Dragon Quest XI

Are you ready for the saviour of JRPG?

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I wish they would get a new designer for DQ.


I wish people would stop asking for DQ to be something it's not.

>Same music
>Same artstyle
>Same sounds
>Same character archetypes
Japanese call of duty

I look forward to the new titty monster.

Hey look, it's the protagonist of Dragon Quest 6.

It's a SSGSS.

pls be on the vita

>tfw if it ever does come West it's going to full of shitty accents and some of the text is just going to be unreadable mumbo jumbo

Toriyama basically is Dragon Quest (and DBZ for that matter)

Cant change what the core of a game is.

his humans mostly suck and even repeat designs, but his monsters are godlike

Implying the JRPG genre needs saving now. It needed saving a couple of years ago, PS3 era maybe. But now the JRPG genre is doing great.

Anyway, looking forward to it, though the gameplay looks just a tiny bit TOO bright and shiny for my tastes, it seems worse than VII and VIII for some reason.


Who /16bit/ here?

Is Dragon Quest the most stagnant franchise in the market? From DQ1 to XI you see the same shit every time, and the worst thing, people send death threats the moment you try to bring something new to the series.

Why is Japan OK with stagnation?
Why is Japan so autistic with this sort of thing?

Every game adds and improves things while keeping the core experience consistent.
Only a few westcucks that never liked the games in the first place keep getting triggered thinking that you need to reinvent the wheel every time.

Were the last English localizations that bad?
The ones in my language barely had any accents compared to the DS games.

If any of you speak nipnong, do they say anything interesting?


>Same monsters, same faces, same character designs, same NPCs, same medieval setting, same everything
>Except this one little mechanic in this game WOAH
>Core experience

Yeah, because repetition ad nauseam is the core experience for this franchise.

Except CoD doesn't do that. Do you really think Infinite Warfare is even remotely similar to CoD1?

Compare Dragon Quest to other franchises like Final Fantasy and SaGa, which try and change drastically each iteration.

What's wrong with having one JRPG series that stays consistent? It's not like things aren't switched up or improved each installment.

>Same music
Not even close.

>Same artstyle

>Same sounds

>Same character archtypes

> Nintendo has been rehashing TLoZ formula for decades because MUH CONSISTENCY
> They mix-up the formula and break all franchise traditions to create a unique Zelda experience
> They create one of the best Zelda games in the franchise

That could be DQ too, but nope, japanese people would send angry death threats and suicide scares the moment you touch their Legos.

JRPGs have peaked like 2 weeks ago, why do they need a saviour now?

So this is an artstyle kumagaysin goes for, I see.
I like it.

I'm already playing the savior of jrpgs right now

>Not on Vita
>Not on PC

I may pirate the 3DS version but that's it.

DQ XI will be very good. I'm also hyped for the next Neptunia game (action rpg already released in japan)

>Not on PC
They'll announce it as soon as they announce the localization you fucking retard. How many games get a PC port announced before their japanese release?


I played DQ V on my phone and most characters were fine, BUT the ones speaking in accents were really hard to understand.
I had to read that shit out loud to get what the translator was meaning by the shit he wrote down.
Accents work if the game is fully voiced - otherwise they are just hindering me to enjoy the game.

>daily reminder if the sony cared about the vita and didnt jew people with those memory card prices it would have been a sucess
>instead it somehow has been surviving for all this years due to the japs since its big in there
>west only gets digital or weeb garbage while the proper jap games dont get localized

fuck sony

you can always do ps4 remote play, every PS4 game supports remote play for Vita.

I wish they would actually announce it for the west.
But it sounds like only the 3ds version will be coming out here

They still haven't even made the combat system yet have they?

>action rpg bullshit
damnit, I was hoping this game would be good, guess not.

sold my ps4

dont have much time for videogames which is why I love the vita, I can play an hour or two in my comfyness before sleeping

u r dum

Why is is so washed out and blurry?

>Vita gets Builders and Heroes
>no DQXI
Why. Goddamn it, why? It could have been great.

>liking action rpg trash

It's still turn based.

So what party do you think you'll use?
>loli mage
>homo bard
>titty fighter
Edgelord and merchant look shitty, Bianca clone could be either ways.

>Dragon Quest

I'll never understand this

1 was the grandfather of the genre
2 added multiple party members and party AI
3 added a class system
4 had chapter progression with multiple characters that all had unique gameplay progression
5 added monster taming, marriage system, and a story that spanned decades
7 had time travel and was just generally fuck huge
8 brought the series into 3D, introduced the alchemy pot
9 had multiplayer
10 was an MMO
11 had both a fully 3D and 2D version of the same game

How the fuck is Dragon Quest stagnant?

