We post characters that require no skill
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>smash face buttons to breakdance :^)
Only the worst of scum use this piece of shit
This is what happens when you make a game so focused on aggression that only the most suffocating zoning and keep away can handle it. Every character has a way to get around a fireball, but his booms are so quick to recover compared to every other fireball that hardly any of them work on reaction. If they were not so fucking desperate to have everyone GO IN GO IN GO IN maybe we could have anything resembling a zoning game. You could tone down Guile, Ryu could do things outside of stubby chains into forward dashes, Chun would be good without her bullshit instant air legs. I don't hate Cammy, but I hate that she embodies the spirit of SFV.
I thought gief was trash?
Not in season 2
How do we fix SFV
At this point it can't be fixed. Just wait for SF6 or MvCI.
Will this be the last hope for fighting games
Booms are the least safe they've been in the series and entirely punishable.
if you play this character you are a boring tryhard cunt
Akira is known for being a cheap piece of shit character who gets away with an all safe moves.
Literally no skill to play, just spam elbow and low punch
Must not take bait
Its not bait. I'm platinum rank. What are you?
Gief is trash, but he's very gimmicky because he can't get in at all in most cases, but if he ever does he gets a free grab.
This is made worse by the fact after a grab you can either
>Oh boy! SPD again!
>St.LP in case they jump -> leading into an SPD
Mind you, even with all this Laura does everything gief does ten times safer and more consistently + more.
If your platinum u should not be getting punished for sonic boom
He's not wrong. Have you ever played any iteration of SF4?
increase walkspeed to discourage reckless dashing and jumping
input delay down to 4 frames so you can actually whiff punish
make normal hitboxes more accurate and less stubby
make anti airs do more damage
You're fucking retarded. In a game with no chip damage deaths you're telling me you can't block booms? If you jump any projectile mid-screen ANY projectile user can counter you with an anti-air. If you played Street Fighter 2 you'd try maybe blocking the projectiles and walking forward?
Jumping is one way around it but not the ONLY way.
Take Bastion out of this image and I agree.
why is that doing so much damage? do you charge it up or something?
never played vf
Leave the dead alone
Charge inputs are somewhat difficult compared to other moves, to be fair.
yep.. I'm not very good at street fighter and I destroy people with gief.
1.) One button that acts as an anti-air, dodges hadokens, AND generates meter
2.) Spamming those girthy crouching jabs to fuck all of your shit up
3.) SPD has priority over everything, I'll do the powered ones that burn meter
4.) If we're playing SF4, I'm probably just going to spam green hand through everything
I actually apologize to people when I play Zangief because I'm so cheap with him.
not once you've played the game for more than 20 minutes at your friends house
yeah the frame delay is why I can't stand playing. I can't react to m bison dashes or anything but the slowest overheads.
Could be because I'm getting old though, but only a couple years ago I could block a hell of a lot harder stuff in sf4. Can't count how many times I look at my stick in disbelief to make sure I'm holding neutral back when I get hit by a Urien overhead or Laura vskill.
people say it's a meme but the frame delay single handedly ruins the game, I agree
This retard's first street fighter must have been V. This isn't even Guile at his worst.
Charge inputs are easy as hell, what are you saying? Only difficult stuff with charging was charge partitioning.
You're not good enough to post the right character : Balrog
You could say the same about vergil to be honest.
At least doom combos got optimised beyond the BnB stuff he had when the game was released.
This wouldn't fix or change anything, it'll just make WAY more people use characters who have a bunch of plus normals and you'd get poked to death and opened up.
The game would just become Cammy / Karin / Laura and friends: The Game
Booms are only safe on block but you definitely don't have to block them. 28 recovery frames on lp boom.
Guile cucks trying to defend their character truly pathic
The worse thing is : I finally start to having fun with the game.
>anti-airs do more damage
This is a very simple fix that would solve so much, if the damage increase was notable people would think twice about recklessly jumping
only scrubs have problems with zoners since the beginning of sf2.
Just play one of the million characters that have 100-0 MUs vs doom :^)
Dont act tuff u 09er
>creating an actual neutral game instead of balancing your game around garbage input delay
>a bad thing
if characters end up being too good just nerf and buff their buttons accordingly
deals more damage on counter
Holy shit this.
