Why do you think Microsoft failed to provide a decent budget to Kamiya?
Why not just post this as a reply, instead of taking the webm out of the thread, renaming it and posting a new shitty thread?
Because Kamiya is a hack who didn't meet deadlines and didn't hit milestones. There's a point where you just pull the plug instead of throwing more money out the window.
budget probably wasn't the problem, it was microsoft sticking their grubby fingers into the project and focus testing the he'll out of it
Because Microsoft forgot how to secure IP's and focus on... well to be honest I have no idea what their focus is right now. I think they're end game is Halo and Gears, both of which have not sold spectacularly. At least Gears 4 had great multiplayer. Halo is headed towards a slippery dark slope on the other hand.
Platinum couldn't handle to project.
People working on it we're taking time off just to cope and they were missing every milestone. Developers fucked up.
Because Kamiya is an incompetent, angsty hacklet, who most likely failed to meet every single deadline.
OT: the jap studio literally made a laggy shitgame so Microsoft gave them the finger for using the budget and not achieving anything
Platinum was laundering MS money into Nier and wasn't working on the game, MS got tired of their shit and told them to fuck off. That's what you get for trusting greedy gooks
The game looks like shit. Kamiya fucked up big time and couldn't deliver. He even went full millenial and claimed burn out and heavy psychological disorders. He stayed in a clinic because of depression and suicide attempts. It was hiroshima all over again.
Your tinfoil hat is too tight.
Platinum couldn't handle the project. It was a bigger challenge than it could take. They were not meeting MS milestones and even after years of production the engine of the game still had problems and was not fully ready. Platinum Games lack of professionalism destroyed what could have been a great game.
>kamiya game
>medicore graphics
>excellent gameplay
>either sells like shit or it's cancelled
>sony game
>smoke and mirrors graphics
>press x to win
>1 gorillion copies sold, over 9000 goty awards
for everything i know, sony can die in a fire
>excellent gameplay
Some of his games maybe, but Scalebound looked slow and bring as fuck and even the dragon sections were done better by drakengard on the PS2
did you play it? then shut up
it all went to scorpio R&D
Let's be honest here. Scaolebound doesn't run as good as HZD because it was made by japs. Japs make amazing games but they suck on a technical level. Even fucking sony japan studio which helped making the last guardian and bloodborne couldn't make those games run great.
>Japs make amazing games
You mean Japs make meme games nobody actually plays. Don't make me post THAT image again.
>All these people claiming that Platinum couldn't hit deadlines or stay in budget.
Do you fucks not even realise that that's the thing that keeps getting Platinum work?
I don't know what "THAT image" is. They might sell less but they usually are very well recieved, especially on Sup Forums. Hell, P5 is the highest rated game on the PS4 according to metacritic.
Oh did you? Sorry
I bet you didn't play Horizon either and shit on it.
Scalebound looked slow and clunky with basic 2-3 hit combos and shitty flying sections that are worse than that PS3 launch game with dragons
Hello Kamiya
Here's a tip: nothing literally matters outside of sales. Your opinion is irrelevant, Sup Forums as a whole is completely irrelevant, Metacritic and the """critics""" are irrelevant.
People don't buy and don't play meme Jap games, it's as simple as that.
I didn't play Kreed but I don't need to play it to know that it's a bug-ridden shitfest. I didn't play Scalebound, but if their best promo gameplay looks like uninspired boring weebshit, the game certainly suxx.
Sales don't interfere with my enjoyment of a game.
You should at least compare input and output like money spent and money received. Western games costs much more money than jap games. That's the reason even successfull western titles are sometimes flops and kill their studios.
Uncharted has more gameplay than Dota unless you consider autistic clicking as gameplay
that's why western companies die. Rare died, Bungie died, Criterion Games died,etc,etc
Don't get me wrong, this looks like an early PS3 game, but Horizon looks like shit too. It's a very ugly game. I honestly have no idea why people are praising it. I have a PS4 Pro. I sold my Xbone to get it. But it's an ugly game and gameplay and story look even worse.
post pic you own horizon with timestamp
Platinum most likely wanted creative control. Microsoft most likely wanted creative control. See where the issue is?
