Normal is laughably easy

>normal is laughably easy
>hard has retarded bullshit one shots that you can't evade

fuck this stupid meme game

Bad version of metal gear rising
bad version of touhou

The only bullshit part of hard mode is the tutorial, lurk more.

Get a strong Melee Defense chip and it's fine, you'll get killed in 2 hits which gives you the chance to heal but still keep the game challenging.

I prefer doing Normal but you skip all sidequests or use a trainer to keep your level 10 underneath all enemies.

Normal is for start of the game, hard is for endgame. This way you can keep up the challenge by using advanced chips and without feeling overpowered.

I agree and came here to talk about this. I just started route C and a basic robot killed me in one shot and I'm level 50. Yet when I put it on normal the yorha units barely tickled me when I was 2B

This. Just let us quicksave after the air battle, like one bad hit and I have to sit through a 10 minute sequence holy fuck.

if they make another game they need to handle the difficulty better. Very Hard can't exist if I"m also getting one shot in Hard.

I thought it was pretty cool that saves in the game had plot relevance.

it's two shots on hard with no defensive chip sets, but that's still literally impossible for shit like the fight with Eve.

>Not just popping buffs every 30 seconds
It's like you don't want to shit on everything despite it being on hard.

I've never like games where hard mode is just 'the enemy deals more damage, so constantly use items to mitigate the increased dps'

hard should have more difficult mechanics and enemy AI

>playing on hard
>discover that Bomb is broken
>just spam fully charged Bomb on everything now

>one shots that you can't evade
This is basically your own fault because you can evade anything. I have to agree though that one shots are cheap bullshit. The big problem is that you don't know what exactly will one shot you until it hits. Once you know all the attacks and what to look out for it gets pretty easy.

If you want to make the game harder then gimp yourself to not use dodges and use only parries

Beat the full game on very hard. Game is literally impossible to lose with instant healing, and the dodge is generous enough to be able to avoid most damage if you mash it every enemy flinch, so very hard was the only way I saw fit to actually enjoy the game's combat (Before I grinded to 99 at end game to fight those bosses, which were impossible at 65 and laughably easy at 99)

The only real challenges were:
-Start of the game, was there for 8 hours
-'This cannot continue' for a short time before just spamming dodge before the boss
-Yorha units are impossible to engage in close range
-A&E, for a good 4 hours first attempt, another hour 2nd attempt
-Final Boss of Route A, was fun because of the added risk, would've been super boring without it
-Died several times during the virus due to not being autistically cautious
-Spent about 2 hours in the storage bay with the hacking, those were maddening with one life, but again, stupidly easy with anything more
-Fighting at the top of the tower just after the library sequence and just before end-game was stupidly difficult before using the projectile shield for the lasers (this also made a joke out of ending Y)

The only things that gave me trouble outside of the hacking tower and after the intro were humanoid emnemies with no wind ups and slow crawling lasers, but both were easily dealt with with pod shields

Very Hard if you want to play a game, Hard if you're curious what the game over screen is, anything below that is watching the story while the game plays itself

Just play in normal to get through the story, it's what I do.

I really tried playing in hard but it wasn't fun.

Yeah, that's pretty nice, although it doesn't work completely. Story-wise it seems to be a big deal if an android gets destroyed without being able to back themselves up (it's a thing in ending A and B for instance). Restoring from a previous "save" still means that you lose who you were between the save and that moment.

But if you die in the game it's exactly what happens and it doesn't seem to be that big of a problem. It's a bit incoherent I thought.

It's almost like it's an RPG game first and an action game second.

>the factory section
Jesus christ, so many random one shot enemies. The suicide bombers, the strong. axe attacks, and that fucking boss.
>fight starts before camera is done shifting perspective so tough shit if he decides to attack while you or him are off screen
>the attacks where he shoots his dick out with little warning and a miniscule dodge window
>getting to the actual fight is harder than the fight because of having to struggle with the camera and his massive moveset that's going to find new moves for you to "learn" even an ahour in

I honestly wouldn't mind the whole trial and error gameplay if you didn't lose your equipped plug ins dark souls style, dark souls gets away with it because souls are easy as hell to get but trying to beat this factory level clearly designed for people with a good load out is hellish when I lost all my good chips to the jihadbots

I love this game but when it gets bad it gets really fucking stupid

>never have played a hns before in my life, save DMC 3 and i hardly even "played" that
>pick up this game because i see a friend playing it, it looked super interesting
>start it up on hard because i like a good challenge in a game, even if i am a total newbie
>die immediately due to an enemy coming from off screen after switching to melee mode
>have to re-watch the cutscene from the beginning
>goliath arm appears
>it OHKOs me, I have no idea what the basic controls are at this point
>feel really cheated and unfair
>put game on normal until just before the eve fight, alternating between easy and normal to see which I liked more
>get bored, cheat engine self to lv99 with infinite money
>drop game shortly after meeting the deserter
i'll never get people who do this on shit like veryhard, the gameplay is so shallow and the off-screens fucking suck

getting 2hko'd is dumb, getting ohko'd is dumb
normal should be much harder but more forgiving

>I got OHKO before I knew how to play
>I cheated to get max lvl and infinte money and got bored
>with this I conclude this game is shit

>Melee Defense chip
Where can I farm these, preferably diamonds?

