
Wtf Sup Forums, you told me this game was shit!

It's no masterpiece, but I'm having so much fun with it. I feel like I'm back when I was 7 and got Banjo-Kazooie for christmas. Pure gameplay fun.

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Nice try, Playtonic.

I'm having a fun time too.
How far are you OP?

I just got to the casino, which is not as bad as some people say imo.

Is it discount bin fun or rent fun? I'm not letting you trick me again, Sup Forums.

I mean, it's available on pretty much every torrent site so it's your fault at this point what you decide.

I just made it to capital cashino but I'm gonna go back and 100% moodymaze marsh.
any music tracks so far that got you good?

I bought this game as a meme when I was drunk and it's no joke the worst game I've ever played. Goat Simulator is a more reaLized game than this piece of garbage. The shit I took in my backyard last night is a more realized game than this steaming hot stinky turd.

The "move meter" can fuck off and how certain cutscenes/dialogue cannot be skipped is fucking retarded.

Besides that (and the fact that the camera may somehow be even more unfriendly than BK/Bat's ever was) it's pretty cool.

I unironically think its going to win indie goty


I've been watching, and got a real kick out of this guy. Don't watch his videos, I'm not advertising for him, but he has these livestreams of him playing the game, and he starts off as a happy, cheeful, hopeful Banjo Kazooie fan calling out bad reviews and saying the game is a 7.5/10 easy. And then slowly, as he plays the game, it starts to break him:

-The bad Rextro games make him bring it down to a 7.
-Then getting completely stumped on the first world unable to find the last quill makes him bring it down to a 6.
-He keeps trying to be pro and sequence skip shit, only to break challenges and not get the pagie from them, and then blames the game for fucking up.
-He skips and misses about half of all dialogue, making him get stuck simply because he didn't read something. (gets slurp state, skips explanation of what it does, goes around trying to find ice to put out the fire, when you are suppose to become fire type and just walk through it)
-Everytime he gets stuck, and finally figures out it, he blames the game for it, not his own idiocy, just like DSP.
-Hilarously, the fourth world literally broke him. He spent thirty minutes trying to find stuff and figure out what to do, yet the whole time, he wasn't using one of the functions the transformation in that level has, cause again, he skipped over the controls quickly, and just forget some of them.
-He started off going for 100%, and after getting broken by the fourth world, he just goes straight to the end boss instead.
-Dies against the final boss multiple times, not because of actually getting outskilled, but from continuing to use the wrong move over and over, without even trying other moves instead.

And the best part? He was trying to do this to get to the easter egg in the last world, to get "dem valuable youtube hits early", like the typical e celeb trash he is. He had to cheat to beat Grunty in BK1 as well. Pathetic.

Forgot to add, his final "grade" was a 4.

If you're really a buyfag its definitely overpriced at 40. 20-30 is a more reasonable price range

This game has reminded me that BK and BT were never good to begin with. I wish I never played it. Holy fuck what a boring, outdated, repetitive piece of shit.

I don't get why things (Games/Movies) aren't reviewed like this

>Yooka-Laylee is a solid mascot platformer collectathon, but if you are not a fan of the genre you probably won't fun much to love.

>We recommend you buy it if you yearn for a 2017 rendition of the old Rare Platformers

Instead of just going 4/10 its shit because it's a collectathon even though thats what it was supposed to be

No, im not shilling, I never even liked mascot platformers except maybe Rayman 2

Hey kid wanna play a bullshit minigame?

I like collectathons but this one is shit, just like Banjo tooie but with half the charm, shitty music, and shitty graphics. BT was a 6/10 in like 2001 or whatever, this one in 20fucking17 is a 4/10.

>shit minigames
>best level in the game is the fucking first one, everything else is mediocre as fuck
>shit music
>shit sound effects
>shit voices
>bullshit minigames
>bullshit meter
>tons of backtracking just like in Tooie
>levels are too big and empty
>braindead enemies
>extremely situational moves that don't enhance the gameplay
>transformation bring the pacing to a screeching halt
>not nearly enough platforming, 99% of the game you're just rolling around
>slippery and floaty controls
>fucking unity engine
>recycled npcs that don't fit the levels

It's not even worth pirating, I fucking pirated it and I'm regretting it.