>Scalebound got canceled
>No new IP announced
I'm glad I play with friends on xbone, because there's really not a lot going on for it game wise at the moment.
Not that it matters really, I have a ps4 and pc as well
Do I sound like I own it you fucknugget.
Oh hey, it's that autist from the webm thread
Every single important guy that works on Xbox confirmed that this E3 will be focused on games. I'm pretty sure that they got at least one new IP to show.
When it's Shirahama or Saito doing mercenary work on Bayo clone games, sure.
When it's "Auteur" Kamiya trying to make his "dream game" that he's wanted to do since back at Clover, it's a different story.
Remember, they spent over a year on Bayonetta just redesigning the character. The stress of developing that game drove the entire studio to the point of wanting to quit/kill each other. And that was just making, essentially, an updated copy of a game Kamiya had already made.
How can anyone blame Microsoft? It's obvious Kamiya is a hack who couldn't handle a game of such a huge scale.
>Platinum has a history of being a competent dev who meet deadlines and stay within budget, even when that budget is peanuts and the deadline tiny
>microsoft have a history of sticking their hands into everything, letting marketing micromanage development, and fucking over developers by setting impossible deadlines
ah, but THIS TIME it was platinum's fault, right?
the fact that this exact situation has happened MULTIPLE TIMES with microsoft games, and not one single time with platinum, apparently isn't enough to convince them. They have to stick with the anti-platinum meme because some people like platinum games "too much".
Scalebound never looked good, that gameplay they showed at E3 was dogshit.
And yet it still looked more fun than horizon.
Phone poster
Personally id rather they hold on to the assets and remake Drakengard
Microsoft's history of doing that is mostly with their own in-house studios or studios they bought, not contracted ones.
With contractors they're just very, very harsh on milestones; either you brought what they asked when they asked, or the money is gone.
It strikes me as unlikely that Microsoft meddled too much, mostly because it was clear at that time that Platinum was basically living in a realm of "publishers banging down their door hoping for a title" at that time. They had just delivered Nintendo an exclusive that was a runaway critical success, Microsoft was hungry for a game, they rang Kamiya and said "can you make us something". We know for a fact that's how the Automata project went down, I expect Scalebound would have been similar.
From the beginning I imagine the project was treated a lot more like Ori and the Blind Forest than Killer Instinct; it was MS trying to basically buy their way into a consumer market they knew nothing about.
And Kamiya, instead of making the Bayonetta-type game they were expecting, decided that this would be the perfect time to rachet the ambition up to 11, oh and also we're switching to a new engine for new reason.
Yes it is.
Microsoft even delayed the game to give more time and money to Platinum and they still couldn't make it happen properly. Lack of talent.
>even when that budget is pants and the deadline tiny
Since when simplistic games like hack and slash and beat em up need big budgets and long deadlines? Scalebound would be a massive open world action rpg with multiplayer, it's a completely different project that Platinum ever made. Inmensely ambitious. And as expected, Platinum couldn't do it.
>ah, but THIS TIME it was platinum's fault, right?
Platinum is more than just Kamiya. In fact, as of right now Kamiya has only made two fucking games for Platinum.
Let's not forget that the last studio Kamiya was with (Clover) got shuttered entirely by Capcom for purportedly similar reasons; mismanagement of money, sales inadequate to meet budgets expended on games.
Kamiya and Mikami both have careers plagued with this sort of thing; games that are cult hits but seem to fall well short of the time and cash poured into them by publishers. An unwillingness to compromise that makes them a CONSTANT fucking headache for whomever is overseeing their project.
Kamiya is a perfectionist to a fault. Platinum's other project leads seem to have an innate understanding of where sacrifices must be made to meet time and budget deadlines, but Kamiya won't let shit go. Sooner or later, publishers get sick of that shit and stop giving you money.
>massive open world action rpg with multiplayer
So like a reskinned XCX... Microsoft should have called Monolithsoft... stupid burgers.
It turned out EA was right about Tim Schafer. Nobody expected that but it happened.
It turned out Microsoft was right about Molyneux.
Nobody expected that but it happened.
Kamiya is probably a similar story.
