Hangin in there Sup Forums?

hangin in there Sup Forums?

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Also no, I'm not doing so hot user. My life is a mess.

You're late.

I gotta go to work in 2 hours and I haven't slept because I'm STILL on Sup Forums. You tell me.

Something like that.

It's nice to see that people are still posting Protomen on Sup Forums.

It's been years since I've heard this song. I tried to stay away from here but I couldn't.

right on cue OP
Im hanging in there. are you all hanging in there?
Lifes a mess, but its your mess. make the bsest off it

Hell yeah man.
Hey, no worries. Someone's gotta be here, right? We may be the only ones who can light up the night.

holy fuck this is beautiful

>just got student refunds
>don't want to spend it on shit but probably will

How do I get self-control anons? I feel bad because I doubt others spend their refunds on things.

Want Vs need.
Control your monkey brain.
we want quick outcomes, invest it. do something smart you could use in the future.
or dont!

I'm about to graduate in computer engineering from a program that focuses on hardware design. I can't find that kind of job though.
What should I do?

Move to another city.

Keep looking. Don't give up. thats all you can do.

whats getting you down user?

what's a good city to move to? i'm sick of california anyway.

I think I'm in love and it's horrible

please tell me not with 3D

>majoring in accounting
>still not sure if I'll even like it
>my sister who also took accounting got her first big job and fucking hates it which makes me uneasy
>sometimes wish I just learned a trade instead

at least accounting is a flexible degree, r-right?

Yep. It's my birthday and I'm playing video games.

today I got rejected by a girl I have been looking for years, I got me down by for 2 hours, then I realized that she isnt the only girl in the world, and that I have to be even better with myself, so I promised that I would give the best of me

like this?

do you have chance here or are you just some hunchback fantasizing from a distance

mean to reply to

I keep staying up until for playing Persona

I just lost interest in the only girl I've liked since high school

P5 only makes it worse by offering me perfect women i'll never meet someone like irl

can't wait to get an android wife in 2028...

How well did you do in those math courses? I have the same major but am blowing in the math area because I can't bring myself to do all of the work.

at least you're a cut above the other neets here, most people here can't even talk to guys

We've known eachother for like 4 months, first few months were great but after that she started to lose interest in me and I started thinking about her more
So yeah, no chance

>lost interest
Are you sure that you don't just need a way to spice things up like a vacation someplace? You could break up with her and end up regretting it.

I barely passed them with Cs. Took 2 years of calculus, differential equations, linear algebra and statistics. I never saw any of it again.

>Going to Graduate next month
>Have a bunch of difficult work coming up
>Haven't bothered looking for work and I have no experience what so ever in my field

Just fuck my shit up famalama

I'd imagine if they give you all those math courses you probably have to do math on the job.

I'm a 22 year old overweight NEET who's terrified of the outside world. My mother loves me but her boyfriend hates me and it's causing her a lot of stress, my uncle is dying of cancer, my grandma is losing her mind, and my father just got convicted of some stupid shit. Fuck everything



>Best friend and I both have feelings for each other
>He denies me because (insert generic I don't wanna lose you! excuse here)
>Friend is now distancing themselves away from me

I don't know user, I rejected a high school friend of mine who was pretty cute about 7.9/10, kissless, virgin and liked vidya because I wanted to date a chick who was younger than me that was into anime and cosplaying, she fucking dumped me after 3 months and I never talked to my friend again out of shame. Only now I realize what a fucking mistake my life is.

Playin L4D2 with RE Mods, got some Ramen and grape soda. Life is pretty good so far

Also i really wish Capcom would remake RE Outbreak.

Yeah I'm doing alright
probably should go to bed tho

>Frogposter is a gay faggot

Not surprised at all

>Only now I realize what a fucking mistake my life is.

how old are you?

Starting to realize this WORK GAME SLEEP EAT WORK GAME SLEEP EAT thing isn't that fulfilling. Life crisis, here I come.

What's it like to have friends bros?

I take them for granted and whine about how I don't have a gf

I have a couple good friends for years now. It's nice.

I'm a 22 year old NEET with family issues to, man. Shit sucks.
If possible, move the fuck out, it might seem like a huge pain but it's worth the feeling of freedom.

I haven't had friends since I was 8. It was pretty fun hanging out at their houses and having someone to play vidya with who wasn't online. Now I just have online friends and keep everyone at acquaintance level in person. I don't really get how to make adult friends.

