Gotta love the fucking niggers that choose this mode and
>watch the entire intro even the though the rest of the team voted to skip the 3 min long cutscene
>pick snipers, symetra, Mcree
"I never played this before, wut do?" xD
Gotta love the fucking niggers that choose this mode and
>watch the entire intro even the though the rest of the team voted to skip the 3 min long cutscene
>pick snipers, symetra, Mcree
"I never played this before, wut do?" xD
Literally WHO cares.
You'd have to be some sort of cuck to pick an easier difficulty
SO what're the exp rates for the harder modes?
I'm a casual, what are the default team supposed to do? I know Mercy's on heal duty
i've done expert as zenyatta with a widow on the team and she got 55% kill participations and loads of damage. maybe you just need to git gut
also, expert wasnt as hard as i expected, might try legendary later today
Mercy is the Healer.
Torb is Support.
Reinhardt is the Tank.
Tracer is ""DPS""
Torb without his turret is better at taking down the Omnics than Tracer half the time.
Should Rein be hitting and charging Orisas and Bastions very often or should he just go on tank duty like normal play
It's literally impossible to do with those characters.
Rein mostly just has his shield up so the other characters can do their thing, taking swings when everyone won't die. If there's a problem enemy, then yeah, charge it. Specifically the Bastions and Detonators. Don't charge at the OR-14, because you'll most likely die.
My friends and I almost pulled off beating Legendary last night with the default team. It's fucking awful, but it's completely possible. We died on the final OR-14.
>I HATE it when people talk about videogames!
>STILL playing online team-based games with different character classes and abilities
i'm an achievement whore and i'm scared of trying legendary. i haven't even gotten the 80% payload health achievement!
What do you like to play, user?
>play expert or legendary with people that you don't know
the same
Single player games. The online game scene is at its most cancerous point right now.
Currently replaying Morrowind and exploring TR.
I have never experienced that before. Either you're the shitter or you're lying
i only play this to get my autismbux crates without any effort desu
i got to the gate at legendary then got owned by the bastions. I got expert tho
You honestly believe enduring all those curbstomp matches for that 1/10 chance of you curbstomping the enemy team makes the game fun and worth playing?
I'm not only talking about OW, I'm talking about all current online games with matchmaking.
>try expert or legendary
>teammates are all silver rank
What posesses these shitty players to even try the harder ones, they're just wasting my time
ftfy every online game is piss easy and if you aren't in top 200 you're a vegetable
I'm glad to know the shit I pull makes you mad user
try playing a game that isnt complete dogshit, nerd
I only played it on the easy mode to learn what to do and get some easy lootboxes, played Mercy and didn't take a hit the whole game.
What's the difference in the higher skill levels? Just increased damage and HP on the bots, or do they play smarter?
I stopped playing after I realized a month in how shallow the game is.
Did they add a co-op, objective-based hoard mode with multiple types of omnic enemies? I'm thinking Mass Effect Multiplayer but in 1st person.
They bring them on rotation. There was a halloween one where you fight waves of mooks interspersed with bosses, and now this one is a more regular hoard mode but you play through the various game types to do it. You play control point to unlock a payload, defend the payload for a bit, then deliver the payload, then after that is a deathmatch.
It's pretty fun but is apparently on there until May. Also it's limited to 4 players.
Neat, guess I'll give it a try.
It's the closest we're going to get to an actual campaign I guess.
Why would you even play on harder modes? The same bots come out in the same pattern at the same time but with higher HP and damage. That's not fun at all. At least TF2 switches up the bots on higher difficulties.
>play default mode
>kind of dull since everybody is locked into their roles more than in regular-ass OW
>play all-classes version
>first character picked is Genji
>next two pick Pharah and
>at least nobody picked Super Weeaboo Brother #2
>pick Mercy, worked pretty well in normal version
>mode starts, Genji immediately runs off to fuck knows where like we're supposed to be escorting a payload
>capture the points with minor issues, get to charging up the payload
>Genji keeps running away and acting indignant I don't want to leave the safety of our tank and Pharah to try to cross a horde of bastions and fucking everything else to try to heal him
>disconnects and leaves the three of us to push a payload and engage a fuckload of Bastions and Orisas
I hate Genjis so goddamn much. Even in PvE they somehow find a way to be cancerous.
unlock unique sprays for completing it on harder difficulties
Not worth it
who the hell cares about sprays?
I only ever play these shit modes once, and on expert difficulty, why would I do anything else?
t. didnt skip the cinematic either
>tfw I thought the Ineedhealing meme was fake
I was playing Zen and the Genji just ran halfway across the map and kept sayin he needed healing
I'd pull your friend off
sounds like someone didn't
>tfw suck at Overwatch
> Overwatch
>playing anything other than default mode
I just got it. It's impossible if you don't have a team with coms. Calling out shit is a necessity.