It should surprise exactly NO ONE that a dev who makes excellent games will be a publisher's worst nightmare, because that person is going to be a game creator, not a businessman. They are going to soak up resources like a sponge and overwork everything because their sole focus is game quality. They need a person with their fingers on the purse strings, and sometimes that person has to say "buddy, there's no way you can make the game you're trying to make with a sane amount of money".
Platinumfags getting BTFO
>people bought Xbones for Scalebound
>for purportedly similar reasons
You got a source on that?
>buddy, there's no way you can make the game you're trying to make with a sane amount of money
And yet people shit on BOTW for cutting some of the big dungeons (something fixable after launch via expansion packs) in favor of a fully realized and detailed overworld (which isn't fixable after launch).
Or maybe Microsoft just has higher quality standards than Nintendo, or they're just more jewish. I dunno.
Clove games infamously sold bad.
>Xboners unironically defending M$' bullshit.
How? MS has done nothing but fuck you over from day 1.
That's the result of poor marketing on Capcom's behalf, not the result of mismanaged funds or missed deadlines.
>Microsoft pays for 3 games basically
>Platinum somehow has the money to make 6 games in that time
>Microsoft money stops coming in
>platinum hasn't made a game since
really makes you ponder...
the gooks hate america. Is that really a shock? I'm sure the gooks thought this was revenge for hiroshima.
Phil broke the first rule
Never trust a chinaman
Capcom doesn't, and didn't, market hardly jack shit. Yes, anything can be made to sell better with a better marketing campaign; in other news, the sky is blue and water is wet.
What was Megaman Zero's marketing campaign, again? What was Devil May Cry's marketing campaign? Okami got about as much love from marketing as either of those games: some magazine ads and that's about it. Clover's games (with the possible exception of God Hand, but God Hand was its own totally weird banana-coin-addled thing) got an amount of advertisement consistent with their budget, but their sales were not.
Kamiya pulled a Kojima and spend the entire budget on cool sunglasses and whores.
Plat's still making games. They have two that are supposed to be coming out this year (GranBlue: ReLink and Lost Order). They're also working (probably) on their first self-owned IP game, and also doing PC ports for Sega of their old titles.
This was more than likely platinum's fault.
There's a reason that their games are usually only 5 hours long, so it makes sense that they couldn't handle a bigger game
So i can give a little incite.
Most people already know the story but Microsoft signed on for a Platinum game before Phil took over and started working with developers on first party titles.
Scalebound went through like 40 revisions atleast and wasnt able to pull itself together into a functioning game, both Microsoft and Platinum decided not to pursue the project any further.
This also comes off of the trash collection job Phil implemented throughout the company. He killed Lionhead, he scrapped a bunch of others. He trimmed down 343i and was going to Axe Rare.
Kamiya was allowed to make what he wanted, then he hit a wall. Microsoft offered ideas and they reached a joint decision to make Scalebound a multiplayer Dragon game. Kamiya and his team werent able to produce a full game and basically dragged out production.
Thats not saying Microsoft did nothing wrong, they kept pushing their games as a service model and took time away from development to implement dumb ass shit like dress up for your dragon and card packs for weapons. The game was going to be their legend of Zelda/Horizon.
The rumor mill is that Microsoft is taking the game and rebranding it for Scorpio launch, with some very interesting changes. it was in dev for 4 years, they are not about to get rid of it.
Also anther bombshell before i go:
Microsoft has signed a deal with Ninja Theory and Capcom for the rights to DmC2
Lost Order might come this year but it's essentially developed by Cygames, the owners of Granblue, my guess is that LO is supposed to serve as Platinum's mobage money maker and not much else. Granblue was stated to come out in 2018, unless after Scalebound they decided to pour more staff into it to put it out faster, and it sadly may turn out to be TMNT-levels of shit due to it being another title with co-op and due to the nature of the source material
Why are you doing this, starting webm threads over other existing webm threads with horizon, now going as far to shitpost a cancelled game to shill your own game now.
Ok, but that still doesn't correlate to them going over budget and missing deadlines.
>Microsoft has signed a deal with Ninja Theory and Capcom for the rights to DmC2
nice sources, fagotron
probably thought the utter ludicrous choice in music would turn off most people an they'd be right.
it certainly does when that lack of sales will fail to generate any new iterations of the IP
First of all it doesn't affect individual games in the slightest and second of all japanese games tend to sell less than western games and they're still successful enough to warrant sequels.
