>persona 5 shipped over 1.5m copies early on PS
>smt 4 shipped only 600k copies on 3DS
>next smt game is still nintendo exclusive
Why don't they understand business well? Do they hate money?
>persona 5 shipped over 1.5m copies early on PS
>smt 4 shipped only 600k copies on 3DS
>next smt game is still nintendo exclusive
Why don't they understand business well? Do they hate money?
Persona and SMT are two very separate series
>next smt game is still nintendo exclusive
Gonna need a source on that unless you're only talking about the strange journey remaster
>>next smt game is still nintendo exclusive
It's not
Thing is, you can't explain this difference by one game being "Nintendo" and the other one "Sony".
It's just that Persona sells better than SMT.
And it looks like the next SMT won't be a Switch exclusive.
Persona is the better series anyway and atlus knows it too which is why it's gotten full console releases for 3, 4 and 5 whereas mainline has been stuck on handhelds for the past 10+ years apart from that really horrible wiiu fire emblem crossover
I hope Sega will use the profits to fund some actually worthwile games
>a power point done by fans at a con counts as an announcement
Literally no other source has stated that the SMT HD project is on anything but the Switch yet. There'd be something in Japan confirming it on the another console before some random super small event in America.
I mean, I bet is it on the PS4 but that hasn't actually been announced yet.
Tbh I don't mind at all, I am surprising see how much more I am enjoying P5 to BotW, and that game already blew my expectations out of the water, but at least once a day I think I can go take P5 with me to somewhere else in the house but then I remember it's on the PS4.
Atlus always hedges its bets the safest way possible, on the most popular machine. I would be really surprised if it didn't come out on the PS4 as well if it's being built for the Switch. If they are going to break off from handhelds again and invest more money; there is no way it's going to be Switch only. Atlus does not take risks anymore.
>invest more money
they are not going to invest more money
Persona 5 was their expensive game yet and that only had like 80 people working on it.
that is a fucking tiny team for a game of that size.
SMT5 is going to be way smaller than that
Don't worry about it, we just have to leave to the PCbros to start a petition for us.
>no new Devil Summoner game
Persona has wider appeal
I mean invest more money than a handheld SMT would cost to make
>PC-ucks is now censored to PCbros
Welp, it's over, Sup Forums is officially dead.
>Persona cows still down realize they're being milked to make the actual good games
>I can't screech and name call like an autistic little kid, this site is dead!
All Atlus games appeal to the same people: Japanese highschool loners, otakus and western weebs.
Except SMT is designed for hardcore gamers which exist mostly on Nintendo consoles only.
Persona is dumbed down for casual gamers who rather play a dating sim than an actual RPG.
>newfags think word filters means Sup Forums is dead
When will they learn?
>SMT5 is going to be way smaller than that
did atlus announce something and I somehow missed it?
No, but Persona has been their main focus and main cashcow since like a decade. They are not suddenly going to put money into mainline even though it has sold worse than Persona for the last 10 years.
What about the 50 DNT games during the ps2 lifespan? Only reason it is 3ds is due to low expectations for production values. They can make it for super cheap compared to what people expect on ps4
I wouldn't be surprised if SMT IV's budget was half of Persona 5's
I wish nintendo had hardcore gamers.
Half? Try a tenth.
>comparing sales of waifubait garbage aimed at edgy teenagers and niche RPG for strictly mature audience
Do you think P5 had a huge budget? All of their games are similar, 50 hour long JRPGs with different point of views. SMT 5 will have the same graphics quality, will be about as long as P5 and maybe will have Meguro the Hack as the musician. The fuck are you on about?
Nigga who gives a fuck about smt anymore
Let's meet halfway and say a quarter.
Cry us a river sonybro.
>next smt game is still nintendo exclusive
Pro-tip: this has never been confirmed. It's likely that it will be Nintendo exclusive, but the only thing we know is that they showed a teaser at a Nintendo event, but no mention of exclusivity.
>one just needs a couple of 3D models and can mostly reuse sprites
>doesn't have that much voice acting either
>the other one has to pretty much re-do every single demon in HD and has voices out of the ass
You don't say.
You know its gonna be though.
>persona 5 is edgy but not SMT 4
You sure showed him shitsonakek.
>Do they hate money?
Yes if t interferes with samurai honor. They rather not release P5 on xbox throwing away money.
>Except SMT is designed for hardcore gamers which exist mostly on Nintendo consoles only.
LMAO. More like Nintendo's target fanbase consists of 6 year old children and probably has the least "hardcore gamers" of any platform. PC definitely has the most.
Atlus is pretty retarded in that aspect 2bh, every other jap dev already realised that you need to go multiplatform.
sony pony butthurt because game is exclusive.
really make you think
>Do you think P5 had a huge budget?
Compared to all of their previous games?
Yeah. Compare Persona 5 to SMT IV.
One had over 200 new 3D models for demons, the other one reused the same 2d sprites they used since fucking forever.
One has more or less full 3d cutscenes, the other one has visual novel style cutscenes.
If they put this much more effort into Persona 5 than in SMT IV, why would it suddenly be different for SMT V?
I mean the only reason Persona 5 also came out on PS3 was because that platform is a lot cheaper to produce for than the PS4. Atlus are serious cheapskates and aren't going to put money into something they aren't sure is going to sell.
But I don't want to buy another shitty Nintendo console for like half a dozen games during its entire lifespan. I bought a Wii U for Bayo 2 and regret it to this day...
>If they put this much more effort into Persona 5 than in SMT IV, why would it suddenly be different for SMT V?
Chances are they're just going to recycle the Persona 5 assets for SMT V, Nocturne-style.
So Persona 5 was a PS3 game that also got a PS4 release.
Is it a safe bet that any future 3D SMT games that release on a Sony console will also release on both the PS3 and PS4? Ideally they release on those two and the Switch. I'd rather the games be on more platforms than less.
That's implying SMT is HALF as popular as Persona
I dunno, allying with demons in an attempt to kill god in the name of chaos seems more edgy than dressing like masked thieves in 1930's comic books
Nah, the PS3 is dead and Persona 5 is its last significant release.
>If they put this much more effort into Persona 5 than in SMT IV, why would it suddenly be different for SMT V?
Because it's on a home console, not a handheld. Atlus operate on small budgets for all of their games. If you want to compare IV to a Persona game try 4G.
PS3 is dead, Switch/PS4 is likely. If the Switch succeeds, Switch/PS4 will be the new Vita/PS4 for developers.
Same reason why Capcom refuses to leave 3DS
they want to keep reusing those assets
>I mean the only reason Persona 5 also came out on PS3 was because that platform is a lot cheaper to produce for than the PS4. Atlus are serious cheapskates and aren't going to put money into something they aren't sure is going to sell.
Persona 5 is a PS3 game.
PS4 version is the port of that.
I tried the smt game on the 3ds and it sucked. Its just persona but without interesting story or characters.
Persona will always be the best jrpg because it takes the good from the smt gameplay but gives you more things besides just gameplay and combat. The beauty of is it that you can pretty much pick and choose when you want to play or when you want to advance the story. Ninten cucks can keep smt, im more than fine with persona.
>Persona will always be the best jrpg
Uh...well ok then
Atlus knows persona is the only modern jrpg series worth anything and thats why they milk it like fuck. The only reason the garbage ass vita went anywhere was because of a port of persona 4 and i guess having persona 3 on the same system too.
I couldn't fathom having taste this terrible.
>low budget entry sold on popular handheld sells reasonably compared to new asset money maker
So.... The problem?
>hating the dark souls of persona