Bayonetta PC

B-But Sup Forums told me it would flop

>Believing anything Sup Forums says, ever.

70k is a flop

>B-But Nintendies told me it would flop

>not a flop

top kek

>70K sold when there is a userbase of 1 billion windows computers.


it's only been 4 days faggot

Now sure how much bayoneta sold but I would expect those numbers from a successful niche Japanese game

>Game not even out 2 weeks

Steamspy threads should be banned. It's only shit[posters posting them anyway so nothing of value will be lost.

so why should I buy this?


Why would Nintendies tell you that? That doesn't make any sense

Those aren't Nintendo games

>one and a half million dollars for a port they already had and just needed to polish up
not too bad

why do you retards think 70k buyers on a platform with 150 million users is good
it's fucking shit
and the game was only $20

Actually much more successful than i thought it was going to be. For a 7 year old game that has been on 5 platforms from a super niche genre and had nearly 0 marketing before release, 70k units is about twice as much as i had hoped for.

You'd have more fun tossing shit around. It makes Neir and MGR look God-like. This game is an absolute disaster and is the worse game I've ever seen.

hey man baiting this hard only makes yourself seem retarded.

What the hell does Nintendo have to do with this game? This isn't Bayonetta 2 you know

The scary part is that I'm not baiting. The game is absolute trash.

>For a 7 year old game that has been on 5 platforms
That's 3 platforms. And one of them was shit(PS3)
I'm not surprised at all. A title that's been demanded for years now with a fanatic userbase and a cheap release on a platform it's never been available on. Of course it's selling weel.

>B-But Sup Forums told me it would flop
literal lies. Sup Forums was insane over hype for this.

lets say they expended 10k to port the game to pc

thats 70k X the price of the game (20bucks)

1.400.000 US of A dolars
minus the 30% of the steam (420.000)

thats 980.000 USD

minus the 10k they expended to post the fucking thing
thats $ 970.000,00 of free profit for the game in 4 fucking days

for a 7 years old game,

lol 70k is fucking nothing. Make this shit thread again when it has sold more than Nier in the same time.

Now separate that money on the cut that Sega and platinum get.

Platinum doesnt get shit from sales. Sega paid them to make the game and the sales go to the publisher. Thats how publishers and developers work.

Costs way more than 10k to port, but yeah this is a success imo

yay. sega will release more games for pc. also helps them put pressure on atlus to get their shit together.

Doesn't matter even if you split it. That's still easy profit that stockholders will see.

I thought it was on PS4 and Xbone as well. Guess that's coming up next.

Still, the vast majority of people who were even slightly interested in the game either bought it at release or on the Wiiu with Bayo2 since there was never even talk about it coming to PC.

I bought it and refunded it since the first cutscene ran at 4fps

Got this game and loving it. Are there any other spectacle fighters like this besides the Devil May Cry series? I enjoy all those flashy moves and last second dodges.

10k are the salaries for 3-4 developers for a month.

What type of shit computer do you have?
I have a i5 and 960 and have everything maxed.

I think you're wrong about the "vast majority of people" I think the core fanbase bought and played it but as proven by the success of DS1, the PC userbase will happily clamor for action titles like this.
Bayonetta on PC has been hyped for years now even if it was a pipe dream.

Metal Gear Rising
Wonderful 101 and Bayo 2 if you have a Wii U

Thats not how this works. They get percentages. Do you actually think that the devs get paid upfront and then dont see a single cent? Because thats complete and utter bullshit.

lmao not in the west or japan. 10k is for 2 max 3. the employer has to pay more then the devs actually get

Depends. Obsidian, for example, received an upfront payment for NV and 0 royalties whatsoever

>Bayonetta on PC has been hyped for years
Maybe for the first 1 or 2 years at best since Sega never even talked about a PC release. Capcom on the other hand has always been teasing a DD release on PC and handled the marketing really well which instantly paid off with ~250k sold units right off the bat.

I don't get it, I love Bayp and DMC and tried MGR because Sup Forums is talking about it all the time.

But the game seems like shit to me, do you have to be a metal gear fan to enjoy it?

I need Bayonetta 2 on PC, and actual PC, not some shit CEMU that isn't working properly.

Never going to happen

I've seen footage of it though, pretty sure all that needs to be fixed is the audio. It looks pretty playable otherwise

>Never going to happen
People had that opinion about the first Bayo literally 3 days ago.


>"B-b-but it doesn't have DRM, how can it be selling"?

Denuvoshills on suicide watch

Bayo 2 was funded by Nintendo and is full of Nintendo licensed shit. Bayo 1 was deemed unlikely but not an impossibility. Pretty much everyone called it immediately as soon as the countdown dropped


All children who weren't playing games only 7 years ago, too.

Nier has denuvo and it sold 270,000 copies lmao anti denuvo shills BTFO

Nier also had marketing. Bayonetta dropped out of nowhere and in some regions it'\s not even promoted on Steam's front page.

Nier was 60$