Fuck off you paid marketer shill

If you played past two hours you'd quickly realize the game falls apart into garbage.

I'd honestly consider it better than tooie
not as good as kazooie though

I'm still hooked on Zelda at the moment, but on launch day I played until getting all 10 of the first Pagies on the first world using KB+M

It's not a bad game except for the unsatisfying enemies.

How the fuck is it better than tooie when it has all the same issues plus so much more? Also consider that Tooie came out 3 generations ago. How the fuck are you going to tell me a rehash of a majorly outdated, flawed and unfun game that came out like 15 years later is good when it has all the same issues plus more?

>i did something as a meme.

Yea, not sure your opinion counts mate.

Not defending the game, haven't bought, might pirate it.

I just enjoyed it more.

You're not alone in that.
YL is way better than Tooie but with worse writing.

>cleared most of expanded World 1 and I think most of World 2
>gotta make some serious headway in World 3 but I don't have whatever allows you to breathe toxic fumes (if there is something like that)
>haven't began World 4 yet
>excited for World 5 but not sure how to get to wherever its entrance is

Are the minekart sections shit? I liked them in dkc

not that bad. they normally require a few run throughs before you win though.
the music for the minecart sections is reaaly exceptional

how much time of enjoyment do you expect per dollar spent on the game Sup Forums?
I got my copy for 40 dollars, and im at 18 hours so far.

I can understand the gripes people are having with this game, but I don't let little issues get in the way.
I'm having fun, but it's not for everyone. Definitely not the abysmal trainwreck people are making it out to be.
It feels every bit as clunky as BK, which is not necessarily a bad thing.

a racist beta cuck faggot.

Jontron cucks ruined the score of this game.
This game is a solid 7,5 or 8, but because of jontron and his idiocy everyone is shiting on it. I really fucking hate Sup Forums, thanks for ruining platformers forever.

Super Mario Odyssey soon friend

I don't get the hate for Tooie,like I've never felt like the worlds were too big in that one and only the dinosaur world is poorly done

ITT: People can't come up with actual arguments on why they hate this game


>Believing 12 year old e-celeb worshiping memelords on Sup Forums

I hope you learned this time.

From what I've played so far, the swamp is the stinker level, not the casino.

So is YL better than Banjo Tooie?

>big empty maps
>bullshit mini games
>3d platforming

This game is garbage

the game is shit, and so are your tastes.

I thought the levels were confusing to begin with but then I played the third world and I feel like it's just a huge mess.

So it is exactly the same as Banjo Kazooie.
If you think this game is garbage, you also think that Banjo was garbage.


So why the fuck are you even in this thread?

Alright then.

Absolutely not.

BK > BT > YL = conkor > DK64

Both Banjo games have some of the cleverest level design I've seen in a game. I'm enjoying YL, but it really is coming apart at the seams with how formulaic and lacing in direction it is. It really is mostly going from setpiece to setpiece to perform arbitrary tasks rather than having to think about how to approach the level and your goals as a whole.

I had no idea people actually hated Tooie until I came here. It does really suck at the beginning, but it becomes exponentially more clever the further you get through it.


Enough said. Yooka Laylee BTFO.

Only things that bug me are the level variety. Certain staples in platformers are missing like the lava, sand and ghost themed levels. Could have maybe added a woodland one as well.


And instead of a desert world we got a swamp. Nobody likes swamps.

I like the game, but everything about icy-metric palace is fucking shit. As in how did they consider it to be a fun idea?

That's Hollowknight, or at least deserves to be Hollowknight.


Yooka Laylee isn't shit and not a scam.

It has just too many flaws to be considered good.
>can't skip cut scenes
>bad control of your character in some situations
>camera is just SAD!
>some minor bugs
>no help (you waste a lot of time searching and trying the wrong things)

Isn't it just vast open world shit? I kinda want to play it, but at £30. Maybe £15.

B-T is "clever", but it's tedious to play because most solutions to its tasks are simply "trek around a bunch of huge levels until you find the correct object/character to interact with, then use the correct move". You rarely actually do any platforming or things that can be called purely fun. The extremely low framerate and drab level designs compared to B-K don't help.

