>Women make up 48% of gamers
Bullshit, I've never met a grill gamer IRL. Like really, it's beyond rare.
>Women make up 48% of gamers
Bullshit, I've never met a grill gamer IRL. Like really, it's beyond rare.
>implying you meet any girls IRL
It factors in MMOs and mobile games.
Misrepresenting data is a SJW/Sup Forumsfaggots best friend.
Has your mother ever played a mobile game? Then she's a gamer according to the studies that claim 48% of gamers are female.
There's your explanation.
>lumping in phone games with core games
Gamers includes people who play mobile games and casual pc stuff like the sims and wow.
That graph is fucking garbage.
Not because of the information on it but because the text isn't color-coded with the fucking graph.
The way it was surveyed was they asked if you had a console in your household and who is home during the day? Housewives
those stats count anyone who has ever played a video game, including extremely simple mobile time-wasters.
these surveys/studies always count facebook and phone games as videogames. some even count avatar-based chat room sites as well.
>Like really, it's beyond rare.
Maybe if you went out more often?
>girl, could you please answer this survey?
>have you ever played a videogame before?
>I might have
>have you ever watched someone play a video game before?
>I think so
>so, do you consider yourself a gamer?
>you are a video gamer! xD
I think this is why
Just like the gender wage gap, this is a myth fueled by biased studies. Then endlessly repeated by mindless people who just listen and believe.
It's not a misrepresentation of data, though, both are legit kind of games.
now subtract the data used for candy crush players
>Like really, it's beyond rare.
do you talk to other people? my guess is no
>passive aggressive female answers
Well, those are valid answers. Not to mention, a good deal of male player also answer yes to those question.
There are not only female who are casual. So it balance out anyway.
The girls gamers aren't outside retard. They are NEETs and maintained by their boyfriends, you won't ever find them.
1. It's not passive
2. I am male.
MMOs maybe, but mobile games and the like cater to completely different markets.
Now you're doing it on purpose.
Well, it's still part of the gaming market. And it's not like only women play it.
Many here seems to ignore how huge the female fanbase is for the Zelda games.
I'm a guy. But im sure youll find something to be upset about anyway.
Thats just like saying youtube videos are the same thing as movies.
Mobile gaming is gaming too :^)
Stop looking at the graph on the right.
>39% of game players are 36 and above.
This should tell you where the data is taken from.
They are the same thing as TV shorts.
but that's not nearly enough to sway the ratio to become 50% female for all games
I'm willing to believe half of video game player are women, but what these stats don't reflect is that the majority of women don't play the same games as the majority of men.
Playing mobile games shouldn't make someone a gamer. The same goes with playing only The Sims or World of Warcraft.
Well, of course.
They count playing farmville as being a gamer
MMOs I would say, sure, why not.
But most mobile games... They're very different kinds of games
It's like saying "this percentage of this group of people read literature" and then you count everyone who has read a children's picture book before.
And I'd be interested to see games divided this way in some survey. Among my friends and most people I know, there's no overlap. As in, if they play "hardcore" games, then they never play mobile games.
Is there a survey that divides games by genre and measures the demographics?
It was more to address the
> it's beyond rare.
in the OP comment, though.
It's not that huge.
It doesn't say "gamer" (by which I assume you think means someone who's a hobbyist), it says game player. As in, someone who just plays video games. Even one.
Literally why should anyone care about the definition of a "gamer"? If someone wants to dump people who play mobile games under that flag, let them. It literally has nothing to do with you or me.
No need to be elitists, there.
>The same goes with playing only The Sims or World of Warcraft.
Both are legit games.
>passive aggressive male answer
It is, when you consider how huge the Zelda Fanbase as whole is too.
20% of something very huge is still huge.
ITT: retards acting like playing games is a super sekrit club stuff
>Both are legit games
Yes but playing a single game doesn't not make a person a gamer. Do you disagree?
While you're technically correct, you're missing the context of why this data is produced: to convince businesses to pursue a certain direction in the market.
The way this is presented, it's saying to console/PC devs "you should totally cater to women because they're 48% of the gaming population!" and that's clearly not the case. Those that do find themselves falling down a 20-story flight of stairs until they break their necks on the hard reality of capitalism at the bottom. Pic related.
>calling out women posting gets them this irritated
>other 0.7%
>But most mobile games... They're very different kinds of games
They are still games.
>It's like saying "this percentage of this group of people read literature" and then you count everyone who has read a children's picture book before.
Technically true. I am quite certain most non-elitist book lover would consider it legit and would find great that kids to get into books.
See it that way. If those mobile games aren't really games, then you can't call Tetris a game either.
Since when has Sup Forums cares so much about the label "gamer"?
If you really think the amount of "casual" female gamers and "casual" male gamers is anywhere even remotely close to each other then you're just silly
It's not but there at least needs to be a standard when talking about what constitutes a person as a "gamer."
