Was banning chibi the right thing to do?

Was banning chibi the right thing to do?

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What's next for Chibi's gaming career?

He was using ocarina cheats so naturally.

Competitive fighting game player social status > Competitive speed runner social status

>tfw we'll never experience chibi's autism at a GDQ again

I liked when he jump almost as much as when he should been quiet

No. He's a victim of vicious stream trolls. He's done nothing wrong.

You won't experience anything remotely entertaining at GDQ again because all the fun as been siphoned out of the event.

What's so special about That jump?

eceleb cancer

Who was he in yookalaylee?

We must be patient

I would really prefer you be quiet

I dunno, but he liked it.

he didnt qualify :(

>calling chibi a eceleb

Haha he doesn't know

he changed his name again to aquana and still tries to make it on twitch even though he only gets 10 viewers average because people only watched him for memes

>check his twitter
>chibi contemplating suicide again
how do we save him bros



>haha he doesn't know about the autistic faggot we post multiple times a day and have been for years
I wish I didn't know but you fags won't stop mentioning that he was autistic at a convention for the 9000th time.

i-is he dating a trap?

Damn you're right

Will he do it? He shouldn't

He looks like a registered sex offender


What's an Aquana? Like an iguana?

Seeing that actually made me sad and I'm not sure why.

GDQ should know the only reason people watch it is for the tasbot speedruns and the autism. You get rid of the autism and you get like a half hour gap worth watching every GQD.

And instead of telling the creep to back off they just recorded him

She (Male) actually broke up with him after She (Male) got doxed by /srg/

Vaporeon in German Pokemon is Aquana

He reminds of those pedophiles or just plain adult male in hentai doujins.
>The reaction of the people in the background
Fucking nips

>Oh man I got into a shitty situation through no-one's fault but my own
>Time to burden other people with my emotional baggage instead of getting off my ass and fixing the situation

He should just fucking kill himself already.

GDQ is eventually gonna run out of steam
how many times can they expect people to watch speedruns of games that have been ran time and time again with little difference

what is chibi banned from exactly? i know he was banned from speedrunning paper mario ttyd in its gay little online clique, but wasn't that just temporary? he should have been shunned outright by the entire speedrunning community permnanently for all the stupid bullshit he's done over the years, but for whatever reason they let him leech.

Chibi should just stop being a streamer and not interact with people. He wants friends and people to accept him but it just won't happen. Just walk down the path of loneliness. He already has a waifu so all he needs to do is become even more delusional and accept 2D as superior.


Chibi to a Pokemon.

He's living a dream.

>Gais y bully ;-;
>Gais no one likes me. Me kill now x_x
Why is he so emo? Shit, he could've use the time to contemplate for his life instead of posting all that shit for attention.

He's ranting about it on twitter. How more obvious can an attention whore be?

>ranting about life on twitter

>it's a 'speedruns are boring to watch so let's blame GDQ even though they haven't changed anything' episode
you faggots will tinfoil hat anything.

speedrunners are faggots. the only cool one is the guy playing goldeneye who went on a rant about how degenerate speedrunning is lmao!!!


people with pokemon names are always hipster douches, and i'm content with this statement for this faggot in particular.

It seems like the biggest losers always like vaporeon.

Just look at /vp/

Goose is a 27 year old sociopathic NEET who lives in his parents basement and eats his own boogers. Why would anyone care what he has to say about anything?

i dunno boogers are delicious. makes a great binder in baking, too.

Goose is based and runs the comfiest streams and is one of the few self aware speedrunners, he's great.

i'm willing to bet like 70% of the population eats their own boogers, he just got caught doin it lol

i eat my own boogers nigga yea thas right and its HEALTHY too fuck u

I used to lick my snot when I had a runny nose, but I never actually ate my boogers.

My mom told me it was fucking disgusting when I was like 7 though so I haven't done it since.

What's with these ecelebs being whiny depressed emos?

Because the kind of people who seek out that kind of attention are already prone to being depressed and whiny. If you're so desperate for attention you turn to the internet you've probably already got some issues.

looks like jwong was coaching her. I'd let jwong fuck me if he'd be my coach.

what the fuck, no.

don't casually drop other people down to your level with a "im sure everyone does it lol". you're disgusting.

