How many connections are there between Tales of Berseria and Zesteria...

How many connections are there between Tales of Berseria and Zesteria? I remember some but have mostly forgotten all of Zesteria.

Not as much as you would think
There is a nod here or there but nothing anyone who has't played Zestiria would be lost in
Berseria does a good job making its own world without making references everywhere to Zestiria

Phi's Zaveid's and Eizen's fate after the game are clear with Zestiria but is there hints to what happened to Rokurou, Elenor and Magilou?

I've seen Berseria around for a good price. Out of 10, what would you give it? How are the characters, gameplay, story etc? Is Velvet waifu material?

Well the anime made more connection with berseira since it came after it but as far as i can remember

>The foure lords
>Omega exiser "not sure about the name"
>some stages are the same in both games
>normin seraph
>mavins\story teller
>zestirai ending is parallel to berseria ending with both main characters goes to sleep\sacrifice themselves in order to save the world

you forgot hellions and malevolence

>There mention of the scarlet night in zestiria although unlike the anime they didn't show it

I didn't play the others tales games but almost all the monsters you encounter in both games are the same

There's also the dragon on hexen isle, the griffith thing you can kill zestiria, etc etc

Well i figured it goes without saying since the world and it lore is the same , at this rate you must also says both have LoC , shepherd , serpah etc

It's a shame there are like, five good Tales games.

No, Symphonia isn't one of them, nostalgiafags.

well, you said normins seraph and mavin so I mean

Elenor naturally died few decades after berseira

Magilou died 300 years prior to zestiria after she broke her oath

Rokurou is unknown

>Magilou died 300 years prior to zestiria after she broke her oath
What happened? What was her oath? Where does it show that?

None, go away Sup Forumselvet-kun.

Guidebook helps with this:

Rokurou: Seeked out strong opponents as a deamon. No record of if or when he died.

Elenor: Became the next Shepard after Artorius. No record of if she ever had kids.

Magilou: Became the Storyteller of Time. Lived way longer than the average human.
Eventually broke oath when she told of who Velvet was. You can find her grave in Zestiria.

So, by Zestiria, only Eizen, Laphi, Zaveid, and maybe Rokurou (probably not) are still around.

>forgotten all of Zesteria
Fucking good. Forget that garbage ever existed.

Where is this grave of hers?

Yeah this as well the zombie dragon you get to kill in zestirai , in berseira you see it back story and how he became to be

>Storyteller of Time
What is that?
You kill Eizen in Zesteria right?

The Storyteller's Oath. Remember that grave in one of the caves in Zestiria, where a Seraph recited a poem? That's her's.

There tons of reference and connection if one would pay attention


You get to see it in the game but i don't remember her grave exactly

Any sign of Bienfu after Magilou died?

>four elemental lord and phi
>story tellers
>omega elixir
>turtle clan
>Zombie dragon in hexen isle
>several doujins are the same in both games
>almost all the demons you fight are the same in both games
>both games ending are parallel to each other

Nope he isn't mentioned at all in zestirai

if you add the anime you also see

>scarlet night
>old hag normin "forgot her name"

Many. Great world if you ask me.

It's a sidequest so it may not be canon.

The omega elixir in berseira is canon