
>Muse Eaglet is 16, uses an orbal rifle. She shows a lot of interest in Rean and Class VII, and even often times tries to seduce him?
They really are going all out with wanting the Persona audience, aren't they?

Other urls found in this thread:

Altina will protect Rean from her

Is pic related the only woman in the entire country safe from the Reanbowl?

but user, Crow already won the Reanbowl

I think it's time you admit that literally everything romantic that happened in CS 1&2 is equivalent to a high school romance and will fade away.

He'll never get that girl in Celdic that sells honey

honey vendor best girl

Who will protect Rean from Altina?

When is the release of Trails 3? Also, Laura a best.

>tfw Sean Chiplock may only have 12 more years to live and may never see the end of Trails

what happened?


Claiomh Solais

This is the best character design of all time.

>honey vendor best girl
Amazing taste right here

Apparently most of his relatives on his mother's side including his mother died around age 40 of ALS. So he's fairly likely to go the same way.

This was them in 2004.

Trails has never been anything more than cliche anime bullshit with surprisingly assiduous lore. If you don't like cute girls, bishounen, and power level bullshit, why are you looking forward to the game?

Yeah, but it didn't go all out with the high school setting and social links until Cold Steel.
Then Cold Steel 3 goes right back to the school setting even though that should rightly have ended at the end of CS2. And adds even more waifus even though we had like six of them to choose from already.


I'm sort of being sarcastic. Cold Steel dropped the ball in a lot of ways. I'm pretty weary of CS3. It's either gonna be super hype and climactic or a tedious slog where half the game is Rean's teaching adventures at Thors II followed by cliffhangers in the last ten hours of the game.

Pretty much this. It's probably just me but I still somehow love the story's plot.I didn't anticipate that Crow is C

Hopefully by the time Calvard gets here the technology will exist to make a vocaloid of him to voice Rean with.

The entire C plotline was basically a ripoff of Code Geass.

trails was always trendy it started off trying to get the audience of people that like stupid comedy animes like roroni kenshin. But now the japs noticed there a huge aspeger generation that like dressing formal at conventions after persona 3 was a hit. So now they all trying to follow that model.

I haven't watch Code Geass

Consider that a good thing.

inb4 crossboard autists defend it

I just hope they at least make some cool mech scenarios.

I wouldn't exactly say school setting this time. More militaristic is the best way to put it.

Divine Knights were a mistake.

>Towa wins the Reanbowl via proximity

My devotion has paid off.

I'm not that excited for Cold Steel 3 honestly. Guess it's because of the whole school setting again

Fuck you m8 I want them to expand on the hype Valimar action.

You seriously didn't see that twist coming? Not even when your playable character drops out of the party for literally no reason 5 minutes before you fight him? I think it's easily the most predictable twist in Trails.

>tfw to smart to enjoy cold steel

I want Anelace
to sit
on my face

I want to coworkerzone her.

Supposed some people (Crossbell players) thought C was going to be Duke Cayenne. Because they are both left handed.

>Valimar action
Lmao the gameplay was boring as sin, if Divine Knights completely disappear after Cold Steel I won't be shedding any tears.

I couldn't predict that Crow would snipe his own escape ride.

Iirc he hasn't actually gotten tested yet.

Crow was the Joshua twist, but instead of foreshadowing they used forestrobelights

Is that Lighting?

I guessed Crow was C simply from the letter and the fact that he wore a mask. The "lmao forgot the stove on gotta go guys have fun fighting C" was just the sledgehammer that confirmed it.

That's not enough of a change to keep them from retreading the CS1 formula, though. I'm gonna guess a good chunk of the game will work as follows:

Rean is basically gonna be Sara 2.0 except he actually participates in battles to establish himself as a commanding officer and get the students used to following orders and procedures. Field studies will come back, but will focus on military objectives rather than pseudo-Bracer assignments... well, aside from the side quests, which are VERY likely going to be the usual mundane chores for NPCs - likely backed by some shallow explanation involving the military's public image.

Like in CS1, some mishaps will inevitably happen in each field study, testing the strength, knowledge, and resolve of the cast and lead to them spilling their beans for character development. In the meantime, a bunch of political mumbo jumbo and shady Ouroboros activities will be happening in the background and will gradually raise the stakes in the main plot. Eventually, both of these plot elements will catch up with the main cast and the lead up to the climax of the story.

I really hope things DON'T go down like this, but knowing Falcom's history of making the Trails games extremely cyclical and rigid, I have a good hunch they will. Granted, good writing and plot twists could salvage everything, but I'm not sure by how much.

When will we ever see her fight Rean?

Well it's not like the lack of high school saved CS2 from being a letdown. In fact I think CS2 was even worse than CS1, and I was already lukewarm on CS1. Well, I gotta hand it to them that at least they fixed the outfits, some of the CS2 outfits are really cool compared to the boring monotonous school uniforms.

I would find it incredibly hilarious if the school gets demolished by Crossbell insurgents within the first chapter, and the rest of the game is spent doing Ironblood shenanigans with Millium, Altina, and Claire.

wtf people actually like Tales of?

