?
I'm sure they take it seriourly.

Poor wording. According to that statement, the Police go around killing people as well as doing other things.

>night of walking the town with my best nigs and my uncles pistol
>tell everyone to fuck off and they dont do shiet
>one pussy nigga calls the cops
>get ready to cross street with nigs
>one my nigs runs up and grabs me
>man fuck dis nigguh
>shoot at ground so he runs off like a bitch
>turn around and suddenly white man shootin me

dafuq bruh i was just playin on a nigga whys i gotta get shots huh shiiiiieeeeeeeet

Quality journalism.

This is why we need the ABC.

They are BLM Libcucks

>features images of fire trucks

>Come to Sup Forums
>Its just Non Americans shit posting about America

what's wrong fire truck? 'fraid someone gonna see you on the street and think you are a child killer?

You make it too easy, America.

And are you really surprised europeans are posting at european hours?

Liberals hate the police, they'd prefer a utopia where everyone's nice to each other. If only everyone would ascribe to liberalism, then there would never be any need for force.

Love how it's never good news when my state gets media attention.

>Cops kill Niggers
>Everyone think Cops are violent blood thirsty gunners

>US bombs Syria and Afghan
>Everyone keeps thinking we spent and built bombs in 2017 just to waste them

>Asian man refuses to get off Private Property
>Airlines painted as bad guys and Trumsp Muricca hur

>>Asian man refuses to get off Private Property
>>Airlines painted as bad guys and Trumsp Muricca hur
Even the airlines admit they used inappropriate amounts of force though

>pretending any niggers haven't done something to deserve being shot

you're not even bootlicking at this point, this is full on boot-deepthroating

oh right the cops just drive away right after and definitely don't detain and ask questions.

They just place a checkmark next to the box that says [X] Is a Worthless Street Nigger

The point is, the police fired without find out the situation. For all we know, the person pulled out a gun and shot because they had prior knowledge that the individual who jumped on their back was carrying a knife, and had threatened to use it on them. Being typical American cops, they just blew him/her away without even trying to find out what was happening.

The funny thing is i guarantee that every cop under 30 has owned a gta game.

the nigger opened fire into a fucking crowd of people. they don't need to see what happened or ask for details, they need to stop the guy firing at what may very well be innocent people

go ahead and ask Daquan if he was the good boy in that situation after he's already killed someone

every one of those shots hit the fucking pavement

>Pay for a service
>Get rekt when that service is denied
The airline was wrong and you're retarded

Dude was firing into a group of people and then pointed the gun at the cops instead of dropping it. Shooting him just raised the average iq of the area.

>it's reddit to point out that the fucking police department doesn't want to be painted -- even in jest -- as fucking crazed loonies?

Maybe if American police didn't act like trigger happy crazed loonies, people wouldn't think they were?

He was shooting a fucking gun into a crowd of people.

Please tell me what shithole 3rd world country you call home

obviously brazil

Thats because you can't make Beating up and dragging out a stubborn old man as anything but bad. It was his stupid fucking fault and the only way to remove him was with force.

Then every time these sjw politcal threads pop up you got these fucking retards with their "boot licking" posts. The fuck do you mean?
>Don't care if Cops kill Niggers who resist arrest and cause trouble
Boot Licker
>Like Trump
Boot Licker
>Respect that a company has contracts and rules and get mad at the faggot who broke the rules and refuses to comply

>Pay for service while following the Companies rules and contracts
>A rare situation happens and you have to comply with the rules and give up your seat because this is the risk you took
>Refuse and have a fit
>Have to be physically removed



This again proves that steam is a big mistake. 17 year old kids shouldn't be allowed to buy/play games on computers.

t. suspended airport security officer

If I was fired for doing my job do you think I would defend the company you fucking retard

Yes, I'm Brazilian. huehuehuehue


I'm honestly amazed you're capable of breathing on your own. You really should kill yourself.

Surely they can drag out an elderly man without smashing his head in first? There are degrees of force between britcuck and maximum amount of force possible

Yessir, but personally, the IPS workers driving around make me more nervous than cops. Nothing like a hodgepodge of former military/police in a private security firm that works all over the city.

Though there are lots of cops setting stops at food-chains and gas stations and shit looking to round up illegals. Supposedly, their numbers are at 80% capacity, but they sure are all over the fucking place

you sound 13 based on you shitty meme buzzwords. I'm surprised you couldn't manage to find a way to include cuck and liberal in your post. I mean there's a difference between supporting the cops and blindly trusting every single one of them. You can't deny that police brutality is a thing and that you should always be cautious as fuck around police, since some are just looking for an excuse to beat on you or shoot you.

Get out United shill, no one is this retarded

The funny thing is that corporate cucks who willingly become slaves like this fag exist

That they have to explain that out loud tells me that it apparently isn't the case.

>probably almost never
hahahah way to subtly backpedal.
"I know he's going to be able to cite examples of BLM supporters killing cops, so I'll say PROBABLY ALMOST so I can act like I'm still superior if he calls me out!"
You're a fucking faggot and you don't convince anybody.

No, what BLM accomplished was turning the entire US police force into another tool for the right wing. Now they have no reason to be bipartisan when one side is supporting them and the other side wants to see them abolished.

is Frank "pull the trigger on every nigger" Castle the greatest hero of all time?

they must be having a slow as fuck news day

>one side wants to see the fucking US police force abolished
what a fucking timeline we live in

>things that never happened

t. retarded libcuck lying and has never met an officer in his life

I never liked Dorner and so did a ton of other people here. I always thought he was an idiot and I always thought T.Martin was a dindu as well.

t. pussy bitchboy cuck bootlicker that would send flowers and chocolates as apologies to the station if he accidentally walked passed a pig and didnt give him a blowjob

Nah, more like I've always had a lot of respect for cops, always complied, became one, then worked my way up to detective.
Keep tipping your fedora though bitch boy.

keep cleaning cops dick lil snitching bootwashing bitch

I am a cop, retard.
Keep bitching about how you can't accomplish anything and it's all THE MAN'S fault commie fag