More importantly, HP Chips and Range Defense chips too.

>You either for our a hero or live long enough to become a villain

How long until Sup Forums starts hating this game?

Am I the only person who thinks Automata's tan HUD and text is a really crappy UI decision? In the desert and anytime that the environment is bright, it's almost impossible to read unless you have perfect vision.

You can buy and fuse them at the resistance camp but I have no idea how to get diamond versions.

You can also get a +6 one from doing the quest where you go back to the factory to find one of the androids that died in the prologue. Someone in the hangar gives it to you.

Just take all the UI chips and go by feeling.
What are you a casual?

I researched it and it seems people just buy them. But that's very inefficient as the high level ones from shops can eat up 3x the normal cost of a diamond chip.

But the good points I learned are, to anyone still looking for chips:
>Max level Melee defense and Range defense chips can increase defense by 80% max
>HP can be increased by 100%. A max level HP chip can only increase HP by 50%.
So this chip is unique in that you'd need two maxed out chips to reach the cap.
>Melee and Range attacks can be increased by 100% respectively.
Farming chips is a pain. But effectively doubles damage output.

>tfw dark souls enemies and bosses are actually more fair

>doing the opera on hard while being massively underlevelled

jesus christ it actually took me multiple days to kill simone

>no "lock on" on hard mode

Literally the only reason I'm still playing normal.

A solid ~85 to 90% of /v is comprised of post-ironic contrarian autists and assblasted turd-world piratecucks.

Meanwhile Automata is easily in the all time top 10 works of the entire medium, arguably in the top 5 even, and there is still no crack in sight.

Sup Forumseogaf already hates it.

Holy crap dude Nier Automata is definitely a special game and I am very glad to have bought it but it's certainly not best gayme evur material
It's way too rough around the edges for that, the low budget and the whole genre bending thing they did really show sometimes

You don't even need to fight Andrew & Steve, just run away until the dialogue ends. Optimally you should kill them once for exp (or more if you're overleveled enough) then run away but whatever.

>Meanwhile Automata is easily in the all time top 10 works of the entire medium, arguably in the top 5 even, and there is still no crack in sight.

The shit I'm gonna read on this board

Go play a flight simulator then.

Vidya is a unique storytelling medium, gameplay and mechanics are secondary to good writing and plot execution.

Projects like N:A won't continue to be made, let alone receive the budgets they deserve until this infantile >muh gaymes shuld be gaymes meme is put to rest and the medium allowed to evolve to a stage of innovative storytelling kino.

Don't use HP-Chips

>gameplay and mechanics are secondary to good writing and plot execution.
wew lad

>tfw too casual for the intro

>reading book
>suddenly a poorly made boss fight stops me from seeing how the story ends
wew lad

>Very Hard can't exist if I"m also getting one shot in Hard.
Start using chips and do stuff to level up properly.
It's not a games fault you try to do shit like on Normal when the game was much more forgiving.

Obviously you'd want all aspects of a game to be exceptional, that's the ideal, but that rarely if ever happens.

Poor mechanics can be overcome and quickly forgotten if the story makes it worth the effort in the end. The same way you overlook the technical shortcomings of a very old film or the somewhat lacking prose of an otherwise good book.

Seriously, am I the only adult on this fucking board?

>Poor mechanics can be overcome and quickly forgotten
And poor story or the lack of will not even matter if the gameplay is good.
Don't compare poor gameplay to technical limitations of old films, old films have for the most part excellent cinematography that is on par or better with films of today as long as you compare films of genres that don't require spectacular filming.

>poor story or the lack of will not even matter if the gameplay is good

I never denied that, my point is that a technically masterful game without a compelling story doesn't qualify as art, its only value is in being fun to play, its more like an activity than anything else.

Do you want vidya to just be a mindless, even if fun, activity? Wouldn't it be better to use this interactive medium to tell stories that couldn't be told in any other way?

>a technically masterful game without a compelling story doesn't qualify as art
You seem to think only narrative art exists, when that's false.
Not all art tells a story, and telling a story isn't a prerequisite for being a form of art.

combat is very forgiving in the game and I realized this when playing the demo. I was concerned that the game was going to be mission based and have to start over each time, but nah. combat is fluid and customization so it allows the game to feel far less repetitive than it's predecessor. That being said, again I lowered my expectations a bit after playing the demo, and realizing the combat was not going to be on par with say Bayonetta, just the aesthetics of the combat.

Lock on breaks the game, enemies are to slow and won't power house you like in Bayonetta. Bullets in this game are worse than say DMC:DMC.