Guys, you can play Star Citizen for free until April 18th!

Guys, you can play Star Citizen for free until April 18th!

What are you waiting for?

Other urls found in this thread:

For it to be finished.

See you in 2050.

The link, just in case:

>claim the "gamechanger" patch is coming in 2016 just to prop up a few sales
>throw together an overly-ambitious schedule for the patch four months into 2017, even though you removed half the features you promised in the first place

this is good news for star citizen

bump for visibility

Do I need to stay online for this crap to work?

I mean actual Single Player?

Ah cool, what's there to do in it? Ho long is the campaign? Is the trade economy interesting?

oh shit thanks OP
Hoping that i can run it this time

Well, do you have this hardware?

I funded this game 3 years ago and completely forgot about it. I recently looked up their progress and it's actually impressive the amount of things they've done so far. They can take all the time they want if it means they get it done right.

Unironically thank you OP Even though you might be a shill

Will I have the game forever? Or is this just having the game up to April 18th?

I tried it twice,one time was october 2016 and it ran perfectly
Then i tried it again when they changed the engine or something and it ran like shit
maybe they optimized it?Dunno

>shilling on Sup Forums

Fuck off, furfag

You will have your account forever, but you'll only be able to play for free until 18th. In future special days they will allow you to play again, it's not the first time.


game is fucken amazing

Oh ok thanks

Also in pic related is a pretty strange way to start a launcher

>I funded this game 3 years ago and completely forgot about it. I recently looked up their progress and it's actually impressive the amount of things they've done so far. They can take all the time they want if it means they get it done right.

>they still don't have a delta patcher after 6 years
>every 1kb bugfix is another 33 GB download

I know right..devs can milk it until they retire then sell it off to EA at the last hour.

Well, just wait until it's installed.

Forgot the pic.

This shit launcher won't let me log in.
DOA thanks shills.

I have 6 core CPU, is that too much?

What do I get if I download the client? How much there is to actually play?

Yeah, yuor computer will explode because of the high frame rate!

See the point "What Can I Experience Now?".

Spawn in a mini universe to fuck around in.

Dogfighting vs AI or Players.

FPS arena PvP.

Might try this for a laugh, thanks weiral sama

Not a shill, just a random guy who wanted to share the news. Also, if somebody could help me with this I would really appreciate.

Bro I can't even log in, I even re-installed the launcher and deleted my cookies from my browser and it still says there was a mismatch.

>What are you waiting for?

A finished game.

Not really interested in super buggy alpha build number: 346372145526

I'm copypasting:

In Chrome, go to settings -> advanced settings -> Privacy -> Content Settings -> Cookies -> All cookies and site data: search for and press the x (to delete the cookies for rsi site only)

Did you read my post? I already said I have deleted my cookies.

I don't know how to read.

So after 6 years they only have couple of small fps maps and ... ships dogfight? Woah...

Yeah, from "your browser". You did it with your launcher closed?

Also, go to the game folder "Cloud Imperium Games\Patcher\config", delete the whole "Config" folder. Then run "CIGPatcher.exe" as admin.

>can download up to 6mb/s
>max is 2.2mb/s
>download limit is hyperspace

yeah, what you can do is open your case, take the CPU fan off (google pics if you can't identify) then cut about a third of your processor out with a Stanley knife and hammer, this will convert it into a 4 core.

Don't worry, if it doesn't run the game stable you can always superglue the 2 cores back into the processor.

I did all of that and I still doesn't fucking work. Who is the retard that coded this?

Press Alt+F4 right now, in order to optimise your CPU to NASA levels.


user, $115 million was poured into this game already. How much more money do they need to waste?

>Spend weeks telling them to redo netcode
>Engine change
>Still need to redo netcode
>Another engine change

>user, $115 million was poured into this game already.
>$115 million
You're a few months out of date, user.

>3.0 scheduled for around June
>This will trigger the fuck out of Sup Forums
I can't wait to see all the butthurt trolls

adding a lot of stuff?fixing shit?