Not if you don't buy the Wii U 2 I'm guessing. Thanks to Nintendo neglecting to mention Zelda was on Wii U I sold mine about a year ago now. I'm not buying a piece of shit like that again.

sure, those are flaws, but relatively minor. The game's easily a 7/10

>*rail-ey exceptional

Its pretty good. People are exaggerating how bad the camera is. My biggest problem with the same its that somewhat empty and not clear what path leads to more pagies. I've avoided playing the retro games for fear of spoiling the rest.

>on world 3
>still don't understand the camera complaint
>only problems I had with it were on the ramp boss
Does it get worse in some later areas or something? For a lot of people this seems like a major complaint and I haven't had an issue with it yet. Also using a gamepad. Not sure if camera controls are wonky with a mouse

My main problem with the camera is that once you clear an area's puzzle that had a locked camera view, the camera will still snap back to it afterwards when you run through the area, like an overhead view for example. This wouldn't be a problem if the walking direction wasn't tied to the camera. I've had it happen multiple times that I could hold the left stick in a single direction without moving it and because of the camera change Yooka would just walk back and forth through a door.

Yooka-Faylee more like

>If you played past two hours you'd quickly realize the game falls apart into garbage.
All the better stuff is in the first two hours, so you can't refund on Steam.

Yeah I can see this. Happened to me a few times too but guess I just didn't mind it. I'm more annoyed with some of the logic than I am with the camera
The sonic boom being what you use to get rid of ice for example. And having to backtrack to the archive to unlock a world, wandered around that stupid tower forever

Every review shits on it by saying "It feels like a game from 1998". They're saying it feels like Banjo-Kazooie, without making an argument why that's bad. Banjo-Kazooie is still a fantastic game by today's standards, so I don't get where this complaint comes from. There seems to be some kind of prevailing thought that older games are inherently worse than newer games, especially older 3D games, so just saying "It feels like a game from 1998" sounds like a criticism without any depth to it.

I disregard any review that doesn't feel like it has passion and thought behind it. Dunkey's review was really good because he thought out his arguments and I can understand them, even though I don't agree with his overall overwhelming dislike of the game. Jim Sterling, on the other hand, sounds like he doesn't even like these kinds of games to begin with and wouldn't like Banjo-Kazooie if he played it now.


The first level has the best design but it steadily gets worse

By the end you regret the bad decisions the developers made and don't want to replay the game, quite different from the enjoyment i had in BK.

>I had no idea people actually hated Tooie until I came here. It does really suck at the beginning, but it becomes exponentially more clever the further you get through it.
I like Tooie, but honestly I prepared it at the beginning, and would say it probably peaked with Witchyworld, after that there wasn't enough distinction to the level parts, like in Freezeezy Peak, Mad Monster Mansion, or Rusty Bucket Bay, you could be thrown in at any point and have a solid bearing of where you ae, and everything else in the level is, whereas levels like Terrydactyland and Cloudcuckooland have little like that.

>Jim Sterling
The bit that still bewilders me is that he complains about the combat being a simplistic push square to win, when
a) who plays collecting platformers for the combat
b) he likes musou games

So many reviews talked about this decline in quality but I've found myself having a total opposite experience. Every level since tribalstack has been an improvement on the last IMO. Though going back to the expanded version of the first word it's a great deal better

Just watch this gameplay. It is EXACTLY THE SAME SHIT.
The only difference was Kazooie voice, it was GOAT. Banjo voice was as shitty as Yooka voice.

>only five worlds make the game feel small, despite the option to expand them
>moves from later worlds are required for certain pagies in prior worlds, despite there being the option to expand them rather than moving on, making it the best option to move on as soon as possible to collect them all
>bubble move means you can never drown
>flying move means you can cheese
>rextro's minigames are bad
>cashino world with all its gambling games was an unwelcome sudden departure from formula, I like the idea of having to collect coins but not from playing slot machines over and over
>they missed the opportunity to have the second boss be "old king cold" or something similiar in the boiler as a reference to tooie's old king coal in the train boiler, and went with a generic square face you spam fire on instead
>some solutions to puzzle seem very random, with no explanation you could even do those things beforehand (like turning invisible when in a beam of light to shoot a straight light beam out of your butthole)
>some objects have no "death" animation, they just instantly disappear
>general lack of polish

Don't get me wrong, I had fun with the game. If there is a sequel I hope they don't make the same mistakes.