I started to get a little out of shape after graduating because I spent too much time on the computer programing shit for college, it eventually got out of hand and I couldn't handle the stress, dropped out of college, went into art class and started jogging. Just start going outside, there's no other way around it. Look up places that interest you online and try to start hanging out there. I started with a tcg club and art class and got pretty far.

>hang out with weird kid out of pity
>he somehow thinks this makes me his best friend
>starts acting weird
>only knew him for 2 months and out of the blue he confesses his love for me
>I ain't even gay
>now I'm actively distancing myself

What's wrong with all these weirdos?

Learn a trade or whatever
Don't fall for the college meme unless that's where you excel

Love is a horrible, horrible infection. It starts as a little feeling in the pit of your stomach, and if allowed to grow, will completely consume you to the core. And if anything happens, either the person you love rejects you, gets with someone else, or if you manage to get with them and then later they break up with you, it utterly destroys you.

I wish I could tear away my emotions, but my .40 will have to do. Now I just need to find the courage to use it.

The only gays who feel good about themselves being gay are the ones who were molested as kids and embrace it.

>I haven't had friends since I was 8. It was pretty fun hanging out at their houses and having someone to play vidya with who wasn't online. Now I just have online friends and keep everyone at acquaintance level in person. I don't really get how to make adult friends.

Holy fuck, are you me? This is exactly my situation except this shit started at age 16 and not 8 for me

Everyone is scared man
That's why you get a small amount of respect for working.Those pressures will be your drive & you'll be better for it.


>4AM thread

even though its not 4AM im glad there are still a few heroes left on Sup Forums

>4am thread
>it's always at 1am
being a commiefornian sure has its perks, eh?

It's 4 AM in the best time zone.

I'm playing peacemaker and confidant to my little group of friends. They're admitting shit not too dissimilarly from you all, but every single day, and I have to just nod and smile and give them advice that I know they won't take.

It makes me want to die desu.

I don't know anymore. I used to have a group of good friends in real life but once I left town to go to university I haven't been able to make a real friend since. Not even sure how it happened, either.

Funny thing is I don't really long for the companionship more than I feel like there's something I'm missing out on.

>browse from Yurop
>4 AM threads hit at 10 AM
>already at work

These threads keep me sane.

I have temp work next month maybe, but between now and then are some bills like car registration I don't know how I'm going to pay, my microwave is fucked all I have left is rice and soy sauce. My friends moved down the coast and I've been 18 months without a proper job after finishing my diploma.

It's like I've just gotten in sight of the shore but I'm out of energy and about to drown before I get there.

Anyways i've been playing bayo and it's fun as hell

Started going downhill 2 years ago when I started pursuing art and noticed that no matter how hard I try some people will just be better than me because they've been practicing since they were kids and have "innate talent".
And I think I've developed a way too crude sense of humor that always gets people to laugh but probably makes me look like a cynical/no filter fag to them and that eventually scares them away.
I don't know what to do anymore, I keep trying to go to new places til I meet someone that genuinely enjoys spending time with me but I'm seeing no returns and it's turning into a vicious cycle by now.

The right side of my neck has been hurting a lot the past few days and it's really scaring me. I don't want to have to life with neck pain for the rest of my goddamn life.

>Killing yourself when we're so close to living the virtual reality dream

give it a chance at least, it might turn out better than expected

How is a NEET supposed to reintegrate into society and move out? More than just getting a job.

You were supposed to make friends in public school and keep them into college but I fell off the train early and can't catch up.

Degenerating crippling health makes it even harder to get back on my feet. Just need to be use to this life.

Love is great when you can express it, but when you have to hold it in it feels awful; basically like any other feeling you hold back.

That's why everyone says to find a career in something you love. Because you can do what you love everyday and don't have to worry about holding back or feeling miserable with ti.

Virtual reality aint happening any time soon but total societal breakdown is usually on the horizon. I live for the thought of being able to rove around the ruins of my city in spiked studs and a mohawk.
Same way you do when trying to move to a new place. Talk to people and lie when necessary to not look like you're a total loser.
The second something becomes your job it sucks. Not worth it, find something bearable and do hobbies on the side.

>start dating a girl
>she's alright, just way too negative and kind of a whiny feminist, the kind that thinks that it's chauvinistic when a guy pays for the date
>don't really like her and she's not really that attractive either
>end up having sex
>I feel nothing but an empty hole in my soul where satisfaction and happiness should be

Well that was fun

A job with stressful deadlines and a boss, yes. If it's just a career where it's you and your passion, no.


