She's dying Sup Forums... why won't you save her?
She's dying Sup Forums... why won't you save her?
homosexuality is immoral
>majority of Sup Forums is gay or bi
>still hates trans people
Can't save someone who doesn't want to be saved.
Hope he streams it.
speedrunning is a sin
God such an obnoxious fuck ugly faggot. This guy needs to be beat and dragged through the town square
that's what HE gets for voting for DRUMPF
its a white man you dumb faggot the typical white man
Because liking dick and wanting to cut your's off it totally the same.
Is that cosmo? Why is he dying?
>majority of Sup Forums is gay or bi
>he fell for memes
He´s better off dead at this point, not even being edgy
Is it cancer? AIDS?
What's with the gridiron report card?
>majority of Sup Forums is gay or bi
doesn't matter what you're into we all hate obnoxious pieces of shits dude
99.9999% people here are normal, straight. It's the most attention seeking, whoring, yelling 0,0001 that's being noticed.
because most trannies are cunts who flip out if you call them dudes
there's the odd chill one that's cool but on the whole they're annoying pricks
>gay people aren't normal
Yeah fuck off you homophobic bigot
When will that freak kill himself? I was promised an heroing ages ago, yet he still isn't hanging from the rafters.
oh no not the bog monster
I want to fuck cute boys that looks like boys
excuse me but its GRIDS (gay related immune disorder syndrome)
Nothing wrong with just being straight and kinda feminine with out making it your whole personality.
I don't really get why people are pushing to mutilate themselves and just be ugly women and not fit in with women or men, probably why suicide is super high for them.
what do you mean she's dying?
Ouchie bouchie.
Any hole is a goal user.
Humans are naturally bisexual.
correct, being a sexual pervert by definition makes you not normal
There's no trophy or achievement for it
Do you have a single fact to back that up?