>Fuck, I didn't block his fullscreen low, now I'm dead
>Fuck, I didn't block his fullscreen overhead, now I'm dead
>I wonder if he's still plus
>Looks like he was, now I'm dead
Guile is literally fine. Play balrog if you think Guile is broken and vskill through his booms, cancel into trigger and blast half his life away.
There would be a neutral already if everyone wasn't always -2 or +1 - 3 with their best normals. This game is about fishing for crush counters.
>guile is literally fine
Does Kolin even have special moves or combos?
Its a pretty sorry state for the game to be in when the advice to beat a character is pick the cheapest, most overpowered character currently in the game, Balrog.
>Eventhubs is based on data
>This game is about fishing for crush counters.
which would be alright if there wasn't 6.81516 frames of delay stopping you from properly reacting to the neutral game and instead forcing you to throw out buttons and hope for the best
>I wonder if he's still plus
>He doesn't know frame data
ambiguous plus, ambiguous hurtbox, have to listen to his tap to know if hes negative or minus (which is fucking awful at a loud tournament) while having almost random properties on each tap. Only character to be plus on fierce and st roundhouse. The ex dash only gives you 3 frames of reaction time. On wakeup his tap can be beaten by 3 framers but 4 framers lose. etc. Fuckin busted.
how is urien on top? he's very predictable
Not him. But the funny thing about that is one pro player actually said this game is so broken you may have to resort to that to even win majors now.
No the original advice is stop being garbage.
>relevant to anything but scrubs and streammonsters
So what tourney is this based off of?
>people's opinions
truly objective data. I didn't say he wasn't strong, but he has problems with any character with good anti fireball stuff.
Combofiend uses eventhubs to balance the game
Not in the latest T7 build
that tier list isn't wrong though
Cucks use eventhubs to balance their butthurt
Its so wrong its embarrasing even though you're anonymous
>talking about fgs on the chanz
wew lad
Cucks use guile
having a +2 low forward and pretty insane mixups with aegis, not to mention fullscreen ex tackle is both plus on block and cancellable into vtrigger, the kneedrop is hard to react to if you're not abusing it and it's up to something like +5 on block depending on spacing, charged fireball is slow as fuck and you have to either eat it, jump and eat an anti air, or do something that goes through fireballs and hope Urien isn't expecting that.
But I don't know how he's considered top tier.
Post the actual tier list than mr expert
Thats the point. Im not posting a fake tier list pretending its fact. I'm just telling you your tier list is based entirely on feels and has no analytical data behind it. Nash above Ryu in season 2? What evidence you got?
>he thinks tier lists are these magical, concrete lists that dictate what's good and what isn't
It's people's opinions, dipshit. A lot of Japanese players place Gief in the top 3 best, for instance.
dont denie the truth
You can breathe on the fucking controller playing as Eddy or Tiger and win.
>Nerfed Nash better than Ryu
>Gief that high AND above Alex
>Guile above the characters who can basically vortex you
>Akuma (the worst he's ever been) above ALL other shotos
You're ignoring most if not all of this and just using it because Guile has been temporarily voted to the top because the scrubs who log in and vote are probably Silver trash like you who can't get around Booms.
People choose these tiers for a reason
You first :^)
Booms arent the problem
>I'm just telling you your tier list is based entirely on feels and has no analytical data behind it
so is every tier list ever created
very rarely is a character just a straight up improvement in every way over another character
Vergil is much worse, I only have Doom on my team for Hidden Missiles assist.
that said Super Skrull and Nova are the characters I enjoy the most.
So if you understand it's all opinion, why post the list as if it strengthens your arguement?
>So if you understand it's all opinion, why post the list as if it strengthens your arguement?
I didn't make any argument or post any tier list, just pointing out that everyone posting
are being clowns because that tier list is pretty accurate give or take a few places
>The same shit scrubs complained about since last gen still hasn't changed.
How about that?
The input delay isn't the only reason why whiff punishing is hard in SFV. Most non-heavy normals also recover way too quickly. Those changes are a fine start but i'd also say SFV needs a universal damage nerf, a new defensive mechanic, removal of safe crush counter normals confirmable into big dame in neutral (karin st.hk, Urien st.hp), and REMOVING THE STUPID FUCKING COUNTER HIT STATE ON BACK DASHES to even start to turn itself around.