Can you claim to understand why Nintendo has discontinued the NES Classic while demand for it is through the roof?

Can you claim to understand why Nintendo has discontinued the NES Classic while demand for it is through the roof?

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It's pretty simple if you understand Nintendo

Holy shit, this retard is still going? He was lauding his own brand of hucksterism back in 2006 or so

As much as I would like to believe their reasonings I can't help but feel that this is just another way for them to generate consumer demand. As of late nintendo have gotten too good at their jew game.
It's probably going to be the same schtick as the New 3DS.

Nintendo gains nothing from the scalpers who can sell this for like 3x its MSRP though. I don't know why they want to help scalpers.

Not only that he seems to be predicting Switch is the successor of the Vita and with the Switch selling like mad he's proven wrong

They will increase demand by discontinuing it. Then they'll rerelease it this holiday season and sell another couple million. If they were to keep supply up currently, demand would drop and by the time this holiday rolls around, no one would want one

By the time holiday season rolls around, people will have already forgotten about the NES classic and when they hear it's getting a new release, people won't flock to stores but instead stay home because they remember how hard it was to get one during the earlier release. Nintendo is stupid to not meet demand when they can easily produce the supply.

I heard it was delayed because they couldn't get a hold of a certain part

Which sounds like bull shit I mean what kind of part is this that you can't 3D print it or some shit

The NES Classic was made using spare parts.

There's a reason why teardowns revealed the system was made with parts that were over powered for what it was. If this was a long-term plan, the parts would be way weaker.

In the manufacturing industry, when parts are end-of-life, their prices drop rock bottom and clearly someone at Nintendo saw some potential to make mega bucks out of it. And they did.

they're discontinuing them because they can be easily hacked to be used as a whole NES library emulator.

They can't just issue a patch, they will just discontinue this and re-release a new plug in play that won't be so easily hacked.

and of course, limited quantities.

Nintendo has never discontinued and recontinued a product before. I don't think that's their gameplan

What were the parts from then?

They've never consolidated their home console and handhelds into a single device before either

Neo Nintendo is pinching every penny. If they can milk the NES Mini, they will, and this is how you do it. You keep perceived rarity up to increase demand. It falls right into play with artificial shortages

They're still lax on telling us if they are really just going to have the switch and not intro a dedicated handheld. It seems that way but I wouldn't put it past Nintendo to pull a fast one and release a 4DS to try to double dip just because they know people will buy it

Scalper paradise up ahead... I bet most of them are nintendo staff themselves... why put them in stores?? Kimishima: "take these 50 NES Classics and put them on eBay for triple... you do the same, and you, and you and you... person who sales the most gets employee of the month bonus tee-hee..."

What do you mean? Majority of parts made by manufacturers aren't for any specific model, they are parts which hardware designers can use if they need to. If designers want more specialised parts, then yeah your question would make sense, but if you look at the board used in the NES classic, it's very generic and not tailored.

Well what I mean was, if Nintendo had a bunch of parts lying around what did they INTEND to use them on when they bought them? Wii U? 3DS?

I can explain it as "Modern Nintendo".

>Hey we made a thing
>It sold out in seconds
>Shit people really want this thing, we'll make more
>Five more are made

Just look at all the fucking amiibo that get made only to get shipped out once, and then never get shipped out again despite getting new features in new games.

I had to give up and buy an amiiqo/N2 just because I fucking know there's no way in hell I'm gonna be able to get that Majora's Mask amiibo because all the hipster MM IS DA BES ZELDER faggots are gonna buy it in droves, and I want that fucking Fierce Deity outfit.

Anybody remember that episode of Silicon Valley where the board couldn't go through with what the founder initially wanted because the sure thing, i.e. guaranteed money was there? I guess they don't have that in Japan?

Oh sweet summer child.

You have no idea how any of this works do you?

I thought the nesc was under noa's management though and they got that dwarf toy famicom.

based malstrom

Good. I managed to hold off selling the last 3 and now the prices are going retarded. Fucking thing is going to be a collector's item

Has to be supply chain issue but that also kind of implies they're being lazy.


