What's your excuse for not buying last dlc?
It fixed everything
What's your excuse for not buying last dlc?
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I shouldn't have to buy something to fix an existing product. I'll wait till it's free.
While it's great and is probably one of Paradox's best DLCs yet, people should probably wait until it's on sale.
>parajew game
>anywhere near acceptable before the 4th or 5th dlc
Thanks, but I'll get this one for free as well
>buying paradox dlc
>when you can easily get them for free and they even work with steam
For what purpose?
Achievements and support the developers?
I'm trying to decide between this DLC and player unknown battlegrounds
>support the developers?
you're funny
Because I want to give money developers who support their games
I don't even know about this game. tl;dr it for me user
Is there any danger in sharing a border with this stagnant ascendance? I'd like to avoid colonizing this spot if it meant they would come down on my poor fledgling empire.
What part of "works with steam" did you not understand?
>support the developers
Fuck right off, Wiz
My biggest complaint with this game is the constant need to remake ship designs.
I really wish it was just like Civ where there were set unit types.
I hate wasting time min maxing ship types
i'll wait a few years until they're actually finished with the game and have a 90% off sale
just go auto upgrade when you get new ship parts then
Achivements didn't work, at least for me. And the store didn't register that I owned a copy, even though I could play Utopia through steam. Not like I tried a cracked version or anything like that before purchase, though.
That shit is wack and you know it
Yes, if you colonies too close they can humilate you by demanding you abandon the colony or they will fucking rape you.
Also if they wake up ready the lube for your vassalation.
They won't like you, but they most likely won't do anything about you either.
He probably doesn't know it.
i do, but stop complaining about what's essentially go put the best weapons available on all designs and start spamming that shit
I did.
There's still not enough to do though.
Have you played 1.5? Thats the exact fucking opposite of what will happen.
So, anyone killed chaos god yet?
Did he gives any bonuses or technologies?
If they aren't isolasionst xenophobic it's fine
If they awaken better join them and wait for the time to backstab, or you will be the first one they try to rape
Well do you or don't you, user?
Which is it?
Can I fucking planet bust in this game now?
I'm tired of choosing military and then full bombardment, only to widdle down the population.
Give me the BIG guns
Depends. Are they xenophobe? Otherwise you are safe.
Only Militant Isolationists have problems with you being near
>Achivements didn't work, at least for me. And the store didn't register that I owned a copy
Then you probably did it wrong
I colonized a few times near fallen, they told me to strip the colony and I told them to fuck off. They sure as hell angry with me now, but they don't actually try to go to war with me.
It says they're holy guardians/fanatic spiritualist.
Also if the time comes what does vassalization entail? I just become their bitch for a while?
The steamfix crack to play online has a trojan inside. Also if you do pirate it without steamfix you won't be able too play MP even if you disable the dlc.
Oh and even with the steamfix you can only play with other players who have that same pirated fix so good luck.
your diplomatic options are curtailed, you have to do what they say and you pay them a bit.
I own the game and all dlc legitimately but none of the new achievements are working for me either. Could just be a bug. I've done 2/3 ascendency paths and gotten nothing
Holy guardians only care about you shitting holy worlds(and tomb worlds but not much)
If you become their bitch you can't declare wars anymore, and wil lbe forced to change some policies, for example if you become bitch of Enigmatic Observers, no more purge for you
Those guys will only get mad if you make robots.
Holy guardians in my latest playthrough went to war with me after I converted everyone to synths
By then I had enough power to kill them and actually conquered their world
Which awoke the xeno/military fallen empire and now I'm boned.
Ahem where could one go about getting these dlcs
You accept the word of space Jesus into your heart and become a vassal. The best fallen empire to awaken is the xenophobic one because all of its vassals become battle thralls and are permitted to fight one another for land as much as they please
That doesn't seem too bad. At least it's not game over.
Cause I'd rather get Mandate of Heaven.
It depends on the empire. Game used to straight up tell you what would tick them off but it seems more coy about it now.
What exactly did the new DLC add to the game?
Civ style traditions, megastructures one of which is useless, one op as shit, 3 alright. Hive minds, government ethos, and probably something else I'm forgetting.
>Suddenly 2k x2 pirates literally blocking off the hyperlanes a mere two systems outside the starter system
More fun deals with spirits in the not warp
A lot of small shit that adds up to a lot but mainly a new government system like hiveminds and buildable megastructres like ring worlds and dyson spheres
Might look into it.
Next DLC will mostly likely be military overhaul.
They better add some offensive megastructures. I want a fucking death star.
Traditions were part of the patch, Ascendancy is part of the paid DLC.
I'd rather they did trade. Something to make the galaxy feel more alive and give you something to do beyond declaring war on anything that's still breathing.
Anybody have a mega for the DLC's?
>It fixed everything
What are the essential mods for this game? It's kinda hard to figure out when you look on steam since there are so many dead/not up-to-date mods at the top.
I want to support a good game so I get more content for it
Fuck you
Check cs.rin thread
Hyperlanes are shit after 1.3
I want a huge battleship that sends in bankrupt by just being parked.
DLC and patch just came out, most of them aren't updated yet
Remove all the lower and weapon slot parts then hit auto
It works. But yes its wack since it cant remove existing parts.
