I prefer Dunkey's review


I prefer Dunkey's review.

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People still watch The Completionist post Greg? Why?

I love the Completionist generally, but I knew he was too huge a fan of the original BK to not be biased with nostalgia.

I've never heard of this guy before, I don't follow eCelebs. I just saw it linked and checked it out.

It's the most hillariously pathetic "review" I've ever seen, from someone who clearly went into the game desperate to love it.

He contradicts himself about the camera multiple times, whine "B-But Zelda!" even though he admits he hasn't played it, he namedrops the composer constantly and clearly has a vested interest in the game being great, then spend the entire review trying to argue that everyone else is wrong with their critiques.

It's almost endearing how ridiculous it is.

Isn't he friends with JonTron? Or did they have a falling-out too?

His favourite Tekken character is Eddy.

I don't understand how he can give it a good review. From a completion standpoint banjo kazooie was great because when you went into a zone you could get everything the first time through, except for gobi desert I think. In yooka every area needs every move, so you have to get a move from area 5 for shit in area 1. It's design is awful.

>Reviews at all

>This is the same guy who said "Don't judge [nu-Ghostbusters] until you see it"

>It's almost endearing how ridiculous it is.

Completionist in a nutshell, but it works for him. Go check out his Starfox Zero review

>Banjo, Tooie, and DK64
>The trifecta of 3D platforming on the N64
No, I can't do it, I can't make it. I can't listen to a minute more of such awful taste. Lets keep watching Oh fuck that intro is so bad why didn't I stop god damn OP

Dunkey's review is retarded.

>waaaah why don't the pause screens have music
>waaaah why are these NPCs glued to the ground (???)
>waaaah why are there transition screens between parts of the level

Yooka-Laylee might have its faults but you just know he gave it that low of a score because he's friends with Jontron who is an absolute faggot by the way.

Skip to 6mins when he actually starts talking about the game. Do it! It's terrible.


>Dunkey's review
>make sanse

It's just his blatant normal tier taste

>Yakuza 0

What a faggot

Why didn't you mention the other points he made? Saying waaaah is not really an argument.

because dunkey's review was obviously flawed and biased? he bitched about the game being too much like banjo while simultaneously bitching that it wasn't enough like banjo.

he's friends with jontron so obviously felt obligated not to like it.

Fuck you
>reviews where the speaker recaps the plot like it fucking matters
God hearing a grown adult say "pagies" makes me want to drown in a sewer. And Is that a slot machine minigame?

HOLY SHIT @ 10:00 what the fuck. My life is too short for shitty shallow analysis made by a grubby manchild.

I got a bit fucking mad that he mentioned jontron at all, and then downplayed his racist shit by making a joke that didn't sound like a joke. ("He only said BoTW was meh!!!!!") I hope dunkey doesn't become a faggot

>he bitched about the game being too much like banjo while simultaneously bitching that it wasn't enough like banjo.
How so?

How the fuck can people like Banjo Tooie? It's boring as fuck.

He compared it to banjo tooie and complained it wasn't like the original

the NPC argument is incredibly valid. He's saying that they're all just copy and pasted from level to level and look out of place. Each level in Yooka has MAYBE 1 or 2 npcs that actually fit the level thematically

No he didn't. He explicitly says that its neither polished enough to be BK nor inventive enough with the characters and spacious level design to be BT, and in the ends up in a shitty awkward middle ground. It's like you didn't even watch the video.

>downplayed his racist shit

facts aren't racist. Nice try schlomo.

>. He's saying that they're all just copy and pasted from level to level

sounds like another game i know

though, to be fair, nuts & bolts at least put the characters in different outfits every world

>muh wrong think

Sorry about your Abuela sweetie.

>and spacious level design
When did he say this?

What other points?

He mentions that the level design gets progressively worse after the first stage but never bothers to elaborate on that point. He mentions that the hub world is bad but never explains his reasoning for why it's bad.

Most of his review is the equivalent of shitposting on Sup Forums, tons of shallow complaints with zero elaboration. Dunkey should stick to comedy because he's not very good at articulating himself in a serious review at all.

You are a Sup Forumstard, you opinion coudn't be more invalid.

It is a valid complaint, I just don't see how it's a big deal at all.

>You are a Sup Forumstard
Reddit is right the other way friend
Sup Forums and Sup Forums have always been in harmony
not the same guy btw

Sup Forums has more Reddit posters than any board next to Sup Forums

>take valid points and stick waaaah infront of them
does this prove him wrong or something?

>Sup Forums is one person

>Game lacks polish
>Controls are inconsistent
>Only good level is the first one

Seems like a dealbreaker for a fucking platformer, but what do I know.

He mentions the inconsistency of the controls, shitty mini games, music, graphics, he dislikes the hub because it's confusing design, meter for special abilities. He thinks the games doesn't recreate the best parts of kazooie or tooie.

I finished BK as a kid. For some reason, I never touched BT. Is it worth playing?

>he "fights" racism in videogames on an online Malaysian fiddling board

Literally go back to neogaf or r/gaming or wherever the fuck it is you come from.