Nobody makes friends in college that stick around and there are very few high school friends that do as well. The general way of life is to meet someone you want to fuck, eventually get married and have kids, and then dedicated all your time to your family until you die.

Being a NEET is better

Thanks to post this user, I'm 23, NEET, genuinely able to go socialice but unwilling to, normal bodyweight, supporting and loving family, a bit unhealthy but knowing exactly how to shape up myself if needed or wanted.
I'm still tied to this kind of places by stubborness and loving to feel anger but rehab by abstinence is more or less easy to follow.

Two months left until I finish college and parents can finally kick me out of the house.

Didn't learn shit though so I'll probably get a job at McDonalds or a supermarket until I figure what to do with my life.

Making money online is probably my overall goal, so I'll look more into that. All in all it's pretty exciting since I finally get to break the monotonous routine I've held on for these past 4 years. (Cause there's no way I could do it by myself,and need outside circumstances to force me into it.)

>professor hasn't approved my topic for a paper
>due on the 19th
motherfucker just axe or approve it so I can start working
been fine otherwise, the term is almost over which means I have to pick a schedule soon
got a copy of gitaroo man but haven't gotten around to hooking up my PS2

I don't want you to be right, I want to be a normalfag. I want a boring life with a nice wife ina big house, not browsing /d/ for the most fucked up shit and getting disappointed so I go on other chans with more degenerate shit.
I want to shoot the shit with idiotic rednecks drinking beer not arguing with other neets on the internet over games I don't even like.
I want to look at a girl and think "she's hot, I'm gonna try to bang her" instead of thinking about what her armpits smell like and go home to fap to videos of sharking"

More or less. Classes are going pretty well, but the lack of social interaction is seriously killing me. It makes me not want to get out of bed some days.

Sometimes I wonder how other people do it.

Self employment just adds layers to the stress.

this is what im afraid of
was it worth it man?

>the kind that thinks that it's chauvinistic when a guy pays for the date

This is bullshit on so many levels, I tried to be kind paying for my ex's ride or chocolates and she treated me like if I insulting her.
I fucking wish I was a girl and had a boy actually pay for my shit, how do feminist brainwash people like that.

I'm just reading lots and lots of excuses so you guys don't get hurt by trying.

>im fat
>im neet
>im virgin
>I want to kill myself
>im antisocial

just excuses and more excuses

but have you ever tried at least once?
and I you have, why did you give up? dont you have like at least 30 more years to live on?

all this whining makes me want to throw up

>25 year old perma virgin wageslave
>living alone in flat
>in debt for the next 8 years or so
Hoping to sell all my shit around 40 or 50 to buy a one-way ticket to mars, helping build up a colony.

been NEET for the last 5 years (23 now) and i'm enrolling back in college in September.

my life is pretty gay right now, but i'm hoping this first step in the right direction will make things better.

wish me luck fags

Gitaroo Man is fantastic, man
Play that shit right now

I need to hang on or else life won't change.

There's a lot of distance between NEET and Normalfag, user. Find a happy medium where you're productive but not putting on a mask to who you really are.

easter is tomorrow and already dreading how to explain how im still a neet to relatives after 5 years

anyone else relate?

why are there so many NEETs on Sup Forums?

>the lack of social interaction is seriously killing me. It makes me not want to get out of bed some days.

Are you me? I feel the same somedays I just sleep the day away because I can't take it anymore and got no one to talk about it.

stop whining about whining

I know the feeling. I spend evenings on trash and wonder how I'd ever reconcile a normal life after having fapped to that god forsaken shit.

I actually already finished it on an emulator, but I just wanted a hard copy
probably one of my favorite games of all time

kill yourself you fucking loser faggot

The fact that she's not ugly per se and she invited herself to my house and got undressed on her own accord is a nice ego boost. And the sensation of lying in bed with a girl in your arms is absolutely great. So yes, it's not like I had any downside as a result of this, just some emotionless sex on my part.

I don't know man, it's not like I'm some frugal asshole either, I just like giving shit to people that I like because being generous is fun and I like making people happy. Then this girl comes along and she gets offended when I offer to pay for her taxi home because I earn 5 times the amount of money she does and there were no busses around when she wanted to go back home. It just kind of sucks.

good luck user

>be britbong
>only up at 9am if i've stayed up all night
It's basically the same

When you go full depravity, eventually your tastes will wrap back around into vanilla.

I know mine has.

Then beat Master's Play

>why are there so many NEETs....

>no irl mako