Why? What did they do to them?
stupidest fuking game ever wish I could refund.
does the ai bother to kill enemy crisis now?
it's a bit irritating to see the ai literally ignore the unbidden as they blob half their territory
That seems like a good way to get 10392 billion viruses
Such is life I suppose
All they'd need to do is let you auto-generate ships based on weapon type and it would be fine. But not, it just seems to pick whatever has the highest numbers.
>dont pay for DLC
>game company goes bankrupt
>no more quality games
Are pirates this fucking stupid lol? You're the cancer to the industry and I'll keep paying for *every single* EU4/CK2/HOI4/Stellaris DLC to support them. umad poorfags?
You are retarded beyond belief if you think that's how people get viruses.
Why the hell do you want to pirate if you're that paranoid
Biggest change was forcing them outside the gravity well like all the other pleb FTLs. Before then you could bombard someone's planet and immediately piss off the second a fleet committed itself to come get you.
I can see why they stopped that kind of annoying hit and run but now Wormhole just shits all over everything even harder.
It really didn't. Mid- and late game are still a slog due to lack of flavor events (bar old crises and awakening FEs), or meaningful internal politics and diplomacy. It's still the same shit: if you're an expansionist you just blob and get to experience Paradox certified deathstack combat, if you're going tall you can ignore the rest of the universe altogether (unless you're too stupid to not build any military at all) and just stare at the screen looking research go up.
While Utopia and Banks additions are nice they didn't really change the game in any major way, Traditions and Ascension perks just ensure you won't fall behind megablobs if you're a tall player. Psionic ascension and its events are neat whereas Mechanical and Biological add very little. Hive Minds feel pretty much like an afterthought considering they don't even get changed flavor events.
>quality game
Nice joke mate.
It's slow as shit and you can't warp from any point of a system anymore.
From my experience: no. They don't give a shit about crisis, if you (or an awakened fallen empire if they are near enough) don't stop them asap the galaxy is fucked.
Because its paradox's game with the usual jew business model... i dont have spare 300 yuros to spend to a game.
I bought the original release, had my 80 hours of fun and will probably buy the _COMPLETE_ game when they release stellaris 2 in 8-10 years.
As it stands i have no intention to encourage their current business practices by spending money on Stellaris. Game developers who respect their customers shouldnt try to milk them with for several years with 1 title.
If they get close yes.
I buy Paradox DLC but you're fucking retarded. They're Jews of the highest order. Not even just because of the flood of DLC they pour out, but the shit way in which they always split half of it off into the free patches.
Limit province buildings based on development as part of the EU4 patch, but need to shell out the shekels to actually develop provinces. Further made worse by the Institutions patch. Now again with shit like Devastation being introduced but Prosperity being behind a paywall.
CK2's full price if you've "bought it" as soon as possible one fragment at a time.
Or you could use CreamAPI lmao
Traditions are boring, wasted mechanic.
This. DLC in CK2 were pretty good, but in EU4 you need to buy like 3 DLC if you like trading and colonization.
Can someone go over why everyone's going crazy over this new DLC? What does it add?
You build an empire on giant laser beams and using other species as food
Is there any way to make a energy weapon based fleet that isn't ass?
Kinetics are strong. Kinetics + plasma are strongest. Energy is shit, Missiles shouldn't even be in the game at this point.
>dont pay for DLC
>game company goes bankrupt
>no more quality games
If that were true paradox would not be in business anymore, since people do that since forever, but as we can see they are now a publisher/developer, and business seems to be going as well as never before.
That's actually a reasonable price if you play at least 10 hours a week and you know, have a real job and life
CK2 at realese was fine and was no way unfinished
Everything after is just additional content
Missiles were my favorite but now they are completely useless and they never bothered to fix it. I go with kinetics+plasma since 1.2 never had a problem-
hello reddít, please go back to paradox plaza
>what is CreamAPI
3 fucking years and you still didn't learn where to get the fucking game and the DLCs
I played the heck out of it already and the new features are neat but not enough to keep me interested. Mods do megastructures way better. There still isn't a whole lot to do mid-late game.
What are your 1.5 builds?
Pic related works well to snowball. Build mining stations faster than the AI, then conquer and enslave them.
>no more quality games
So, status quo upheld?
>playing as a mutated roach
What are you, turkish?
Pacifist + xenophobia
Agrarian + whatever that +30% unity one is
Basically best unity combo. Unity is pretty OP and fun plus you can switch out everything unity based once you finish it.
>it fixed everything
a year too fucking late I'm already hyper bored of it
I haven't played since 1.1. Any tips? What are the biggest changes since then?
Are there people who have played 2,5k+ hours of crusader kings 2? If you are autistic enough to get that much out of it, sure its worth it. I have 5k+ on path of exile and im perfectly happy having paid 270€ total for it.
Not an argument, there are tons of examples of developers doing several major content patches for free. No one else on steam (AFAIK) is going as deep with predatory DLC practices as paradox.
Is the new EU4 DLC good?
>No one else on steam (AFAIK) is going as deep with predatory DLC practices as paradox.
Hivemind Lovecraftian abomination that hate everyone, but try to hold everyone from attacking them by having bigger and better fleet. So far it works, though I had to vassalize a lot of small empires just to hold off some of my more powerful neighbors from attacking me because they hate my guts.
Yes, this is modded, I don't care about balance, I just up the difficulty if I don't find the challenge.
>hive minds are completely one dimensional and remove a bunch of mechanics while adding nothing
poor trainwiz
The fuck are those traits?