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Is this game overrated ?

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Is it coming to the PC? The PS3 version is shit.

Nah.. the sequel will be tho


Was the zombie dlc necessary?

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yes, it got 10/10s from everywhere despite having lots of issues

>can't do shit with collectibles
>guns of the same type all feel the same
>graphical glitches everywhere

and I don't know if it was just me but I couldn't see shit whenever it rained, which happened often enough to be annoying


No, but it was a fun way to lighten the mood after a great game.

No but this game needs to be ported to the PS4/Xbox One

nah, best way to play it is on Xbone via BC

I think at this point a port is not very likely. That shipped sailed awhile ago, if they released a port now it would come out too close to the release of RDR2.

It was boring, overrated and gave me headaches because of the shitty blur effect. The scenery was giant and empty and felt like a horse-walking simulator.

GOTY 2017.

A bit but it was still great. Started off way too fucking slow though, probably turned a lot of people off.

I believe I got the free down load of the rdr zombie dlc. Used it to put lots of hours on rdr online. On the weekends it's still easy to find players and get matches going


It's still a fantastic game, with solid gunplay/horse-riding, great spaghetti Western story/characters (Albeit nothing really unique) and some of the best atmosphere games have to offer.
However it has some fairly significant flaws, repetitive missions/side-activities, fairly empty world, poor pacing, awkward shooting controls while horse-riding if you don't auto-aim, huge portions of the world gated behind the story. Although to be fair, many of the issues are just general problems most open world games have.

If RDR2 is at least as good, it'll be another solid Rockstar title. Hoping at the very least there's no drop in quality for the Gunplay, Horse-Riding and Atmosphere.

I dunno, I just remember there was this fort in the mountains in mexico where you could spend hours punching mexicans off cliffs

>Hoping at the very least there's no drop in quality for the Gunplay, Horse-Riding and Atmosphere.
I expect it to be superior to RDR mechanically just as every previous GTA has been superior to its predecessors mechanically. It's a high budget Rockstar game that has been in production for more than 5 years.

My bigger concern is if they're going to ruin the online like they did with GTA V.

Yes it is. Bought it on PS3 on release day and thought it was just meh. Only later did I find it's massive fanbase online.

Game is trash tier. If it even comes to PC I wont even bother torrenting it it's not even worth a second playthrough.

Online I'd be concerned. I feel like after the success of GTAV's multiplayer they'll be trying to model RDR2's online completely on GTAV's.

It's weird, it was a big game that ended up being somehow a cult classic rather than a straight classic.

A bit overrated by the general audience, and highly overrated by some vocal minorities.

I believe it's one of the best games of its generation, or at least is one of my favorites. Of course, I expect a major backlash against the game once the new game arrives.

yes. i couldn't even bother to finish it despite beating all the GTA games

>I believe it's one of the best games of its generation


It's not even in the top 20, and 7th gen was a bad gen. If I had to compare RDR to another game of it's type from 7th gen I would unironically compare it with Assassin's Creed 1.

I literally enjoyed Ass Creed 1 and RDR about the same. AC1 maybe even slightly more because at least the movement and climbing mechanics were still a new gimmick back then.

Both games were open world
Both games did a new/underused setting we hadn't seen in video games much before
Both games were disappointing as shit
One game was a multiple and the other was console exclusive

If you want a good open world western play Gun. It's far better than RDR.

>I expect a major backlash against the game once the new game arrives.

I hope so, I am sick of seeing this overrated POS get so much praise. I truly believe the only reason this game wasn't forgotten a year after launch like all other open world crap is because people use it to bait PC users. It's literally a console vs PC war meme game.


Pretentious hipsters like to gag themselves on Dan Houser's dick but the story is actually garbage and the writing is laughably bad

I can't wait for the sequel so we can ride out again for 10 minutes while John and whoever the fuck talk slowly about what it means to be a man over and over and over

See what I mean OP, backlash already started

>expecting a good story from a
>a) western
>b) videogame
>c) western videogame

Your delusion is sinful

not really
for it's release time it was very good

but now you get occasionally autists from 2017 who think they know what they are talking about and shit on the game

going to play it on Scorpio in 4K alongside with RDR2

Just like with all rockstar games...

No playing it on xbone it still holds up.

never ever

Well I'm glad I'm not the only one who think its overrated. Im not even sure if I'll he able to finish it. I'm like 17 hours in and so far nothing regarding my story has happened. What were they thinking, am I missing something here? I dont give a fuck about the mexican revolution. Also marston is a shit mc

Still a good game. Shame it never got ported but then again im an idort

Nope. It's a good game. I'll tell you what's underrated in comparison though

It is a legit 10/10 game.

All exclusives are for all platforms.

You are already past the best bit of the game, it's not gonna pick up later on I can tell you. I had to rush the last bit after Mexico just to get it over and done with. I guess a few story missions near the end where kidna cool but it's to be expected that the end has a bit of effort put into it.

This game and the Infamous series are the only reasons I've ever bothered trying to get a playstation (never bothered in the end because I can't find even a used one for a price I'm willing to part with).

Why didn't it get a PC port anyway? Was there any specific reason for it?

RDR's coding was an abysmal mess and that game was barely in a functional state when it shipped. They don't want to go to the effort of porting it when it was so slapped together in the first place it would probably break and they'd need to spend a lot of money and time again refixing it for PC.

Also don't get the PS3 version, I have it and it's fucking trash. If you are gonna go to the effort of playing it, the 360 version was better but that's not going to fix the shit gameplay, it just wont look as bad and have the terrible performance of the PS3 version.

GTA is overrated