You're right but hey, that's the problem of companies who don't know how to make proper demographic research. Let them break their neck.
Why? It's a fucking label.
Playing games :)
They might be closer than you think. Casual games cater mostly to people who transits in public transportations and there is lots of male, there.
Well Zelda is one of the most casual games, especially they new BotW game. So Zelda games are on par with mobile games.
There's lots of girls in mmo, from married 40 year olds to 15 year old attention whores. Sims got a huge fembase too, especially the modding community.
Also know a girl personally who wrecks shit in quake 2, but is shit at any other vidya.
They count mobile games.
>both are legit kind of games
Yes, but the mobile gaming demographic doesn't really overlap with the rest of the gaming demographic. It's two very separate crowds in terms of pretty much everything about them.
Guys are just more hardcore with their video games.
no one is saying women dont play games, the issue is that half of those "gamers" are women
>Well Zelda is one of the most casual games
Fuck you.
>Zelda is one of the most casual games.
>casual games
Have you even played Link to the Past? That shit is not casual.
My normiebook feed is full of woman asking me to play Farmville clone No325
>Every product advertised as gamer related (razer etc) is for PC or consoles
>Basically nothing for mobile unless you dig for it
>But women make up 48% of ALL these platforms, it's the same market and target audience :^)
Better make changes to PC and Console games so it fits the new amazing revelation of women in gaming. Gotta stay inclusive.
>Yes, but the mobile gaming demographic doesn't really overlap with the rest of the gaming demographic.
But you could say the same about most game genre.
People who enjoy Point and Click tend to not so much overlap with Doom-like games.
So how do YOU define "a gamer"?
It's true, though.
Fat, ugly and pathetic neet
Pretty good
no shit, mobile games are the most trackable.
pirated games, obscure chink freeware, etc.. are not included.
i doubt steam is even included in that graph.
50% of 'women' through identity
That's like saying every person who can drive a car is a professional racer.
And that's the entire point of misrepensation of data, to take a sweeping generalization and present it as fact.
Aren't most SJW girls fat ugly pathetic neet?
someone who plays video games as a hobby or more
This is my problem. Most people see gamers as a bunch of pathetic losers. That is how American society sees gamers and I find it fucking bullshit. I cannot tell people that I have a passion for video games because society tells people that I am a low life. I don't want to hide my hobby, fuck that.
>That's like saying every person who can drive a car is a professional racer.
Should have said "gearhead," as there's already a word in English for "car enthusiast"
That's fucking stupid analogy. None of us in this thread are professional video game players either.
>That's like saying every person who can drive a car is a professional racer.
Uh, no. Not at all.
You know professional gamers is a thing, right?
If the requirement to be a gamer is to be a professional gamer, then I am ready to bet none of us in this thread are.
Maybe, but you don't have to automatically play vidya if you're the rest
>Bullshit, I've never met a grill gamer IRL
That's because they're hanging out in their caves, user
it's just too deep for them
but i meet plenty of vidya bros outside of their "caves", or even just online.
If a woman played candy crush once while taking a dump she is part of this statistic.
Maybe they think gamers are a bunch of pathetic bitter manchildren with severe issues because, you know, they are?
Hasn't Sup Forums taught you anything about us?
Point #2: Esports is seen as a joke in the USA.
This. Not everyone who eats food is a foodie but people who have food as a hobby are.
>That's like saying every person who can drive a car is a professional racer.
No, just a driver
Much like the graph says 'game players', not 'professional game player'
The thing that puzzles me about these is their point. Everyone who reads through these studies or reports will find that the methodology is complete trash, making the results completely worthless to everyone. Some of them basically ask if you've played any video game in the past month, and go nowhere beyond that. It's like asking if you've watched the TV for any amount of time in the past month, and then make the conclusion that men and women watch TV the same amount.
The results are completely useless for market research. They don't tell you genre preferences by gender, how much people actually play games, etc. The results are also uninteresting, because it feels like the people doing the studies or reports seem to have their conclusion before they even started, and try to fit the methodology and data analysis to that.
The thing I want to know is, who pays for this shit?
>maintained by their boyfriends, you won't ever find them.
But how did the boyfriend find them in the first place HMMMMMMMM?
Your move athiest.
They're just pretending
>not sex
There's your problem.
Cow-clickers on facebook and smartphones are considered games.
they muster the effort to find a hubby so that they can be neet gamers for the rest of their life. Living the dream.
High school. They get dragged out like everyone else.
Yes, it is. The data says "women play games", but the interpretation is "console/pc games hence need to cater to them", even though the data says "mobile games need to cater to them".
Misinformation then. So there's a POSSIBILITY that the amount of actual female gamers is even less than 48%?
We have been over this. It was done by direct polling and it did not discriminate against the type of game. Many women lied because it is popular for girls to say they game and many of the women that didn't like consider farmville a game.