>wow big brother you're so good at that video game
>can I try?
wat do
>wow big brother you're so good at that video game
>can I try?
wat do
Fuck OFF
I'd fuck those feet
Why is Sup Forums spam being posted here?
yeah go ahead, be careful with it tho
Try this out first *whips out _____
No way, fag
The cunny bot has gained sentience
coach her of course
fuckoff back to Sup Forums
Maybe after I beat the game. Older sibling privilege.
this is even better that in my animes
no please dont
Do you derive pleasure from posting the same shit threads every day?
Thia webm perferctly encapsulates modern relationships
sure, here's your controller
you know how this works right?
They spammed their meme word here enough that they started their new meme spam
T-they are boyfriend and girlfriend right?
>cunnybot on Sup Forums
It's fucking over.
>Sup Forums blames Sup Forums for its shitthreads
>Sup Forums is still an infinitly worse board than Sup Forums
It's amazing how a board that has BLACKED threads that hit the bump limit and pedo spam can call other boards shit. Also sage, reported, etc.
Why does this arouse me.
I don't have any younger siblings, why the fuck is there a child in my house, somebody call the cops
Because like most of us, you've never kissed a girl.
Shut up, faggot. Candydoll was being posted on Sup Forums before you were even born.
>that tite footcunny