Let's get one of these threads going

Let's get one of these threads going.

It's a top-down (semi?) open world game on the PC.
You start out in a house and I think you could interact with objects in the world, like putting items in cabinets.

You could hail cabs and pay money to have them take you places. One specific detail I remember is that at the top-right corner of the map there's a harbour with a big ship that you could get on.

I'm not sure about the date. It's probably at least 15 years old.

Other urls found in this thread:


Shenmue RPGmaker edition

It's an arcade driving game
not a racer
you had to perform a series of tests and you were given a grade for each
one of the tests involved driving with a glass of water on top of the car
has a Tron-like setting
it didn't have a seat, you played standing up

It's a 3D game.

Little Big Adventure 1 or 2

It was a 3D brawling game on the PS2.
Similar feel to Power Stone or Shrek Superslam.
You controlled animals and there was a mode that was like CTF but with a hankerchief.
It was on one of the PS2 mag Demo Disks.

Some game we had at school. It's a 2D adventure game in a jungle/rainforest environment and it starts off with some main character being shot by poison that is shot using a tube. There were loads of puzzles and stuff. This was about 17 years ago. Shit description but I can't remember a lot about it.

An RTS game with a post-apocalyptic setting were you had to build one of the first building on an oil deposit, but it WASN'T Warzone 2100.

No, it has a realistic modern day setting.

Math Blaster?

can you describe the main character?

I don't remember, he was just a generic guy.

WW3 black gold?

Found it.

KKND 1 or 2? Earth 2140?

KKnD that was it. Neat.

This actually reminded me of another RTS. You had to play as like the UN or some shit and could rescue civilians and bring them back to your base by helicopter. I remember the opening cutscene had like a soldier's helmet being run over by a tank. It was 3D and more modern than the above.

There was this 2.5d doomlike fps I played the shareware version of as a kid. I remember it had smiley faces and dancing vending machines. It was really fucking weird too, like a weird back story. Anyone know what it could be?


Nah, wasn't that. I remember the shareware CD had a group of kids drawn realistically with balloons on the cover, of that helps


PS1 game about some kind of something, not really sure since i didn't have the instruction manual.
You piloted a weaponized hoverbike or something like that.
First cutscenes are of some guys in a lab making some shit and the other is a guy watching tv and popping open a can of beer, when he drinks it he start melting in a red goo that rapidly spread around destroying everything it touches.

That's not it either. Some kind of back story about aliens but it was also considered a kids game

It is a ps1 game.
It is a game where you fight in a arena against others. You can pick up rocks and throw them on others. Also you can use the rocks to activate some special attacks.
There are different characters with different abilities.
One character was a ninja.

Power Stone?



It was an earlier isometric kind of game, but I don't remember if it was on the PS1 or not.
It was about some kind of alien doomsday cult and you took control of a squad of guys to stop them from taking over the world.
It played a lot like a real time x-com.
There was a whole lot of body horror gross flesh shit going on.


PC game
turn-based RTS with square grids, kinda like FFT or Fire Emblem. Futuristic setting. Humans vs some kind of space grey lizards. The story was told through pre-rendered images in that 90's fashion they used to have.

All units had 2 different attacks, and the movement was limited by "fuel".
I don't remember all the units but humans had a 2 man troop unit and the aliens had a guy in a flying jetpack and a big tank with zebra camo.

A sidescroller for the SNES, it's some magical kid with a hat and a wand as far as I'm concerned.

>forgetting the name of things you've spent any time playing or looking at
seems like a pretty big genetic or mental defect. I knew Sup Forums was full of freaks, but christ.


ps1 game
you were a slut in an horror house with a normie and a priest(not sure about that ?)
resident evil-like exploration but with jrpg casual encounter but with strategic combat like final fantasy tactics.

It's a GBA game

Kind of Megaman-ish

You can change the type of bullet that you shoot.

I can't remember the enemies but you can say that they are either a mech or alien.

magical pop'n?

fuck off rainman

Poy Poy

Machine Head or BLAM! Machine Head

Oh my God, I found it! Bad Toys 3D

The main character was a boy as far as I remember, and the art style was different.

too generic, was it a sidescroller or isometric view? cartoony or realistic? what region?

Contra Alien Wars
Metal Slug Advance
Metal Gun Slinger
Scurge: Hive
Gunstar Super Heroes
Metroid Fusion
Metroid Zero Mission

That's it. Thanks man.

Are you one of those literal autists who get angry at video games? I bet you sweat from your palms as well, you fucking abomination

Wrong person


>nobody will ever find your game in one of these threads

That's the one!

jump n run in pyjamas

>Gunstar Super Heroes
Oohhh yeah,that's the one. Thanks dude, you're the man!

2D, maybe 3D fighting game for PlayStation. The only thing I remember about it is that there was a weapon system and one of the characters would pull out his own rib and use it like a sword.

are you sure you're not thinking of Magician Lord on neo-geo?

What about Equinox (but it's isometric not sidescrolling)?

Super Adventure Island 1 and 2?