When you spend the entirety of your "review" obsessing over incredibly minor shit, there's probably an agenda behind it.

Dunkey makes funny videos but as a reviewer he's about on par with Jim Sterling. I don't see why anyone would watch his content for any kind of in-depth gameplay analysis.

So did you actually play the game?

>Sup Forums and Sup Forums have always been in harmony
Fuck off, retard.

The main criticism of Tooie is that the levels are too fucking big and every world requires backtracking to get all the jiggies.

A lot say it's not as good as Kazooie, but if someone flat out calls the game shit they're probably meme-ing. It's still an enjoyable game, has a lot of highlights and shit moments

Played it for an hour on steam before requesting a refund.

How is the hub "confusing design"?

Moreover, how is the music bad? How are the awkward controls any worse than BK? What's wrong with the graphics?

Sure you did.

>Anyone that doesn't like Yooka Laylee hasn't played it

How about you fuck off back to rebbit.

>facts aren't racist
Saying a disproportionate amlunt of blacks commit crimes isn't racist, but saying that's an excuse for discrimination sure as hell is fucking racist.

I want to fuck that redhead girl so bad!

Tooie > Yooka > Kazooie > Nuts and Bolts

Okay then, what made you refund the game only an hour after playing it?

Luckily jontron doesnt discriminate

The controls sucked and the Ice world was a noticeable drop in quality from the 1st. Having seen how shit the casino level already looked, I decided to cut and run.

Not the dude you're talking to here, but holy fuck guy, it's been 15 years since platforming games mattered in the slightest, this game isn't bad but its fucking boring. Nearly 2 decades will do that to a game about jumping and collecting things. There's literally nothing this game does that you can't get out of 200 identical games.

Police arresting a disproportionate amount of black people and "racially profiling" black neighborhoods because they disproportionately commit crime is not discrimination, it's called them doing their fucking jobs.

Have you actually watched the video? He explains all of those aside from the hub problems.

He does, but even if he doesn't discriminate it really doesn't matter. He's still an insufferable moron with garbage taste in games, is absolutely terrible at articulating himself on any topic whatsoever and has an awful style of humor. He's a gateway tier "reviewer" at best.

He tries to explain his opinion on the music and graphics but doesn't do a very good job on that front.

The hub is an integral part of the gameplay which is more important than just aesthetics and he doesn't provide ANY elaboration on that at all.

I don't doubt you played it.

But you played it for an hour and have garbage taste, so I'm not surprised you refunded it. You said it lacked polish after only playing the first level and only for an hour, called the controls inconsistent which is just objectively wrong, and said the ONLY good level was the ONLY level you played.

Take your bait/useless invalid opinion about this game elsewhere you mouthbreathing fuckwit.

>He tries to explain his opinion on the music and graphics but doesn't do a very good job on that front.
How? He says they're inconsistent, that's a pretty good explanation to me.

And really? One fucking comment on the hub world not being elaborated on suddenly makes the whole review bogus? Fuck off.

>You said it lacked polish after only playing the first level and only for an hour

Right, people should just continue to play a game they don't enjoy then be locked out of a refund because they played 2 hours 10 minutes.

>200 identical games

Name 20 of them. Only 1/10th. Shouldn't be hard if you're not just talking out of your ass.

Just because you didn't enjoy it doesn't mean it lacked polish.

Like I said take your useless opinion elsewhere. You have no grasp of the quality of this game, and you've admitted to the clear reasons why.

>Just because you didn't enjoy it doesn't mean it lacked polish.
Uh, what? Maybe he didn't enjoy it because of the lack of polish?

That's not a good explanation. What makes the music itself inconsistent?

If you dedicate a big portion of your review to constant bitching about the level design while being completely unable to elaborate on what makes it so bad, then yes, your review is fucking bogus.

>open link
>disgusting fat brown faggot with a dirty cumbeard

no thanks

>Thats a pretty good explanation.
No its not. Its just his tastes befuddling trying to honestly review the game. There was nothing inconsistent about either of those aspects, he just didn't like them and chose the word "Inconsistent" to try to describe them.

Take Joseph anderson for example. Even though he's of the same opinion as mouthbreathing retards who hated the durability of BoTW because his stupid ass fought a lynel with 8 Great plataeu weapons and bitched when they all broke before it died, he described the combat of BotW as "Fragile" and explained that in detail in his script.

No, He probably didn't enjoy it for several other reasons that are all personal and involve taste, but then defaulted to claiming the game lacked polish just because he didn't like it.

If he didn't like the game because it lacked polish he'd have explained HOW it lacked polish, and how he came to that conclusion after only 1 fucking hour of playing it, only playing 1/6th of the fucking game.

But he's not gonna because he's just got shit taste and wants to parrot whatever grievances he hears on Sup Forums that are also unfounded bullshit.

You'd have to ask Dunkey that question, you fucking retard. It's a review, not a thesis. The video is purely there to give a quick synopsis of his thoughts on the game. It doesn't have to satisfy you in every autistic little way.