I really like how hard they made legendary since it makes people actually work as a team in order to beat it. I bet a bunch of people are going to bitch and they'll make it casual for the next event though.
>10% win rate
How do you enjoy any game while being that bad
but I like Siege.
>pick mercy on normal
>ez-est lootboxes i have ever grinded out
still no blackwatch genji anywhere
Anyone know if you can get the spray for legendary while completing it on all pick?
tracer is assassin. blink behind eradicators and take down their shields, blink behind bastions to distract them so rein can charge. pulse bomb comes up fast so you can use it liberally.
protip: blinking makes enemies stop targeting you for a second.
Siege? More like butt.
Pretty sure sprays are only for the normal mode.
Yeah. The only one all-pick can earn is the one for using 8 different characters.
comp games are better for xp, forget the expert+ games
it sucks anyways
neither blackwatch are good imo
Blackwatch mccree doesn't have a disability; that's a fucking unicorn in this game.
how can someone be this bad at videogames
His revolver looks like a fucking disability
Make a group then, you flying faggot.
>still playing Overwatch
The retarded balance updates turned that game from a 9/10 to a 6/10.
The only way to do it is as Reinhardt, swat the slicers away and either shield or charge the bombs as they are priming to detonate to disarm them.
Then run to the door at the start of the payload moving section to bug it out so omnics don't spawn.
Still better than what Taurus can do
Will I regret dumping 10+ hours grinding the event for loot boxes? I need dat Mercy skin fuckin badddd
It depends if you're enjoying it?
Yeah it was so much better when Hog's hook was unbreakable and lucio was always a must-pick.
I've only finished the event once (on easiest mode) and it was mildly boring, not sure if they change up the waves/map or it's the same shit every time
>strike team skin powerlevels
try the all hero mode and play silly shit
if that doesn't do it for ya, rip
It's the same thing every time. The bots spawn in the same place at the same time
Beardless torb is fantastic tho
I'm not even that bad
I hope every single one of you knows that you can skip the entire Payload part if you run to the door you need to move the payload to. No bot will spawn on the way.
Has one man ever been so wrong?
You can skip the fucking escort if you all go to the steel door at the end retard
you'll get a ban if you do it too much, user
had a few folks get banned for exp farming a few weeks back
>Two randoms pick Soldier 76 and Reaper.
Does the entire team get whacked or only the people going near the door? You could fool some poor saps to get there.
Who cares? It's not like people even play this shit still.
Go back to your general.
That's bullshit. Exp farming is different since it's obvious as fuck in custom. They don't monitor every Uprising game.
that doesn't even make sense, skipping the enemies doesn't make the game go faster, it just makes it easier. and on normal it's already piss easy and gives the same exp as legendary so why would anyone get banned?
>a few weeks back
nigga this event is not even a week old
best team comp for legendary?
>tfw got legendary before this gets patched
Feels good.
I don't get why people would ever want to play OW with randoms, just play with friends.
Are you guys like golds?
Genjis in diamond and upwards are competent enough to know how to play around medkits and also when to engage/disengage.
Not even a Genji main, I play mostly Ana. Right now at about mid 3600 and I rarely see this Genji meme
Play the normal mode you pleb.
Just replace Tracer with Bastion and it's easy mode.
It's exploiting like the skirmish farming was
>Escort the Payload part
>One nigger runs to the door where the payload explodes
>No enemy will spawn on the way to said door
Is there anything you get for clearing Legendary? Expert didn't give anything.
Blizz hasn't said shit about it. They started banning people AFTER they made a post about it saying to stop or be banned. They don't ban without warnings. Stop pulling shit out of your ass.
Rein Orisa Mercy Bastion, IIRC
always play rein
most important and fun hero
Does this trigger you OP?
>Skirmish farming
How they fuck do you farm in Skirmish?
>people flipping a fucking shit if you play anything but bastion/orisa/mercy and something else that's good
>even on fucking hard mode
Bad enough when you get this shit in Quick Play, but now even the 'for fun' fuck around PvE mode has this mentality in it. Jesus Christ.
They did actually post about that exploit, they said they're aware and are on it.
I'm just saying be careful on how often you do it.
Can totally understand doing it for the achievement.
The normal mode has achievements/sprays for everything above the easiest mode. All Heros just has the play through with 8 heros.
None of my friends play this
That's what the bans were for.
You just afk'd, it didn't kick you at the time, for hours.
You get exp for just being in a game for a period of time.
>playing all-heroes instead of normal uprising
Aw, too hard without your bastion crutch?
if youre getting stomped 9/10 times, YOU are the problem, not the game. stop being shit at games
>Be Diamond rank
>Team up with a few friends who are similar to my skill level
>Try Hard difficulty with default heroes
>We take like 20 tries to beat it
>What the fuck
>Beat Legendary all heroes on first try, with Bastion
It's literally impossible with bastion, let alone without him.