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fuck off Randy

Here we go again.

Hope it goes the route of battle born and gets porn by the producers

I want it to play like 1 but feel like 2 if that's you know

hope it releases near destiny 2

I'm not really excited for Destiny 2

OPs pic is from a tech demo. It's not a real game.

I literally couldn't give a shit after 2, didn't think of touching pre-sequel either.

thats not the point

I want 2 things:

You guys think I'm good?

I never really played pre sequel but this looks good

they'll be trash like in 2


This shit needs to stop already.

The only good thing I can say about TPS is it had a great final boss with mechanics, it wasn't a simple bullet sponge.

Everything else was a social shitstorm though

I bet it's gonna be BADASS AS FR*CK!

If you are good with all the guns feeling like they are pea shooters again.

If it actually happens, I'm just going to wait for the edition with all the DLC when its like five bucks like last time.

I hope you mean the opposite
2 improved on 1 in every way except the script and the "feel"


Don't worry. They'll make a joke about it

popular internet references and political agenda

>10 bazillion guns
>2 useful ones

Honestly, as long as it's nothing like the Pre-Sequel I'll be happy.

got fed up with the DLC up the ass bullshit a long time ago

>borderlands 1
>actually felt like a desolate, depressive wasteland
>the dark humor complimented the tone
>you actually feel like a bandit, not a knight in shining armor

>borderlands 2
>Kuh-razy randumb jokes xd
>look at all that blood hahah xs
>we gotta stop that big bad handsome jack! here we come to save the day everyone!
Borderlands 2 is better from a gameplay perspective, but the plot and overall atmosphere is aids in comparison.

it's b/c faggots complained that the environment was too dull and the story sucked. news flash: it's a loot based game. now, they want tiny tina to be playable... fuck this franchise. fuck you, gbx.

I agree...thats why I want the story and plot and crap to be borderlands1 but play like 2 because 2 played better


i don't give a flying fuck OP as borderlands 2 was utter shite, i'm fucking sick of the memes, im sick of the bro humour, gearbox is bad joke someone needs to put them out of their misery.