Mass Effect 1

What class should I pick? Any general tips?

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pick whatever sounds fun to you, and dive right in. its a pretty straightforward game.

>playing dudebro garbage

If you wanna min/max Adept or Vanguard.

Adept is OP damage and CC.
Vanguard is OP biotic and tech barrier.

Gunplay is horrible in ME1 so try and go for a shotgun or a good pistol for least weight for fastest ability recharge.

More importantly, Garrus & Wrex should be your squadmates always.


Can I fuck the blue alien?



>not garrus and ashley

One is a bro the other is your ho

You can fuck multiple blue aliens

And I think we can all agree here: soldier is for plebs

If you plan on continuing the trilogy definitely vanguard. He becomes pure fun in later games when he gets the charge ability

Vanguard is fun if you like rushing enemies with shotguns and throwing them around with space magic

All classes are good, and despite ps3 generation complaining about combat, you can still have fun
If you want to continue skip 2 and go straight for 3

Engineer is the patricians choice

the magic dude, adept or whatever. don't fall for the soldier meme

Solder is fine if you don't want to press 1-4 and focus on shooting stuff more.

Vanguard is damn fun but gets repetitive fast and takes any challenge out of the game. Play if if you want to punch things.

Adept is fun but eh. I've just never found the actual abilities to be that fun yo use.

Infiltrator is okay. Nothing amazing, but nothing really bad either.

>not switching it up for maximum party banter


vanguard is the optimal choice for every game

>fucking invincible in ME1
>Biotic Charge breaks up the whackamole cover shooting in ME2
>BIOTIC PUNCH in ME3 is fucking rad

>60 percent of people played Soldier in ME3

For what purpose? Without powers ME is a pretty generic TPS.

She will be all over you regardless and whether you're male or female Shepard. Fucking Liara is like crabs.

With powers ME is a pretty generic TPS with WoW abilities.

Well apart from Vanguard.

I have never played this game despite trying to start it at least twice. Why is that? Does the game suck?

I guess it's because me2 removed any fun from skills and added cancer like "You can't attack enemy with shield or armor" and cooldowns
So no one wanted to take risks with 3

Biotic Charge and Invisibility Cloak were pretty rad.

Vanguardddddddd till the day I fucking die! Nothing feels better than walking into a room and making the entire room levitate at my will. This mixed with shotgun and pistol makes for incredible amount of fun. When you get the best shotgun and pistol in the game you can find the perfect upgrades so your weapon never overheats but also does ridiculous amounts of damage.

Levitating the biggest enemies in the game and then blasting them into orbit with your shotgun or using double throw biotic is probably one of the most satisfying feelings I've ever had in a game.

Also don't listen to what these faggots are saying. Playing biotic in mass effect 2 feels like they just want you to play soldier. They completely nerfed your powers to the point where there isn't even a point in using them.

Just play ME1 4 or 5 times over until you hit level 60 and have everything crazy maxed out.

>If you want to continue skip 2 and go straight for 3
For your own good OP, ignore this opinion

>2 has shit story and shit gameplay
>3 has shit story and decent gameplay
If op isn't teenager he wouldn't give a fuck about "muh dark heroes saving galaxy in backround suicide mission" bullshit

Vanguard repetitive and pretty shit
Infiltrator was good its the sniper.
Adept is very good in Me3 not sure how it would hold up in Me1 without combos.

Mass effect 2 has some of the worst gameplay I've ever experienced. The environments were dull and small compared to mass effect 1. And they removed insane amount of options you had in ME1 with regards to weapon types and upgrades. Also barely anything carries over from 1 to 2. They pretty much clean the slate

>not leaving ashley to be nuked
no place for thots on my ship

>What class should I pick?

>Any general tips?
Avoid 2 and 3, well 2 okay-ish but avoid 3, can't speak about Andromeda.
Also, have fun.

Shotgun or pistol??? Pah, weaksauce!

Glorious Frictionless Materials X + Inferno Rounds Assault Rifle Master Race!!!

>playing mass effect 1
Kek just skip straight ahead to andromada. Has much better grahpics gameplay and story elements. Enjoy your shitty combat...

When on Noveria(main mission story planet) save before any elevator ride. It's the buggiest level in the game. Not only resource heavy but sometimes the game forgets to give back control after the elevator ride.


Almost forgot. If you bring Liara there and she has singularity, put your teammates powers to command only when you get to final boss. Let's just say that area wasn't designed for that power..

t.op stay mad that i play games superior to yours. X >> kil yourself

Forgot pic

>baiting this hard

lol, I remeber

Here's a very important thing to remember:

>It seems all roads lead to Gran Soren

I went for the Vanguard guys and I want to specialize in shotguns but I've just gained a level and I can't add points to shotgun proficiency. I suppose I have to level up pistol first?

Any class with the Immunity skill completely breaks the game.

Oh, you can do it yourself as well, huh?

Literally started replaying this a couple of days ago because my gpu died on me.
Soldier class are the easiest but also the most boring, they sort of play themselves.
Vanguard or Adept are the most fun and have insane amounts of CC and damage once you reach somewhere around level 30, they'll be somewhat weak before you get your skills leveled though.
All the weapon types are good, unless you are playing on the harder difficulties you can't really go wrong. Go get wrex and tali, hands down the best companions.

