why are people so mean in online games?
Why are people so mean in online games?
Other urls found in this thread:
because you SUCK at VIDEO games
Fucking pedo poster
no one here actually attacks people personally right?
you just make fun of them for playing bad and aggravate them right?
I go out of my way to personaly attack people I am upset with going so far as to googling their username and finding their other accounts
Sometimes I'll find someone's facebook through this and I'll fuck with them and their friends/family
I got one guys gf to break up with him because I faked screenshota and made an alt account as a female making it seem like he cheated on her
i don't know... i guess it's because people are mean in real life...
but maybe it's because the game itself? a competitive environment breeds competitive behavior.
and thus, a game which fosters relationships with other people by rewarding players for acts of friendship can create a better community as a result :)
Things that never happened for 1000
I'm a psychopath ive done it to like 15 guys
No you're an autist
How do I make friends in online games?
be good at games and talk a lot and make funny quips.
But what if I'm not good at games, don't like talking, and aren't funny?
Just be yourself :^)
Most gamers are frustrated virgins who need to vent.
get better at one of those.
would you want to be friends with someone who can't even try?
been awhile since i seen a video this autistic thanks
DSP being trolled is the opus magnum of humanity
it's still funny to imagine
be nice
Because you keep making this reverse psychology thread in hopes that someone is going to come and bully you because you like being bullied.
Wrong. Social media has proven that people are more than willing to be assholes even if their name and face is attached to everything they say.
The real reason is physical distance and knowing that the other guy can't punch you.
>play dota
>everyone on my team is a meanie
everyone is a meanie because you are so cute and fragile user
Just mute everyone and pretend you're playing with erratic bots. Guaranteed improvement
>someone starts talking at you
>just emote and run away
Is this the thread where everybody roleplays as sad anime girls with no friends and I get them to post their steam and befriend them with light bullying until they wear cute clothes for me and show me their ass?
I'll let you be my friend but only if you know how to suck dick.
>tfw meanie that doesn't like being a meanie but needs to justify the countless hours spent playing the game
Can I belittle you and stretch your boipucci? Why am asking? Just give me your email you weak faggot.
because you're a fucking faggot
Because it feels good to bully cute shy girls.
gay thread
gay board