Erebonian style surpasses Liberl's

Randy gets tired of being a teacher and the bitch of Erebonia and demolishes the school all by himself.

Geis no Kiseki when?

>Tales of

>all of the teachers ended up being monsters
>Rean is now a teacher

Can't wait for the plot bullshit he's going to pull out in this game

Nomura Sydrome kills another cast.

There's no way Towa's combat powers are monstrous

He's just going to be "holding back" the whole time.

Could you elaborate?

That reminds me of that Valkyria Chronicles 1 vs 3 comparison pic where everyone went from run of the mill soldiers to FF characters

Towa is the Poochie of the series though, so they'll just tack it on to her

Have you never seen his character designs?

I dunno man the belt levels seem pretty tame.

I'll take FF characters in my anime fantasy game over japanese high school kids.

I was still surprised with the style change when the Crossbell arc came


There's no way there is anything Towa the snowflake can't do. The student in Thors 2 are gonna freeze to death when Rean and Towa are trying to out-snowflake each other.

Take a closer look at Elliot and Machias.

On a somewhat tangential note, Fie's and Millium's outfits are fucking retarded.


Apart from how she's wearing a belt like a necktie, I don't see what's wrong with Millium.

>Fie's outfit
Might as well say Scherezard's outfit was impractical

They just can't resist the urge to do it.

Ys Celceta is technically a prequel, right?

My dick disagrees with your opinion


I still can't believe they chose to put Randy in charge of training their soldiers. This is the dude they were so afraid of they froze him out of crossbell police as soon as they gained power over Crossbell.

I guess Olivier isn't the only one prone to disastrous plans involving high school.

At least he will go down in videogame history as being the least shit voice actor in a flagship Zelda game.

The only difference 21 Towa has is longer eyelashes

Wait, Randy is an instructor of cadets?

Scherazard was a gypsy stripper, not a spy-assassin-gorilla warfare specialist.

Why is she so lewd

Can Joshua and Estelle take on the entire cast of CS?

>a spy-assassin-gorilla warfare specialist
Come on, Fie was a mascot at best for Zephyr. Her gay dads are leaps and bounds ahead in power level, to say nothing of random nameless jaegars.

Making girls go to an all girl schools make them hornier when they interact with men

>spy-assassin-gorilla wafare specialist
That's Joshua, Fie is just a little baby who picked up a couple of tricks from Zephyr. We've seen true members of Red Constellation and Zephyr, and Fie is nothing compared to them.

Arianrhod = Ein = McBurn (demon) > Cassius (sword) >= Loewe = Arios = Sigmund = Victor > Cassius (stick) > Kevin >= Rixia >= Zin = Renne (Pater Mater) = Rean (Valimar) = Wazy > Duvalie >= Mueller = Rufus >= Sharon >= Joshua (assassination) > Rean (oni) > Crow >= Sara = Claire > Agate = Schera = Toval >= Joshua (straight fight) > Olivier > Estelle >= Rean = Laura = Fie >= Emma >= Jusis = Machias = Eliot = Gaius > Lloyd > Alisa

Joshua can solo everyone not named Shrek Rean. Considering Lloyd is equal to normal Rean, and Rean is top 3 in class 7, Estelle can destroy the majority of them.

What weapon does Ein use?

Out of main cast Estelle can beat everyone except Rean, and maybe Laura and Fie.

Joshua can beat everyone in a straight fight but there's no need for him to when he can just poison everyone's food or blow up their house or shit like that.

But you said entire cast, so what the hell are you smoking. Bleublanc and MIXED exist

>Joshua weaker than Schera and Agate

Sen 3 looks cool but I'm more excited to play Sky 3 right now.

The only ones who could put up a fight against Estelle (not forgetting she's a A rank bracer) are Rean, Laura, Millum, Crow, maybe Fie.

Joshua wrecks them all if he gets to sneak attack them, and in a straight up fight would probably only have trouble against edgelord Rean and Crow, particularly if Valimar and Ordine get involved.

Should add Renne since she's part of the Brights

Some 1337 hacker did his thing on the falcom website and found out Tita and Randy are listed as teachers.


Estelle is canonically still B-rank.

>Sharon that low
She's Oroborus, how does she get that low?

Estelle is B for bimbo

I'm putting off my CS playthroughs because I want to play 3rd first

The unholy things I want to put in her mouth

>bitch boy Elliot
>Machias the cuck
>stronger than Lloyd who fought to a stalemate with Rean

What is the name of this series from Trails in the Sky to Trails of Cold Steel 3?
Can it all still be called Legend of Heroes 6?
I wish there was something better to call it by.

Put it off until Crossbells are out.

>eliot above anyone

You can still finish CS since the 3rd just shows Osbourne and Scarecrow

its legend of heroes trails of x

so name of the overall series would be legend of heroes, and cold steel 3 would be 8 i think

>no Randy despite being a beast
>Lloyd below Class VII filler
>Joshua below Schera despite managing to hold off against Mueller and Loewe