Yes you have to put a few points into pistols first

Yeah, you can go shotguns as soon as you get that special skill in pistols iirc. If you go all the way to shotguns, in the endgame you'll be literally able to snipe with them, even more ebin if you pick the upgrades that make it heat up faster but deal way more damage.
Don't be afraid to use your pistol, it's really good with it's usable skill thingy, at least until your shotgun cools off

yes, happend to me on accident twice

Remember to use your skills efficently. You'll get most of your damage from improved weapons anyway, the weapon skills aren't super important early on. Lift is the most important skill, get it asap. Throw and Warp are also really handy to have but no need to max them out right away.


Soldier and use Ashley and Wrex.


Adept master race. Other classes are boring shit that gets improved in later games.
Engineer is okay-ish, though.

>barely anything carries over from 1 to 2
Holy shit this is so wrong. Did you even play the game?

Dude nothing carries over. Go ahead and name some trivial shit

For every ME game the answer is always Vanguard.


Who do I use after I kill Ashley?


before AND after, that is

Anything but soldier. Soldier is boring

Nice try, EA

You can actuallybdisable thecretarded "shields block magic" shit in 2 by editing the coalesced.ini. makes the game a 100 times more fun.
Unfortunately this doesn't work in 3 anymore, but nova is OP anyways.

Vanguard is how the game is best played. Charge in, fuck enemies up at close range, feel fucking powerful once you grasp the game mechanics.

Soldier is the 'default' way to play, choose this if you care more about story than gameplay. Shoot enemies at range from behind cover. Shitty Gears clone.

>Dude nothing carries over.
This is blatantly wrong.
>Go ahead and name some trivial shit
Wrex dying in ME1 makes the Krogan act like assholes in ME2, and completely locks you out of the good ending for the Krogan in ME3. Just like Tali dying in ME2 locks you out of the peace ending for Rannoch in ME3.

Why does everyone kill ashley? I did too

>And they removed insane amount of options you had in ME1 with regards to weapon types and upgrades.
Thank fucking god for that.

I keep Ashley around because Kaidan is even worse.

This. I could never stand stand Kaidan, he's even worse than Jacob imo

Why would you play an RPG if you don't like customizing your shit?
People like you are such shit for brains.

This and only this, every other option is just pointlessly making the game harder than it has to be.

Infiltrator does the most max-retard DPS between Incinerate and Assassinate.

There was no customization, all those upgrades were strictly linear. There was just so many of them that it was a huge hassle.

When you get 100 kills with a weapon, you can start a new game and have said weapon on any class.

My preference was to get Assault Rifle on Biotic.

>Playing through ME1 more than once
No thanks

Nice shitpost but all you have to do is get 100 kills. It has nothing to do with playing through the entire game.

Also, ME1 is literally the best ME game.

No they weren't you illiterate.
Of course incendiary rounds III was a vertical upgrade to II, but photon/radioactive/cryo rounds and so on were a horizontal progression you could suit to your playstyle.
It also encouraged you to actually prepare, by equpiing specific upgrades whether you were fighting organics or synthetics.

If you brainlets can't handke RPGs go and play GoW or some shit and don't drag actually RPGs down to your level.

>When achievements give you ingame bonus
Man ME 1 is fucking neat.

>don't drag actually RPGs down to your level
It's a little late for that.

But all those side-mods were junk. The only ones that ever mattered were the +x% damage to your target (and arguably stability for sniper rifles).
Armor was a toss up between health regen and bonus shields.

You might have had a point of the other ones were worth a damn, but you really had very few choices.

>tfw just spent a week playing ME1 non stop because i wanted to get every achievement for it
I bought it back when it a 360 exclusive, so it has a special place in my stupid autistic heart. Feels good man

>Garrus and Wrex
>Liara Romance
>Easy Mode

Get ready for maximum comfort and Sci-Fi exploration. Renegade Shepard if you want to hear some hilarious dialogue.

>choosing kaiden "stick it in my ass" alanko

jokes on you, i locked him in the closet and went out with Garrus and Wrex

>Liara a cute, but don't like her voice
>Tali a cute voice but don't like the masked face and muslim symbolism
>Ashley is an annoying cunt
>Wrex perfect in every way
LITERALLY WHY did they not make best character a romance option? My only incentive to play as femshep would be to get knocked up by 4 testicles worth of krogan spunk.

I still use one of the exclusive achievement gamerpics

I liked ME2 because although it's basically a filler sequel with no relation with the real threat, all the side-quest, loyalty quest, and recruit missions built the in-lore world

not to mention that dialogue and writing peaked there

>get knocked up by 4 testicles worth of krogan spunk
I didn't expect things to get so lewd so fast

>knocked up by 4 testicles worth of krogan spunk
>knocked up

>muslim symbolism
They're space gypsies, redneck.

>i just told saren to kill himself
>he actually did it! absolute mad man!

it moments like these that made the game fun. to bad they removed alot of it in mass effect 3.

Male paragon soldier is the canon.

who gives a fuck whats "canon" bioware sure dont.

renegade is alot more fun to play as.

speaking of paragon/renegade, use the glitch in noveria with the turain to get unlimited paragon/renegade points so you can say and do whatever you want.

did Bioware remove Lift because it was too OP? Singularity is just as OP, although Lift has longer duration and really effective against bosses.
Fem shep is canon:)

>Drew Karpyshyn's great world building
>Mac Walters great character development
ME2 had (mostly) great writing because they worked together and played to their individual strengths. Shame EA fucked it all up by kicking Drew to the curb for ME3.

Bioware removed fun after first ME
>ME2 had great writing
My sides
World building was shit
Characters were shit
There nothing good about ME2, it was shitty spinoff

left still in ME2 but its worthless. dont play an Adept in 2/3 op. the destroyed the class. vanguard is were its at.

reminder that romancing liara in me1-3 is the best romance in the series