DoReMi Fantasy: Milon no DokiDoki Daibouken (released on wii virtual console)?

i guess not since that had a pretty memorable mechanic but it's a try

It was a 2d game on a very old system, computer ish maybe.
You controlled a rocket that would ascend based on input and could spin it around etc. It would travel up and there was water i think either side of the launch pad, i think
It was most likely the first 'level'

I've got one for ya, Sup Forums
I've been searching this game for about 10+ years. This was probably a win95 game, or thereabouts.
It was on pc, and it played like a boardgame. It was set on an island, and you rolled a dice and moved around different coloured tiles, each colour representing a category like 'arts', 'history', etc. You landed on a tile and answered a question, and collected enough colours to make it to the centre of the island which is how you won the game.
On the island there was an observatory to the left which contained space related questions i think?
If any of you know, and could help me, you would be solving a decade old riddle that will bring me immense joy.

Lunar Lander?

maybe Legend of the Mystical Ninja?

the main character uses a pipe as his weapon, which is sort of like a staff

PS1 (might be PS2, but pretty sure it was PS1)

You play something like a Kung-Fu Tiger/Leopard and fight your way through the world in 3D.
Kinda like God of War with a lot of asian flair.

NES game with ninjas and a bamboo forest level. The thing I remember most clearly is that you could jump sky high, screen scrolled up and you could still out-jump it.

legend of kage or it's spin-off demon sword

I used to ask about this, but I eventually learned that the game is called First Expedition.

But now I have a new problem: It just happens to be one of the very few games that doesn't fucking work on DOSBox, so I can't even relive my nostalgia. Fucking bullshit.

T'ai fu Wrath of the Tiger

Fuck off, frogfuck.

I never had a Neo-Geo back in the day, so I know it was for the SNES.
No luck with those titles, the only thing I really remember was that it was 2D and had a wizard boy as I just remembered gameplay elements around magic.

No luck there.

It's a weirdly obscure game I guess, I've not ever seen it anywhere outside of the time I had it.


It was Demon Sword, thanks.

why doesn't it work?

Illusion of Gaia / Illusion of Time?

the rocket was more narrow and it had full color, more or less
the level was quite narrow, you're more or less what seems like an underground cave

okay, so it's a weird story based game that came out a few years ago.
it opens to a scene with some FBI guy, and they he gets on a plane with a bunch of other guys. ring a bell?

No RPG, and it was a sidescroller.

Is the antagonist a big guy?

Oh, nice thread.

This was from the DOS era of games. Was like a space ship thing, that had to go on a course of obstacles and stuff and reach the end. It was "3D" , perspective of the back of the ship. You just glided over the floor and moved to the front, strafing and jumping.

So this is a tough one, I've posted this a couple of times in threads like this and people never come up with anything. Ok so first of all I don't even know if this game was ever released. All I'm going off is an old preview I remember reading in a PC Gamer in the early 2000's

It was an isometric sci fi game, set on a massive slave ship. Cant remember if it was a RPG or shooter or hack and slash. I think you chose one of three characters to play as but I'm not sure.

Aside from gameplay screenshots there was also a screenshot from what I assume was a prerendered cutscene showing a slobbish alien watching tv in a filthy room, and the alien looked like a sort of lilac coloured Michelin man

Fuck, I don't remember it looking this shitty. Should be this one though, hmh. Thanks.


>trying to remember an obscure PC game

With console games at least you can look at a list of games released for a system, but with PC games you're fucked.
There's so many games that are lost to time and might not even exist anymore.


Hocus Pocus?


A pc rts game about vikings. I remember that the main building of the city you made was a ship, and you could also make your citizens fuck to make babies.

Cultures 1 or 2

I remember playing a demo of a game I seriously never saw anywhere else

>Euro magazine demo from around 2004-2005, can't recall
>you control a character that I still picture similar to Rayman, in a 2d scroller that plays like a point and click adventure, where you click a place and the character walks there
>the demo level is a boat, and you have to solve some puzzle
>I distinctively remember there was a chef making sushi and you had to fetch some kind of key (or was it a set of golden dentures?) from inside an aquarium in the kitchen in order to end the level and open some door
>after that the demo ends

I can't remember more than this. Any help will be appreciated, nobody has ever guessed this game.

that looks sweet

Oh thanks user!

Couldn't tell at first but the intro has the slobbish alien in it so yeah, nice one

Oh shit, that's it, you actually found it!

I remember a sega megadrive game, a 2D platformer in which you travel in time. It was kinda caroonish.

It was my first game ever.

Definitely Koudelka

The final boss is your sibling. NG+ you play as the sibling

On Sega Genesis or something

You start as a prince and get cursed into dragon and then mouse, fish, lion and finally bird.

Sounds like Wonder Boy 3, but that's on the master system.

Are you serious?

That's it. I remember watching my brother play that shit.

Fuck off shill


ps1 game
it was on a demo disc along with tekken 2 and some weird tunnel shooter that had a time limit
you could rotate the map
multiplayer sorta like power stone i guess

There's a fucking remake of that game out in 3 days and you're trying to convince me you just happened to bring it up purely by chance in one of these treads?

God I know I'm falling directly in your trap by sperging about it but fuck whatever

It took me 3 seconds to find out it's Demo Disc 3.

Think was xbox game
You use a fat man to beat up children
There is a zone with a witch that kills you instantly

Welp im busted

How will i ever recover? Also source?

Yeah, how would that someone would bring up a video game in a video game thread on a video game board.

I'm not even the one who asked the question.

PC game around late 1990s, something like wing commander.

i remember being able to select different ships for missions and a pretty nice hub-like menu. i remember clearly being able to suffocate in space with the glass of the cockpit of your ship breaking and your character kind of swelling up. scared me when i was a kid, would love to find it again.