Pick your vidya roommate

Pick your vidya roommate.

if only, user.



Why is Sup Forums the gayest board?

I'll take second best roommate if you insist

Video games are for fags.


>Undertale fan art
>Didn't even take out the Tumblr stamp from the filename


I get the feeling MTT would be an awful roommate.

>getting triggered by a filename
>getting triggered by nice artwork

>attempt to derail thread

that means fags don't play video games but shitpost their shit tier fetish like NTR, traps, and scat

whos this cute girl?

Best bro-tier neighbor in the game

Any of the Undertale character would be horrible, wacky nonsensical shit would get grating so quickly.

Short haired Noire.


I need a boyfriend!

what a cutie pie.

Any opportunity to meet Fuuka and get her to know me is a good one.

I'm not even gay, he just seduced me!

Anyone from an RPG. Any chores that need to be done, grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning, I would just phrase as though it was a side quest and they'd be happy to do it for me.

Any machine type character for convenience.

We talkin apartment roommate or college dorm stuff here?

>pretend to turn Link into your gay dream
>give him feminine hips

Your sexual confusion is just sad, sometimes.

Been asking the same question user, Sup Forums has recently been overtaken by degenerates to the point its almost Sup Forums tier.

Do I have to?

Hm, Knuckles. I guess.

You have to go back.

Being gay for Link is 100% hetero.

He'd always be away for work, so he wouldn't be around messing up the bathroom and kitchen.

Reminder that Link will never EVER be gay, not even Bi, in no form of video game, animation, movie, comic, or other media besides fan art.

Let that sink in, homosapiens.

shygal I guess?

Why would that even bother me, I fap to Link because I think he's cute. He's not real, why the fuck would I care.


That's not really a vidya character user, sorry.
I mean, I'd pick green if I could get away with it.


I feel like this is something I would more likely see on Tumblr than Sup Forums. Effective bait I guess?

Holy shit, Noire looks ugly no matter what, huh?


Actually, she is from a Japanese video game called Doki Doki Panic that translates to Throbbing Panic. So it IS video games.

Best bro

Best roommate.

She is most certainly not ugly! Noire is cute!


Fuck it, saved.

Fucking retard can't even eat properly.
She's getting cream all over her babydoll and on the bed.
Why would you like such a stupid, ugly, no friends woman?

This asshole would totally steal your leftovers from the fridge.

Do you think she will let me call her Mommy?


>knows all of the best entertainment spots in a town, be that karaoke bars / arcades / fishing spots / hostess bars / etc
>can defend me when I'm in danger
best bro

also is good

>almost Sup Forums tier


On the one hand, I'm not doing anything in my room, ever again.
On the other hand, I now will get healthy amount of sleep.



I can just picture Bulmas voice
>I'll be your mommy

Chiaki is my wife.


Does she come with every gaming system and all games released to date?
Good choice, would game with.

I'll go with whoever the richest vidya character is. I want to freeload forever.

all my dicks


OP said roommate, nothing else. So yeah probably most likely.


Pic related

Its all fun until he starts maulting

>always demanding attention and dragging you out either shopping or clubbing being there arm candy

Most Sup Forums anons wouldnt last a day with him.

Miller is a terrible choice. He would always fucking yell at you and keep asking you to get him his smokes

>OP said roommate, nothing else
Still, would be fun to play games with her. Nothing competitive tho, as she would most likely beat anyone seeing how she's an ultimate gamer. But coop could be fun.

I have no idea how this would work out more than me fucking it up.

>picking your waifu

Terrible idea.

I want to marry Raya-O!

explain why you dumb fucking tripfag

The awkward sexual tension, the fact that she might not reciprocate, and if it doesn't work you still have to live together.

Agent 47 because he's trained in pretty much anything from cooking a 5 star 3 course dinner to giving massages.

And he'd never be around, or late with the rent. Best room mate is the one you never have to see

I'd let him cook but he would be required to wear 24/7 eye protection

roommate/wife same thing

My best bro Wesker. I'd tease him for wearing his sunglasses to bed, and when I ask him how long until dinners cooked, he'll say "7 minutes."

Don't reply to it.
Ignore it until it goes away.
>Like a starving stray dog....
>It'll leave eventually.

Kawakami for sure. I had my eyes on Takami but then I saw kawakamis true form.

Its not like im gay or anything, hes just cute.

be living with this guy the whole game, real bro holds all my stuff for me.
he sleeps all the time and never really cleans up

Because none of them actually play video games, they just post Deviant Art pics of faggy video game characters and say they're a "thread"

think of the mischief!

/u/ has rubbed off on Sup Forums

What was even the point of the disguise? Half the whole god damn town knew you were a dude anyway including the ruler.

Any doujins of him getting forcibly dragged inside and sucked off by a horny Gerudo?

I want a lesbian to rub off on me.

I'm a gay sissy crossdressing fagboy and for some reason a lesbian has taken immense interest in me. I don't get it.

post pics

not a lesbian, but i've also taken interest.

This is neither the time or place for that.

Don't turn her down for the fug, user.

crosspost on /trash/

Lesbians and gays stick together, does that not make sense? Like, can you see the appeal of having a friend and both parties being mutually unattracted sexually. (though I guess the crossdressing could make her attracted to you)

>look like a girl
>girl that's into girls into it
Really activates the almonds dunnit

I think I'm all wired wrong. I don't really enjoy sticking my dick into things or having my dick sucked. Also not into girls even a little.
But I have a dick and I act like a dude for the most part. I thought that was the more important part.

A lot of dykes act butch and fuck each other with strap ons.


i don't understand. i haven't seen tripfagging in years

Why is Link so goddamned delicious?

Are you blind? Boco has been here for years.

Come on, user. The fuck is wrong with you?

I thought they just rubbed their vaginas together or something gross like that