>But on the other hand...maybe it wouldn't be so bad.
Typing an ellipsis to put a pause in how your tweet is read so that it sounds more emotional is the gayest shit I've seen this week, and I live in the second gayest place in California.

>play competitively in a relatively small and tight-knit community, stream it for money
>cheat in a way that you can come close to breaking the world record, something people puts thousands of hours into trying to do legitimately
>wonder why you're despised
really erodes the myelin

The proper way to deal with a booger is to form a nose drill out of tissue and drill those fuckers out of there. Then you throw the booger-encrusted tissue at someone you dislike.

epic. simply EPIC post.

>I'm not strong. I'm a frail broken man that is desperate for acceptance and friendship
So instead of having some people think he's strong, he wants everyone to know he's actually emo?

For what purpose?

attention. Obviously.

>tfw chibi has a gf and you dont

foolish frogposter.


Is it really a dude, or just memes?

Can someone bring me up to speed here? Who is this guy and why should I care?

>Who is this guy

>why should I care?
He liked that jump

That's his sister, right?

No, it's mine.

/srg/ is the most pathetic general I have ever seen

Realistically he should

Please explain I missed this shit

HAD. That girl/dude left him like 2 weeks after they started dating, it was pretty pathetic.

>self aware
lmao, now that's a good meme.

I would really prefer if you would be quiet.

kill him and he wont feel suicidal ever again

Mate you are forbidden to say anything because it might "hurt" someone. It's dead silent except the "my grandpa died of cancer" donnation comment and the following clapping.

>you are forbidden to say anything because it might "hurt" someone
You know that saying things doesn't just make it come true, right?

The GDQ rules literally haven't changed at all since the beginning and nobody is ever able to demonstrate otherwise when I ask them to substantiate their shit.

They banned bonesaw for having too much fun

They apologized to the airline he complained about during his run to save face. The airline responded with "Wait, what? We haven't heard anything. What are you talking about?"

They're incredibly self-important for no reason.

No, they temporarily banned him from submitting runs for 1 year (he was still allowed to attend and couch) for repeatedly breaking rules after being repeatedly being asked to stop breaking the rules.

Nobody has ever been banned for having fun. Only 5 or so people have ever been permanently banned from the event, and only 1 of those was a runner (the "I'm going to murder everyone" autist).

GDQ LLC were contacted by Air Canada outside of twitter. You don't seriously believe the people who run the twitter are an authority in the company do you?

>yfw it's real

Stop making fun of Chibi.

Like, right fucking now. Just stop.

Blood will be on your hands, Sup Forums.

>woman drives her autistic brother to his favorite video game event

>I have only caused people suffering and anger

That's wrong. The tombi 2 run was one of the funniest things of 2016.

Even people defending GDQ don't know anything about GDQ being contaced outside of Twitter. Probably because it never happened.

I was personally contacted by the CEO of Air Canada by phone because I have private contact with him, and he told me that he personally dislikes Bonesaw and wanted him off the screen for future events. So they struck a deal behind the scenes.

See how easy it is to make claims without anything possibly showing the validity of the statement? I could make up anything at all.

AHHHHHHHH mate i thought i was the only one wtf

>>autistic woman drives her autistic brother to his favorite autistic video game event


I hope Cosmo speedruns Breath of the Wild at AGDQ 2018

the only things cosmo runs now is from his past

They're a married couple

Look up Sam and Tolki.

>woman cheats on you in a gangland
>marry her

We're approaching cuck levels that shouldn't even be possible.










Cosmo is currently running Female (Male) Gender Soy% category.


>See how easy it is to make claims without anything possibly showing the validity of the statement? I could make up anything at all.
You mean like how people keep making things up about how the rules have changed to disallow fun when in reality they've been using the same rules for the entirety of the existence of the event?

Nobody has ever been able to demonstrate that the rules have actually changed, it's all conjecture and tinfoil hattery.

Suicide is kind of a sad thing afterall

I thought he was running in the New Gender+ category.

Imagine finding out one of your friends fucked your wife at a speedrunning marathon, then wrote an open letter to you for everyone else to see: pastebin.com/6JmhEriM


No he wasn't, it was a levitate code for paper mario ttyd
Also he isn't banned, he submitted (and I think got in) a run to sgdq.