Go to "3.0.0 Overview":

>Skin shader v2 in Monthly Report
Fucking Squadron 42 reveal when.

holy shit

Even without it this game is prettier than most.

Jesus I really need to try out the new camera shit, but I'm killing my SSD with these giant downloads.

Oh god, that makes the debacle of this games development even worse.

I downloaded mine to my HDD after hearing how massive the updates were. The new director mode is great except for the DoF. It's based on the the default camera location so getting close ups with it on is a giant pain.

Fuck it, downloading to HDD as well. Mega map and whatever else they did killed most of the loading anyway.


The game, what little there is right now, is pretty fun though. Star Marine was finally add too but it gets pretty choppy at times.

It to fucking download reeee

I own this game, why can't I just keep it installed and actually update it rather than redownload it every time

Yeah the launcher is a giant mess but it's always worked for me. They even call it the frankenlauncher or something internally because it's just a bunch of pre-existing software mashed together. Good thing they're replacing it. Too bad they aren't replacing it fast enough,

Half of it will be broken and the other half will be mediocre as shit

t. $120 backer

>Guys, you can play Star Citizen for free until April 18th!
I'm already busy playing GREAT complete & polished games on my PS4.
Why bother with 90s nostalgia again?
>What are you waiting for?
Being proven wrong since I got my refund in 2015 after three years of waiting.

Nevermind I FINALLY got it to fucking work. What a pain in the ass. They really need to fix this shit on release.

>only $120
You don't get to complain until you pass the $300 mark.

>Well, do you have this hardware?
SC is a shitty mod for a 2011 console game and runs on toasters just as old.
However their cloud servers suck all the performance out of it, upgrading your rig won't get you beyond 30 fps.

>You don't get to complain until you pass the $300 mark.
Get a refund, comrade, he doesn't need your $120.

>SC is a shitty mod for a 2011 console game

This is very true. Running off a Titan and i7, still can't past 30fps except for in the menus.

The other modes should get you 60 fps, PU will be fucked until network bind culling is in.

Nah, only combat and exploration is available right now. It still has a few issues with stuff FreeSpace 2 SCP tackled long ago.

You know its going to be true. EVERY update has been buggy, clunky and feels tacked on and second class.

This wont change that. Maybe once the game is done and they can polish for a few years they could deliver something worthwhile but 3.0 wont make the game good.


to be fair the game looked impressive 5 years ago, now it looks like standard 3d trash.

I have a 1070 and get 60fps

Doesnt fix the issue of the shitty latency though. Everyone sliding on the ground.

Just to put this into perspective, Battlefield 1 cost around $100 million to make.

>someone actually paid Chris $275 for a digital ship
>instead of waiting to buy it with in-game money
I'm looking forward to this but holy shit I can't see myself spending that much on an unfinished game. My $20 Aurora serves me well enough.

You are like a muslim asking some kafirs to join their religion.

>any game on another engine is just a mod of that game
I guess Half-Life 2 and COD 4 are just a quake mods.

Nigga, just wait for 3.0.

I also play in 4K but this is the one and only game that won't go above 30 for me.

>What are you waiting for?
Squadron 42.

Shit! Meant for

because it worked just that well for 2016, amirite?

Those games are just wolf3d clones

That doesn't look any better than alien:isolation

see My bad user.

For console release of SQ 42. I don't care about MMO shit and I don't want to buy gaming PC for just one game.

Nigga I love the FS2 SCP, but what issues could you possibly be saying it shares with star citizen?

Crytek was ahead of its time in 2011, but it's still a 7th gen engine for what the madman bought the entire source code license for back then.
>instead of waiting to buy it with in-game money
Pic related

Their forum is gone. Why?

>console release of SQ 42

They made a new system.

I just hope Star Citizen is still playable singleplayer, and they haven't gone too far down the MMO rabbit hole.

It so clearly wasn't meant to be that in the initial crowdfunding, just a successor to Freelancer, but the dumb normies hyping it kept thinking it was some MMO with EVERYTHING.

>why wait and get it for free when I can spend $275 on it instead

There will be a full single-player portion called Squadron 42. 'Star Citizen' is the online portion of the game.