The comment on the hub world takes up about, what, 10 seconds of the video's length? Who fucking cares? Please tell me you're pretending to be dumb.

How are they not inconsistent? See? You're doing the same thing.

I backed the game and can't even be bothered to play it because of how meh it is. I'm a little more than an hour in and the first world hasn't captured me. BK was infinitely better. And it's not even a nostalgia thing since the first time I played BK was last spring.

>Prove a negative
Quit shitposting The point was that he wasn't reviewing the game holistically he was just spewing out why he didn't like it and most of those reasons are either petty or unfounded.

But you're complaining about him doing something when you did the same exact thing.

Don't be a bitch, stop nitpicking and just admit you're wrong.

Really fun game. I went all the way to the fifth world to unlock all moves and now working on 100%ing each world.

Most reviews, even many mainstream ones, attempt to provide some kind of elaboration on why certain mechanics and gameplay elements are good or bad. That's what makes a review a review - it's a recommendation based on an informative analysis of the medium at hand. Reviewers aren't somehow exempt from criticism and if you can't actually bother to back up your reasoning then it isn't worth shit.

Cry harder.

Alice 1 and 2 (2)
Ape Escape 1-3 (5)
Banjo Kazooie, Tooie and N+B (8)
Mario 64, Sunshine, Galaxy, Galaxy 2, not really sure if 3D land counts, so let's skip it. (12)
Jak and Daxter (13)
Ratchet and Clank 1-3, 5-8 and the Remake (21)

Also the Gex series, Croc series, Toomba to an extent, Epic Mickey, Conker's Bad Fur Day, Crash Bandicoot, some more of the Ratchet series I've missed, we can probably also count Jak 2-3, and a bunch of others.

A review is just an evaluation. Not a recommendation. Why do people think this?

And it's not that Dunkey can't back himself up, it's that you complained when he didn't even though he didn't have to as the context of the video supports shorter points. Again, it's not a thesis on his thoughts of the game. It's a short evaluation on it.

Are Yooka Laylee backers the most butt hurt backers yet? I don't even remember MN9 backers being this pathetic

Spyro's 10+ games
Sly Cooper series

As a person who 100%ed the first three Banjo games and DK 64. Yooka Laylee isn't the Banjo Threeie that I always wanted. It has issues and isn't perfect by any means.

I've enjoyed it though. It's a solid 8/10 that feels like it's being shit on way harsher than it should be. It's basically a 3d metroidvania where half the fun is trying out your new moves to progress through the worlds. It's like a tighter Banjo Tooie in that way.

>A review is just an evaluation. Not a recommendation.

Oh, it's a terrible evaluation too.

Again, if you can't successfully back up your reasoning for an argument then it's not a well-articulated argument. I don't know why this concept is so difficult to grasp for you.

I never said that Dunkey COULDN'T back himself up, I just said he didn't. I don't think his review of the game is particularly good for that reason.

Are Sup Forums inbreds the most butthurt posters yet? I don't even remember consolewar fags being this pathetic.

>paying for something I dont think will be good

>I never said that Dunkey COULDN'T back himself up, I just said he didn't.
So why are you being so autistic? Why even bother to respond? Do you have a problem?

This makes no sense. You've basically won this argument with how dumb you are, because I'm too confused to give an actual response.

Pacman World 1-3
Rayman 2-3
Sonic Adventure 1&2's action stages
Pitfall the lost expedition
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger

We really have been fucking spoiled by how excellent 3D platformers have been in the past.

Yooka Laylee can seriously fuck right off and I guarantee those who are praising it haven't played the vast majority of the games mentioned above.

How am I being autistic because I'm critiquing a review? Why do you think reviews are exempt from criticism?

Honestly, you sound like a fucking idiot.

This pretty much sums how I feel. I've 100% all but the awful Casino world because the tonic that lets you detect collectibles doesn't detect that tokens there.

You just concede in his argument because you just admitted you couldn't understand what he said.

He sold himself to nintendo, not worth the watch this fat italian fuck.

>projecting this hard
Maybe people actually mean what they say shill. I know people having different opinions than you is scary. Grow up.

Dunkeys review is mostly jokes, atbtje least the review in OP lays out his points.

Jontron lost every single one of his friends already before the interview

I'm not saying you can't criticize a review, it's that your criticisms are dumb.

>3d platformers
Pick one

nah m8 you're just a jaded piece of shit or just shitposting and haven't played the game at all
I played Crash 1 to Bash, Spyro 1 to Year of the Dragon, Ape Escape 1 and 2, Mario 64, Gex 3, Croc 1 and 2 and both Tombas multiple times each, and I think Yooka Laylee is a fucking excellent game.

>Calling banjo-kazooie, tooie, and donkey kong 64 the trifecta of 3D platforming
>no mario 64

30 seconds in and I already know this guy has shit taste.

How is this statement wrong?

Do not say it is shit until you taste it.

How can you even be such an extreme fanboy?


Nintendo paying him.

Hey may have shit taste in movies, but his melodies are still GOAT.