>I've seen a couple Youtube videos so I know what I'm talking about


These people don't play the games, they see it's still turn based and get triggered.

it still has the shittiest battle system ever

I can't think of many jrpgs that have buffs, debuffs, and status ailments as balanced as Dragon Quest

Looks like you're right:

Back to your ARPG trash.

Totally not samefagging.

That just shows that you didn't play many games other than Dragon Quest.

This is going to be ported on PC.. right ? On Switch at least ? PS3 ? Please

I wish we could gas retards like you but we don't all get what we want.

you need to step up your samefagging game because I only get one (you), even though you're implying I get two.

What a wonderful blanket statemtent without any actual information. If your goal was too be an idiot, then I'd say its accomplished by now

I just explained why that user can't think of games like these, that's all. They exist.

Daily reminder that the Vita outperformed or sold an equal amount to the PS4 versions of most multiports but was still left in the dust for some localizations.
>Next Order sold 62k on Vita / 54k on PS4
>Dragon Quest Heroes 2 sold 170k on Vita / 200k on PS4
>Warriors All Stars sold 42k on Vita / 55k on PS4

Another wonderful blanket statement without any actual information. If your goal was too be an idiot, then I'd say its accomplished by now
You're either stupid or a German. In both cases, kys

>skipping 6
Exactly how it should be :^)

Will at least one of the girls get close to this perfection?

dele te this

also, there was a bioshock supposed to come out

I'd kill for someone to get a pdf of the monster art book and translate it

6 is a fine game that added dual world mechanic and contests.

I really don't get everyone's hate for 6. By all means it is still a very good game, even if it is the worst DQ game. The series is nothing if not consistent.

That saddens me


you know except for 6

It's just a meme. Even if story and characters are weaker than V and VII it's still a great game.

If they do that then they lose out on a sale since I'm 100% not gonna buy a 3ds game when I can pirate it.

It's not the worst Dragon Quest game, that title belongs to II. Dragon Quest VI is a great game but it's way longer than it needs to be and the class system is broken as hell.

Vita cucks caused the DQH2 localization to flop in NA so they're probably going to skip localizing for PS4 and go straight to PC.

How deluded do you have to be tontype that sentence out?

So when can we expect the localization? 2018?

I don't see why they'd even release the 3ds version here when there is a switch version planned that will inevitably be released by the time the script is translated. If nintendo is paying to translate this shit like they have been, why wouldn't they try to push the version on their new console?

You're the reason why they slap anti-piracy DRM over everything. Fucking faggot.

>that title belongs to II

that's a funny way of saying 1. or seven

I doubt it since I don't play games on pc.

When's the western release going to be?

Maybe if they made the game on a system I cared to support they'd get my money.

>Shitagen comes out again
Fuck off cuck

Never ever.

It's not an action RPG. By the looks of it, you can move around the area during a battle, but it still follows a turn-based sequence.

I can still have fun with I and beat it in less than a day if I'm playing the remakes. Even in the remakes of II you have to grind like crazy once you get to Rhone, every time. It's annoying and reduces the replay value to 0.

I is great, one of my favorites. I'm glad that they're taking inspiration from it for XI.
VII has its faults but it's still better than II, VI and IX.

Might as well wait for KH3 before getting a PS4 then

I like DQII Heroes demo, I might buy it, but I'm hoping to find another job because I'm getting really poor. Mirabel is CUTE! CUTE!
But I was hoping the new barbarian girl would be playable in the demo
>in DQVII she runs like sonic
>in DQHeroes 2 she does too
Does she have autism?

Persona and DQ are the reason why nobody respects turnbased games anymore

Shit is completely casualised with little to no real strategy required because their games are built for braindead masses.

Its astonishing how degraded turnbased games from Japan have become

What? You have to be retarded to think the game would skip PS4 and go to pc instead.

>Vita cucks caused the DQH2 localization to flop in NA
It wasn't even localized on the Vita. What the fuck?

Half Life 3 is gonna come out before both of these two. KH still has to ship 1.5+2.5+2.8 collection, Im sure thats a thing they'll make before 3. And DQ just hates america, you didn't buy enough copies of builders to get this game released here.

I would rather have Etrian Odyssey 3 Untold but this is going to be a nice game.

This. I'm not into DQ because of the art direction

Didn't builders do good?

Good thing I'm European then, which just makes the wait even longer

Martina exists.

Better to play on the Switch

600K sold in Japan on continuing to sell

I have no idea. Part of me just tells me that no matter how good it does they'd pull that card.

>their games are built for braindead masses
I can't say for Persona, but DQ is literally for children in mind. It's literally a shonen for video games.

Then make a game buddy. Since you clearly have ideas that will revolutionize rpgs.

in the gameplay trailer they show you controlling the mc, and everyone else is in auto mode, is there no mode where you pick their actions?

>Better to play on the Switch

You DO have this game preordered, right user? Don't tell me you're a filthy English Only Peasant!