Copypasta inbound


>Your 15-25 FPS is not because of your computer. It's the server communicating with your PC and the amount of information it is trying to pass. Your computer is bored waiting for it.

The details behind it all:

>Current Performance in Star Citizen Persistent/Universe whether you have a Beastly Rig or a Budget build will largely be the same. It is not tied to your PC it is instead tied to the current netcode that the servers are running.

>In short, when you spawn a new ship (e.g. at Port Olisar), the ship is actually created on the server and 'Streamed' to every client. This requires (iirc) about 5mb of data being sent to every client when someone spawns a Retaliator (and probably a lot more for e.g. a Starfarer). CIG are working on a 'Spawn Bundle' concept, where the server will identify every item that needs to be spawned, and assign it a global ID etc - but not actually spawn it. Instead, this 'Spawn Bundle' will be sent to each client (about 1kb, iirc) so that each client can spawn it for themselves, whilst still having the correct global IDs etc.

>The physics calculations for everything that moves (and has a physics proxy) is processed by the server - including your ship (server verification to ensure your client isn't 'cheating'), or so I understand. The problem is that the sheer volume of processing is killing server performance, because the CryEngine Physics engine wasn't designed for this number of entities all being active at once.

>What this means for us is whether you are running an i7 with a GTX 1080 or an i3 GTX 960 you are going to range between 15-25FPS un the current PU. Arena Commander is a different story. That usually runs 30+ on even budget builds and looks Gorgeous.

>wait and get it for free
You still don't realized, that you wasted 20 on a P2W game?

A quote from 10 for the Chairman (Ep 98) regarding the issue.

>"So we’ve done a lot of top level changes on top of the CryNetwork but it’s just not going to be good enough handle systems this big and this much data going back and forth. So we’ve long had a full rewrite of everything in CryNetwork on the table and we’ve been working on it and now with what happened, and what you could see on 2.4 and the framerates and everything it’s just clear we’re at the limit of what the current engine will handle without these new systems that we’ve been working on for quite a while coming online."

"So the Engineering team on the overall project, across all the studios, have a good portion of it being what we call “ring fenced”. And so rather than spending a lot of time iterating, fixing issues or bugs on 2.4 or 2.4.1 or 2.5, we’ve been working towards getting everything in place for when we bring out the bigger system and procedural planets. Which internally in our release schedule that will be 2.7 [now known as 3.0] but I’m not giving you an exact date on that because as you can see with 2.4 some of the bigger things take longer some of the more simple content updates."

The Aurora is the cheapest way to buy the game, I bought in for $30 a year ago and you can't not get a ship with the game.

That wasn't what it was initially at fucking all.

SQ42 was the Wing Commander successor, SC was the Freelancer or X styled portion, which was very explicitly playable singleplayer.

>In short, when you spawn a new ship (e.g. at Port Olisar), the ship is actually created on the server and 'Streamed' to every client. This requires (iirc) about 5mb of data being sent to every client when someone spawns a Retaliator (and probably a lot more for e.g. a Starfarer). CIG are working on a 'Spawn Bundle' concept, where the server will identify every item that needs to be spawned, and assign it a global ID etc - but not actually spawn it. Instead, this 'Spawn Bundle' will be sent to each client (about 1kb, iirc) so that each client can spawn it for themselves, whilst still having the correct global IDs etc.
>The physics calculations for everything that moves (and has a physics proxy) is processed by the server - including your ship (server verification to ensure your client isn't 'cheating'), or so I understand. The problem is that the sheer volume of processing is killing server performance, because the CryEngine Physics engine wasn't designed for this number of entities all being active at once.
This is totally going to be a MMO with 1000s of players per instance.

I mean, I can live fine without the game just fine, but I also love SCIFI, so more games avilible for me the better. I have written to devs about how I would be intereested in SQ42 on consoles, so maybe they'll look into it.

While it may not be what it was, it's what is is now.

Jesus christ, did you miss the bit where they said they're reworking the netcode specifically so this won't be the issue?