They should have started cutting out features of the game and got it released. I mean fuck, 3 years, all that money and work for nothing? Removed the multiplayer; then if it sold well and had promise they could have brought it back in in the sequel.
My heart feels heavy just thinking about get the notice that the game is going to be cancelled. If my work orders take too long to finish, everyone knows we're in for over time hours until it gets done.
Because Microsoft is a shit company
>nobody expected that Molyneux was a hack
Anyone that took his acorn shit seriously was a fool or a 12 year old.
Because they knew his game would fail before they ever greenlit it.
>Thinking Nier had any money put into it at all
You must not have seen the graphics
Now that I think about it maybe they laundered all the money and put it into modeling 2B's butt
Microsoft wasn't the problem, people need to just admit Platinum couldn't handle the size of the project
Also the game just wasn't very good, it happens
Blizzard spent years of Titan until they admitted it was shit & scrapped it
This. Game was far too ambitious.
>First of all it doesn't affect individual games in the slightest
>Doesn't understand why Activision stopped doing Tony hawks games as much as they did when COD popularity was on the rise
How naive
sounds like a surefire way to kill the dmc franchise for good. not that it is really alive right now
And how does that affect your enjoyment of let's say tony hawk 2? Oh wait it doesn't. Or do you not understand what the word "individual" means? If you didn't enjoy tony hawk 2 you won't magically enjoy it because tony hawk 4 came out.
So they gave them quite a few years and what we have seen of the game still looked like garbage but somehow it's microsoft's fault. Fuck off platinumcuck.
>you are making memes that make tumblr & neogaf piss themselfs ! screencapped & uppboated !
I've got a question and while it may sound kinda console war bait, I in no way mean it to be.
If the situation was flipped and Scalebound was being made to be a ps4 third party exclusive, do you think it would've been cancelled?
I feel like Sony is more willing to wait on these sorts of things.
Do you think the direct japan relations would have had any effect?
eh some areas look alright. the city is straight up ps2 yo. i blame their technical ineptitude way more than any amount of money tho, if you've followed the pc release and the FAR mod you will have probably seen some of the retarded decisions they made regarding the lighting of the game and how it kills performance
Maybe, Sony canned Santa Monica's new IP after years of work
>Game was far too ambitious.
How is it any different from any other Jap Action RPG, except now you can ride dragons.?
Or do you just mean its to ambitious for Platinum?
Yes but if what was said regarding the situation is to be believed thats because it was really similar to Destiny, not because it was bad or there were issues.
Japs can't into open world
I think the game looked shit from all the gameplay trailers and teasers they had, so did pretty much everyone everywhere online that I bothered looking. It looked incredibly slow floaty and boring, and the bosses looked like bullet sponges, not very fun.
just like every other platinum game. dunno why you faggots like them. The only worthwhile platinum games are okami (which isn't even platinum) and vanquish (and that's debatable, binary domain expanded upon it's combat and made it a billion times more fun to play, but just slower.
So are all tribble As "too ambitious" too? Why do they get made? Because they have western devs?
Probably a good thing
>The rumor mill is that Microsoft is taking the game and rebranding it for Scorpio launch, with some very interesting changes. it was in dev for 4 years, they are not about to get rid of it.
From the bottom of my heart, i REALLY hope that this is true.
that's entirely wrong because there's no scorpio only games, thanks to microsoft deciding they want everything to be one family of devices, it has to be compatible with xbone for at least another 3-4 years till they finally go to gen 9.
AAA games take a year for polish alone. If the game was already finished and only polish was needed microsoft would have never canceled it. The reality is that the game probably needed 2-3 additional years and it needed an increase in funding to hire special experts to solve problems platinum couldn't handle alone.
No matter how you look at it. It's entirely platinums fault.
>128 dynamic light sources and it still looks like shit
dunno what kind of retarded decision was that, and the bigger problem is that setting GI lower than high causes glitches
I don't think that it's necessarily a shit budget, but more of a smaller budget than what's normally thrown at Western AAA devs. Jap budgets are normally incredibly low when compared to what Western Publishers will throw at a dev