Why was this allowed
Why was this allowed
has any game that's been through a long development hell ever come out good? this was shit. ffxv was shit. the last guardian was very disappointing...
breath of the wild
Doom was pretty fun, and that was stuck for years in Hell, ironically.
better than 3 by miles and better than most of the other shooters that have come out the last 4 years
how the fuck is gearbox not dead yet
>DNF was bad
>so was d44m
Metroid Prime
No one has that opinion tho
>le everything is shit meme
You don't even play games
Fuck off
ffxv was fine, infinitely better than 13, and the second half of the game was a nice return to form of an actual ff game instead of some generic fantasy garbage that's been plaguing the market.
>no one disliked duke nukem forever or doom
how sheltered are you?
DNF wasn't actually bad, you know; just kind of mediocre. I played through it once and don't regret it.
Team Fortress 2
prey 2006
Must be nice having low standards
why was it bad
Or maybe he played actually bad games.
Thats not saying much
It was at the very least a solid 8/10. Shame about the MP
>Barely getting 30fps on modern hardware
>2 weapon limit
>Tedius puzzles
>Unfunny jokes that aged like milk
>Not bad
>has any game that's been through a long development hell ever come out good?
Dwarf Fortress
Triggered nu-doomale
>2 weapon limit
you didn't play it
>tfw only guy who actually liked D44M's multiplayer
It reminded me a lot of Halo Reach in a good way, I might go back to it today.
who is this?
The version previewed a few years ago looked much nicer.
doom was basically cancelled and restarted without saying it was
I remember the shills saying "this game is like the usual games made today, why people are saying this game suck?"
It felt basically like a party game FPS. When I last played it there wasn't a single classic-style gamemode, only TDM and a territory one and they had superweapon spawns and demon runes. Even if you were utter shit there's no way you're not getting your 4 kills with the BFG
The situation discribed at this post, made me imagine the guys getting confused with (when or) the fact trump won.
I think it was more like "this game is like a parody of the usual games made today (back then), like every other DN game"
Well, it did try to do a COD/Halo thing with regenerating health, offhand pipebomb key and two weapon limit (on PC it got patched to 4). They even added a zoom key to simulate ironsights. Pretty obvious the game was not planned around any of that
He's not implying that, hes going of the fact that, because of your use of the word "so" in the second line of text, it implies, in addition to. As such, he is merely stating that no one has the opinion that BOTH forever, and doom 4 are bad, however most have the idea that one or the other are bad. If you did not realize that was the case, then please, refrain from using conjunctions like so, and go back to watching school house rock, you may learn a thing or two.
Still waiting on legit reasons as to why DNF was bad
>It reminded me a lot of Halo Reach
That's the problem. It should've felt like Doom or better yet, Quake.
Nah, this would fall under that category and that user would be aware of it if he actually did play bad games
>mediocre graphics
>outdated as fuck design (being in vents, that alien level that looks like it copied Opposing Force or one of those other games in Half Life Platinum Collection, etc.)
>long campaign only exposes what little there is to do, and ends up making the game feel more boring
>fucking platforming
>weird underwater controls, taken straight out of the 90s
>shit framerate on consoles
>really outdated jokes
>the duke nukem schtick coming off like a depressingly childish self-insert device for teenagers
he did
some items ignore the limit, but generally, there's a 2 weapon limit.
You only need specific weapons for boss fights, so the limit is completely pointless.
Try to deny this: The pacing was the worst of any FPS I've ever played
The game legitimately makes you sit through a hour of bullshit before it gets to real FPS action, and they constantly break that up with shitty puzzles and later on a "dream sequence"
George Broussard is a cuck, before the game dropped he said "shooting in a FPS is basically padding between the interesting bits", or something to that effect. You can see the result in the pacing of the game
and here comes the denial in 3, 2, 1....
I unironically enjoyed DNF.
>infinitely better than 13,
They didn't have to try that hard to get past that bar.
It's really mediocre at worst, not bad or good. Bad would be Drake of the 99 Dragons or Terrawars, games that are almost unplayable.
>George Broussard is a cuck
Glad to see people are yelling at the right guy for once. Every bad thing about DNF can be traced back to Broussard.
Gearbox doesn't have standards
Me too. DNF was a better shooter than it had any right to be.
Incorrect. You want someone to blame? You blame 3DR.
And I liked the game.
Well, I'm sure Randy didn't help matters either. He funded the wrap-up of the game at least
It wasn't a bad game in general, it was killed by expectations and people needing high end graphics to have fun. There were problems for sure, but less than most new releases to be totally honest.
Your biggest objection to DNF is that it wasn't a "pure" FPS?
Are you pissed off that DN1 and DN2 were platformers too? Some people just like to bitch for the sake of bitching, I guess.
>I would have buried it in the desert
>It was never gonna be great
Absolutely false. I kept up with the whole saga all the way from the early 00s. He was hyping the final game (Triptych/Gearbox) in Shacknews comments, defending the new two-weapon limit, etc. He's only saying that because it was almost universally panned. Way to pull an Alien 3 there, "they ruined my script"
Motherfucker, I wanted it to live up at least halfway to Duke 3D, one of the best FPS of all time. They didn't even come close to that sort of greatness
It was also advertised as a return to form for Duke in an awesome shooter
All your greentext was subective besides 'mediocre graphics' and outdated jokes. Something expected from a game that came so late.
Don't even know what to say to the rest of your crap besides 'the fuck do yo want'
>and they constantly break that up with shitty puzzles and later on a "dream sequence"
puzzle sequences used to be the norm, the fuck are you on about. Are ou people mad at it for being too old school or too modern
Took 6 fucking years for people to stop screaming at Gearbox for 3DRealms mess.
That's how myopic this audience is.
Randy, or anyone else for that matter, couldn't do anything to save or damn the game. It was what it was because of decisions between 3DR and T2/2k.
I blame the port job by Piranha. I know the engine was a frankesntein monster let loose in the village but they literally had TWO JOBS. MP and porting. Doesn't help that the game is clearly stitched together but that was obvious.
But you know what STILL pisses me off? All the SJW's shrilling at the mere existence of an unapologetically raunchy and crass title. Ben Kuchera and Jim"I posted a pic of jizz on my face" Sterling were prime examples of that bullshit.
>Advertisements hyped it up
You're blowing my mind here. They can do that?
>puzzle sequences used to be the norm
I didn't criticize the existence of puzzles, but the game's shit pacing. Boot DNF again and clock how long it takes you to finish all the crap in the Duke Cave's stealth segment, the RC car in the casino, to then get to a halfway enjoyable shootout in the "Vegas in Ruins" level. It's like 45 minutes IF YOU RUSH IT
I beat DN3D again 2 days back, so fine, I will do another comparison to Forever.
Duke 3D has you in an enjoyable shootout in seconds, as you start in Hollywood Holocaust
and forever puts you in a football field where you can run straight out to a cyclops fight or piss on walls in a bathroom first
And then half a hour of fucking around walking simulator
stop exaggerating
You're both wrong. The sections to get to the next shooting section do take about 15 to 20 minutes
Was is rape?