>that one guy who only play western video games
That one guy who only play western video games
Other urls found in this thread:
nice one liner anime shit thread kid keep it up and one day you'll be shitposting like a pro
now fuck off to
>that one guy who plays games for the story
Found the westaboo cuck
>that one guy who only plays Western turn based tactics and strategy games on Steam
>every fucking day
>still not realizing western "games" are a meme
>that one guy who only plays multiplayer games
>playing eastern games
>That one guy that only plays japanese games and makes daily threads on Sup Forums about >Le western trash and spends most of his time on twitter looking at western developers profiles looking for stuff to post about on Sup Forums
>that guy who actually plays games
If they're a meme, then why was a Western game GOTY of 2016 and why will the GOTY of 2017 will also be a Western game?
>that guy posting shitty fotm trash
Maid Dragon was great though
this anime would've been better if they stayed as dragons the whole time but just shrunk down
>cuck meme
Kill yourself subhuman
He is right.
Yeah the title interested me but then I saw they just turn into kemonomimi
Fuck off moeshitter
Asians are fucking disgusting, holy fuck.
Holy shit i was not ready
>that guy who only plays Japanese games
>that one guy who only play video games
Buttplugs, anime, and boipucci are the only things in this image that apply to me
Asian cucks btfo
>that one guy who only plays Slavic games
anime threads are always good because it's always good to see a nice anime face and then smile
Do you have the FBI?
>that one guy who thinks playing difficult games is some kind of worthwhile accomplishment
>Only plays western games
>Complains that all games are shit now
>Calls anyone who plays a jap game a weeb
Reddit can leave.
Kill yourself, westcuck.
I really adore Kanna
>only plays japanese games
>complains that all western games are shit
>calls anyone who's library isn't solely comprised of weeb shit a westacuck
>that one guy who doesn't watch anime but posts meme characters anyways
fat dragon loli doujins when
>the bouncy part
Alright I'll bite.
It's a communication program.
A place to find music.
>Kero Kero Bonito
A band.
What does this have to do with being a fuckboi?
this image is all over the fucking place
Because now we know you are one
Fucking hell, I wish glorious leader Kim launch his fucking nukes and remove this bunch of japanese degenerates from the face of the planet
>not intentionally ingesting xenoestrogens
>not wearing kneesocks while watching sailor moon
>that one guy who reported the shitposting thread, but in his heart knew that it was already too late and Sup Forums would forever be newfag cancer
>sperging like an edgy autist instead of laughing on how ridiculous the video is
Should also send nukes to where ever you live. Bloody hell.
>that one guy whoms't makes fun of people who play western games but shits on you for playing Japanese games
oh wait that's all of Sup Forums
>Sup Forums is one person is not an argument
>that's all of Sup Forums
Have you interviewed every user on Sup Forums? If so, source?
I didn't mean literally but it happens a lot
Thighhighs, /r9k/, STEM, discord, EoE and barely playing games on PC all apply to me.
Voted Trump but I'm not an r/the_donald nu-Sup Forums fag, don't have a buttplug but have another anal toy, Lain was alright but I'm not obsessed with it.