If an extended version of Persona 5, was released what changes would you like to see?

If an extended version of Persona 5, was released what changes would you like to see?

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Newspaper Club Social Link

dating sim elements removed

Haru joining way earlier than she did.

the return of /ourguy/

More playable months.

Longer timeline, Haru's link was decimated by the lateness of her entry. Not adding the multiple 5 stat required links to progress too.

Hifumi as a playable party member.

Bring back marie

a few extra months I guess
I don't exactly how the game ends yet but I'm pretty sure I'm basically at the end

>wanting to remove optinal content just so the people can't enjoy things

Unironically this

-About 100 more Personas, at least
-More soundtrack variety
-Ryuji given some sort of new side story that makes him a redeemable/bearable character
-No new characters; Maria was bad enough
-True Igor ultimate assrape super boss fight
-Post-game cameo of past Velvet Room inhabitants
-More gear, outfits, etc.; the usual tidbits enhanced versions get

New Confidant
Extra month and events
No OC donut steel character
Switch version

actual school clubs, /fit/ social link from gym, put an actual fun event for haru

the whole practice building is a fucking waste spaces. Science room, nurse room .... and cant help but feel like they cut a lot over the years

Sae reacting to Joker fucking her sister.

Complete with best girl crossover cameo.

- 40 to 50% more money from encounters

- Give EXP and money for negotiating (since figuring out correct answers can take several tries)

Make negotiating like it was in Persona 1, no more having to cycle through spells to find out which one works so you can start negotiating

- Longer year with re-written social links. Half of them (Sun, Chariot, Emperor) are garbage and make the characters feel flatter than they already are.

More free time/freedom in general

An extra month of playtime or two

Haru joining a bit earlier

Restored the cut content with Hifumi (her being a member of the main cast)

Better resolution to Goro, since he just dies offscreen and is immediately ignored as if it never happened

EX Boss Battle with real Igor, they could remix this to play in the fight, have the first phase him just sitting in his desk, second him standing up, third having Lavenza join him as support, music for the fight could be a remix of this: youtube.com/watch?v=vR9wfBrB9T4

Costumes actually being integrated into gameplay with regular/summer/winter/maid clothing like P3 and P4 and no DLC bullshit aside from maybe the crossover costumes for past games.

And contrary to what some other fags want, NO SOPHIA LE TRUER-THAN-TRUE FINAL BOSS because it would be literally a very pisspoor retread of Persona 4's twist. Having Demiurge as the true final boss is perfectly fine as it is now.

Adachi as MC. Hifumi as a playable character. And a gay relationship(lel)

>More free time/freedom in general

This. Let me do something at night other than sleeping just because there's an operation the next day. It feels like you get no freedom for weeks at a time.

Do you guys think Atlus will listen to the vast majority of the fanbase feedback wanting more time and less railroading/handholding for P6?

Probably not.

Akechi having a palace because I thought him using his powers on shadows was cool.

More group events.
An extra month.
Some new demons.
Give Haru more prominence in the main story
Add in some dialogue that acknowledges the fact that you're dating a certain girl.
I'm okay with a new dungeon too so long as it doesn't feel tacked on.

The one thing that I know will come up in it is Goro being alive, which I guess I'm okay with it so long as they don't push him as being totally redeemed too much.

Also, another point I forgot to mention.


The only Soejima persona design I even like in P5 is Arsene.

-Hifumi as playable party member
-Akechi surviving and joining you
-Lavenza S. Link
-Newspaper girl S. Link
-Removing worst girl Haru and completely replace Okumura's palace with anything else since it was easily the worst part of the game

depend on when it will be released, 2-3 years within 5 or another 8 years.

Persona 4 has significantly less amount of hand holding compare to Persona 3. But then for 5 they clearly didn't have the time to polish up anymore

Persona users can't have Palaces according to Morgana.

Kaneko's gone my friend.

this unironically

>Kaneko's gone my friend.
He clearly still fucking does art and it's better than ever too, just not for fucking Atlus which really pisses me off.
Doi is vastly inferior to him too, most of the new SMT4A designs by Doi were meh or flat out terrible (Satan). The totally-not-Yukiko-human-form-4A-Satan for Deep Strange Journey is also pretty shitty looking.
Don't even get me started on the portraits for everyone in DSJ being pure and utter trash since they didn't even bother to get at least Doi or Soejima to draw them and instead outsourced them to interns.

>give back evening freedom when not exploring palaces/mementos
>playable FeMC with dialogue and cutscenes altered to fit that (yes, yes, I realize this is faggotry, but sometimes you wanna play the gril)
>playable 123
>confidants for World/Universe, Hunger for evilguyend (Aeon would be a given anyway)
>"Another Episode" (like P3 The Answer)

>playable FeMC with dialogue and cutscenes altered to fit that
This but while still being able to fuck the other girl

Neck yourselves degenerates for wanting more waifushit cancer.

Since it's going to be on switch I want to see them do something with HD rumble. Maybe some feedback when you shoot a gun or during the minigames.

Playable Hifumi
New dungeon where we Hifumi joins us
Female MC with romancable Sojiro, Munehisa, Yoshida, Mishima, Kawakami, Hifumi, Kamoshida etc.
Gay romance with Yusuke
More confidants
Morgana not making us go to sleep after nothing
Romancable demons

Odin and Krishna were pretty good SMTIVA designs imo

>complaining about waifus in a series based on waifus

nobody change the god tier Jamiroquai music pls it's GOD TIER


shoji is literally a mastermind

Would take minimal polish just to purely make the calendar longer. Add an extra free day or two between each story event days and right there you've got a couple extra months that all story events and holidays and whatnot can fit into without any problems.

How to be petty 101. You know you dont have to do them, right?