>was literally developed as a stop gap for the Switch and not intended to last long
>Nintendo has a Virtual Console to peddle

Nintendo doesn't give a flying fuck if normies want it. They'd rather have people buying Switches than crappy Pi devices with a plastic shell. There might be the factor that Ninty knows pe3ople were cracking them and snuffed it out so they wouldn't be accused of selling emulation machines

>Just look at all the fucking amiibo that get made only to get shipped out once, and then never get shipped out again despite getting new features in new games.

I can go get a Lucina RIGHT NOW in Best Buy. Your argument is shit. Nintendo has done plenty to restock hard to get amiibo. The only one impossible to get are ones no one wants like Wii Fit Trainer, Mega Yarn Yoshi, or the Mii ones.

It reminds me of Sega. SoJ wanted to push Saturn above all else which meant Genesis production ceased, which was a terrible idea since the Gensis was still selling so well in the West.

Who cares? I'm making a fucking mint on all these now. Thanks Nintendo!

Man that whole saga is unreal it's weird to hear about all the behinds scenes stuff I was never privy to as a kid and before the internet.

Nintendo has practically written the book on shortsighted and counter productive business decisions and this really does just seem like they pulled another one the more you scrutinize it.

Don't forget to play with one first. Nintendo made sure not to shrinkwrap or tape them in any way so the only used ones you'll ever see on the aftermarket are the ones who threw the box out. Nintendo's gift to all the scalpers along with an announced last shipment.

It's just a fuck you to everyone that didn't buy wii u's. It's like Mother all over again.

Probably a project that didn't went through.
Or they just bought a set for really cheap and repurposed it.

Nintendo hates money. They just fucking hate it.

I don't get it.

Supposedly the controllers are an issue to produce too.

Not as much as they hate their fans.

The NES classic got cracked and NoA is autistic when it comes to piracy. They can't release a firmware update to brick cracked consoles so they discontinued it.

I managed to get two a few weeks ago (one as a backup and for the 2nd controller).

After they announced discontinuation I picked up 4 more. No plans on selling any; and if I do let any go, it'll be years from now as gifts or for MSRP to people I am 100% sure just want one to play. Might give one to one of my friends, but he doesn't know yet. I don't want him to get lazy and pass up on snagging one or two himself.

Isn't there any way for Nintendo to institute some system for buying items directly from their store, like maybe only ever 1-per-address, so at least it gives people who just want one to play a chance? The scalping is shit. Obviously I don't care if people buy multiples, but I hate that these vultures swoop down, and I wish people would just stop paying retarded prices for this stuff so they'd be drowned out of business.


Good thing i bought two

What if they did pre-orders, fulfilled in order as they become available, one-per-address AND payment method? That would surely leave a lot of wiggle room for regular people to compete with scalpers.

Has Nintendo ruled out a new classic NES with a different set of games or a classic SNES

At this point since they already pissed off everyone still wanting one they'd be better off waiting till they can actually put a dent in the demand which kills the scalper but that would still leave a scalpers' paradise in the meantime.

They really don't care though they basically came out and said 'we're sorry it's too successful we have to kill it.'

I don't get it
You don't get it
Nintendo of America doesn't get it
Critics don't get it
Analysts don't get it

No one really understands it, just buy a Rapsberry pi+USB NES controllers+NES Raspi case and you're set.

Because it was hacked.
Thats why the 3ds and wiiu stopped getting games as well

How much are you listing those?

Could be. Piracy's made them do even stupider shit than this in the past.

$3.50 each

>an emulator with 30 games is in high demand
fuck nerd culture
fuck nostalgia

Plus $150 shipping and $80 handling

>not just having a raspberry pi running retropie

That's all Nintendo's got.

*tips fedora

*pays triple the cost of a NES Classic to a scalper*

Please enlighten us all.

Pssssh, nothing personnel......kid

This was written by a literal retard.