5th > 3rd > 1st > 2nd > 4th

Are you seriously saying Galleon Galaxy was the worst world?

>Moves from prior worlds are required
That happens in BK, BT, and DK64

I just got to Galleon Galaxy, I love the concept and look of it but please tell me it gets significantly bigger when expanded. It's just a few small islands so far.

It does get a lot bigger, it's actually kind of strange how little of the world is available before the expansion

I felt like that was the biggest world when expanded, but yeah it's tiny beforehand.

My favorite world in the game by far desu.

How many quills and pagies do you need to complete the game, I don't know if I'd be able to cope with the percentages BK required in YL

>Thanks to Nintendo neglecting to mention Zelda was on Wii U
You mean the system it was announced for and they've been saying it would be on for years?
Sounds more like you neglected to pay attention or you didn't want to play it in the first place.

100 pagies are required to be allowed into Capital B's office.

Not sure how many quills you need for all the moves.

The real question is...
Except Jon, Is the game good ?

Nice, I can't wait. I was crossing my fingers that they were saving something crazy for last like they usually do - both the swamp and casino were pretty dull as expected but world 5 was a big question mark for me. I bet a lot of the people saying it just gets worse and worse quit at the casino.

The flying sucks though and shouldn't have been in the game, at least not this "early". I only have like 30 pagies and I'm pretty sure most people move on from world to world like I do instead of lingering in each one, since you need moves from later worlds anyway. They should have at least locked flying behind a solid amount of completion.

>play first level
>hey this is flawed but pretty all right
>everything after

It's not even that the game is horribly bad, it's just so bland that I don't get why people on here defend it.

SJW cunt, you are not fooling anyone.

>Gloomy Gem Grotto
>Icymetric Palace

pls kill me, there's some punishingly annoying parts to this game.

It's basically a 3D metroidvania and I'm really loving it so far. There's something nice about going back to older levels with new abilities and realizing how little you've actually seen of the map.

My only real complaints are the side activities that Rextro presents to you. Everything that's in world has been fun. Even the quiz games have been a nice change of pace, but then again I actually pay attention to games when I play.

A solid 8/10 honestly.

People whining about camera are retards that want to move the right stick in every single moment of the game. The best thing to do it's to leave camera management to the game, and then just correct it manually when you need it.
Modern gamers are fucking mongoloids.

This, a fat cringy loser who has no talent but literally [autistic screetching] in every video which brain dead illiterate manchild think it's funny because they honestly know no better.

Up N' Nova hiscore is literally the last pagie I need to get, I've done everything else in the game already including collecting every single quill but this fucking minigame is making my blood boil, I think I've tried about 30 times already.

I honestly don't know why people say Capital Cashino is bad, it's one of the best levels imo, Moodymaze Marsh on the other hand is complete trash.

Games that were crowdfunded should be free

I paid you to make it, I didn't pay you to give me something else to pay for

I thought the marsh was pretty comfy desu

If you did pay them £15 in their ks, then they did give you the game, otherwise don't pretend you paid jackshit

I don't really get the casino hate either. I certainly like it better than the snow level.

the banjo kazooie style of platformer is literally the worst kind. these games are for people who prefer to be dazzled by bullshit than immerse themselves in solid core mechanics.

fuck boring minigames that kill all momentum and pacing. fuck terrible animal transformations that move like molassas and cant do anything but jump.

bring back games like Spyro 1 and SM64. games with real movement depth and no fluffy whimsical filler nonsense.

i dont want to play spelling minigames, fart eggs into baskets or play simon says with turtles. i want to PLATFORM. is that too much to ask?

Just got to the marsh 30 minutes ago, I love mushroom aesthetics, love spoopy stuff & the abandoned shopping trolley NPCs are great, it's looking good compared to snow level #473

mon visage quand

what did I miss

marsh is pretty comfy and feels like a tooie level.

casino is pretty nice and easy to navigate

that neon teal + purple aesthetic of the galaxy world makes me want to vomit, can't stay in it for longer than like 5 minutes

There's a pagie you can't get until you learn to fly.