I wish Kaneko came back too, at the every least just to do demon designs, but it's just unrealistic to assume he would come back. Even if he did come back, it would be probably be for Raidou, not Persona.

I don't understand why people want FeMC so bad. I liked her in P3P, but P5 has other, more pressing issues that could be addressed.

Go play the mainline game faggot

They don't give a shit about your supposed pressing issues

Fix the engrish in Beneath the Mask

>Odin and Krishna were pretty good SMTIVA designs imo
I prefer the Kaneko Odin, vastly so in fact. The new one looks like Super Sentai trash.
Krishna was fine though.

My main problem with Doi though is that he refuses to go out of he humanoid comfort zone. Literally 95% of all of his designs are humans or humanoid demons.

The designs of his that I liked the most were the ones that don't look human at all, namely YHVH's True Form, Inanna, or that new one for DSJ.

I wouldn't mind if they did a new opening like usual, but I kind of hope they just rework the current opening so that every character gets some treatment. Makoto, Futaba, Haru and especially Goro really got the short end of the stick in that opening.

Get cancer and die, that's all you deserve you subhuman waifushitter loser apes.

>-Removing worst girl Haru and completely replace Okumura's palace with anything else since it was easily the worst part of the game
*best girl haru
*okumuras palace was second best

option to say fuck you to morgana every time he wants you to sleep and then be able to go do something at night

Goro survives
waifuable Sae and twins/Lavenza
more group shit that doesn't involve phantom thievery
more Haru development
Fusion spells
being able to remove protag from active party members

>*best girl haru
an opinion, i respect that
>*okumuras palace was second best
fuck off with that shit

At least it looked cool in the last part. Most of the others are fucking garbage and boring to look at. Especially casino / bank / ship. Those are easily the 3 worst palaces.

you're baiting

>waifuable Sae and twins
>not beating them into submission

Either extra S-link events to flesh the characters out or give them a few extra scenes at the start and at the end; Ann, Ryuji and especially Haru need that

More random events of the group hanging out together casually, jesus christ the group dynamic in this game is non-existant

A few new social links, I'd like to see them do more with Sae since they built her up in the last few months only to become fairly irrelevant

Extra Dungeon and a boss, the more the better

Everything else is either already fine or won't be able to be fixed anyways

Oh he's gonna comeback in one of the spin offs you just wait

Casino can suck a dick because you have to listen to that fucking faggot all the time and he interrupts you every 2 fucking minutes to tell you how smart he is while ship is literally 2 hours of hallways.

>Most of the others are fucking garbage and boring to look at. Especially casino / bank / ship

So you're being petty for no reason

>worst girl Haru
is it opposite day today?

Fuck off fujo shit, goro makes everything worse.

>calling the literal best boy a faggot
your opinion has been invalidated

>People with this poor taste actually exist

Get fucked fuckboi, this isn't the last you're gonna see from him

I wish you could drag him and mishima into the velvet room and execute both of them to create some ungodly monster that you then defeat to overall improve the game.

I think you mean enhanced. It always sucks that outside of 2 or 3 special events your romance with a girl is basically done once you get rank 10.

Says the person who calls this qt worst girl

Play SMT then you dumb nigger it's literally persona without the social shit

She's objectively the worst female party member

Option at the start asking "Have you ever played a Persona game before" and if you pick yes the game removes the leash MUCH earlier. Seriously I feel even Persona 4 did hold your hand this fucking long.

her forehead is larger than her role in the game
why is she so ugly?
i bet you're a fuukafag too.

She must be better than hifumi though since they cut her as a party member all together.

>more free time in general
>not having Haru join so goddamn late
>more of Hifumi
>actual free time in Hawaii so I don't have to choose between hanging out with Hifumi and my bro Ryuji

I was hype as fuck for the Hawaii segment and practically nothing happened.

When I finished Ann's link she basically stopped existing. I feel like previous Persona games have been fairly balanced at keeping each character relevant but I swear Ann drops off harder than a sack of bricks. She basically stops existing by the time the third dungeon comes around.

I'm not sure if that's something that can be fixed though. I guess more shennanigans would help with that

>Goro needs to be louder, angrier, and have access to a time machine
>Whenever Goro's not on screen, all the other characters should be asking "Where's Goro"?

She's objectively the best Persona girl.
There is nothing wrong with her forehead and she is absolutely adorable.
>i bet you're a fuukafag too
Not really. I wasn't much of a fan of any Persona girl until 5.

I would like more free time to explore social links.

gay romance

Still got more screentime than Haru

Would be a genuine improvement.

i hope this never happens.

Watch it pal

This but only on the new FeMC route

>Gurl will never balance her vagina bones on your back.


It most likely won't just saying it will be nice.

>the Beauty Thief will never steal your virginity
why even live?

They cut Hifumi, because her storyline was too long.

>putting someone with a grenade launcher on sniping duty

I'm still early in the game, but did they change every persona names?
Pyro Jack has been renamed Jack O Lantern

Less fucking railroading, fuck you cat, you don't own me.

FeMC with gay options
Rewritten story for a better flow and better character development
No more anime cinematics
Reverse team introduction order, add Hifumi and Tae as Thieves
Fix some of the character designs
Much less loadings for pete sake, more interesting activities
More time. You don't even a full year
More depth in the combat system

you don't see their real name until you recruit them, idiot

No futaba edition

He's still called that even though I recruited him, idiot.

Jack O Lantern is proper translation, the Pyro Jack thing was a running mistranslation that they finally fixed after all these years.
Google it you uncultured ape.

>Hifumi and Tae as thieves

Fuck you and your clamfest

Why so rude?

-FeMC with pedo route that actually gets localized properly this time option
-gay and straight pedo options

Deal with it insecure kid.

Because you're a pig

At least I'm not a disgrace to my family like you are.