>Nier: Automata came out and is fantastic, despite the original not doing well
>Bayonetta got a second chance on PC
>tons of games have come out this year so far and 90% of them are atleast good
Did we finally fix video games?
>Nier: Automata came out and is fantastic, despite the original not doing well
>Bayonetta got a second chance on PC
>tons of games have come out this year so far and 90% of them are atleast good
Did we finally fix video games?
Other urls found in this thread:
Based japs saving gaming once again
Getting there.
Trump did it. A new wave of optimism was spread all over the board.
2017 was going to be shit if Hillshill got elected.
Nope, it's just a calm before the shitstorm
We have to do one more thing to truly fix them: remove the reddit tourists and contrarian man children from Sup Forums. This place has been in eternal summer mode for years now.
>tfw you let Jackie Chan down every single day
This one is for you Jackie Chan!
Based Jackie.
>2016 GOTY had Denuvo and is still not cracked
>2017 GOTY will have Denuvo as well
I don't know how to feel, but I can't stop playing.
We're entered the Steins;Gate worldline.
>people actually like this
>not comprehending that Jackie's best scenes are where he "fights" actual legit martial artists and competitive full contact fighters like Bennyboy
What Movie pham?
>tfw Jackie became a commie cuck and hates the West whilst being a China propaganda tool
This has been a pretty fucking good year for Japan. I was ready to sudoku but I'm too busy playing video games. Though after P5 there seems to be a bit of a dry spell now, at least until Super Mario Odyssey. Don't give a rat's ass about Legs or Splatoon 1.5.
>Legend of the Drunken Master
if master pieces exist, this is truly one of them
> Jackie Chan will never give you a thumbs up after a hard day of work
Second chance? Who hasn't played Bayonetta that wanted to?
I'm glad Nier Automata is doing well though I haven't played it yet. I'm still sore over Breath of the Wild being such a disappointment for me, though.
Mario Odyssey, Red Dead Redemption 2, Kingdom Hearts III and whatever Fromsoft are doing next should all be great.
my nigga, was gonna post this. this is the best fight.
I don't like fights that cut away so damn much that scratch off a ton of modern martial art movies
not a martial arts film but the scene doesn't cut away which is a huge plus
This year has been fucking amazing so far. I have been playing nothing but new games nonstop since January which is rare as fuck. I'm only now just getting to Gravity Rush 2 and Hollow Knight after finishing P5. Now I gotta beat those before Injustice 2 comes and eats all my time up.
Japs are actually trying despite their country being full of mobile weeb shit.
>pic related, this qtpie athletic musculars girl is from "Lucky stars" where young jackie chan played back then
Jackie is like a fucking Hermit Karate Master from one of those old as fuck 1960s movies based on like fucking China circa year 1400 or some shit when niggas could wield mystical martial art or some dopey shit.
Fucking goofy ass inspirational tweets.
And it's not even his best movie.
>>Second chance? Who hasn't played Bayonetta that wanted to?
>not liking it when little yellow dudes beat the shit out of each other for your entertainment
Name 5 (FIVE) video games that isn't Jacky Chan
>tfw poorfag with no job with 2010 tier computer
I haven't been able to play many new releases past few years but fuck I can't wait till I find one. All that vidya I need to play
Which one is your favorite Jackie movie lads?
Probably Armour of God 2 for me.
>dat wind tunnel fight
What Jackie Chan movie should I watch next?
I've seen Rumble in the Bronx, Supercop, and Legend of the Drunken Master.
>inb4 Rush Hour
>Name 5 (FIVE) video games that isn't Jacky Chan
Dark souls
Legend of Zelda
Transformers: Devastation
The Simpsons: Road Rage
Jackie Chan
Rush hour
>As if trump isn't a shill
Wheels on Meals > anything else, really.
every american film jackie chan appeared in sucks dick.
Who am I? maybe?
I wanted to but other commitments and PS3 port issues drove me away from buying it
What's wrong with Ben's fucking face?
Dragon Blade
you know what, fuck those wars
Ill just play both western and eastern games because people like them, because i like them. Because it's fun.
Recommend me a good jackie chan game
I dunno, the multiplats are still looking bland and forgettable, I mean the new Prey is out soon and couldnt be any more meh if it tried
Japan saved Japanese games, at least for a few months.
Rush Hour movies are great, so is Drunken Master but I love "Police Story"
love me some pcvck melodrama
I remember in an interview Jackie Chan said once Bruce Lee hit him full power by accident. As soon as the director shouted cut Bruce ran over to him and started asking if he was ok and he pretended to be in more pain than he was so Bruce would continue to pay attention to him.
Most Western action stars aren't good fighters, so most fights end up using a bunch of quick cuts and camera tricks instead of using good choreography and showing the entire fight. Either that or they're just brawny guys like Stallone who can't do more than punch and shoot guns. Just look at the Mortal Kombat movie to see this contrast in a single movie. Any fight with Liu Kang and a ninja looks okay, but the quality takes a severe drop for every other fight.
Project A or The Young Master
jackie is my childhood hero
>Every Frame a Painting
Nice choice, user. Very good channel.
Glad somebody posted this.
You can't blame him.
It's the senpai thing to the extreme.
This. I watched Mortal Kombat again, and those actors can't fight for shit.
Jackie Chan.
Just kidding, pic related.
> You feel how badly the hits hurt
Well yeah, Jackie and crew are banned from every insurance company for a reason. If the pain looks real, chances are it was real.
>Prey and Kiseki the 3rd almost at the same time as Nioh DLC
save me from this hell
I want to see what RDR2 does first.
I want to know if R* are going to turn RDR to GTAO or video game kino
he also had this effect in tennis Roger has done unbelievable since the election
Jackie Chan Stuntmaster
Not really for the simple reason that nothing new is being put front, all we see are remakes, rehashes that are often inferior to their 'role models' (like Nioh being a dumbed down Ninja Gaiden, P5 being the same ol' Persona game, Nier 2 being like high quality Drakengard in a sense that it's an inferior clone of DMC and some bullet hell shooters, but fun unlike Drakengard).
Honestly the only stuff I'm looking forward at the moment is seeing what the indie point and click scene does (which means I'm looking forward to stories, to text, fuck), and I did enjoy Age of Decadence, Dungeon Rats, Battle Brothers, ruthless punishing stuff of rpgcodex sort. Or a Myst clone like Obduction and Witness (both good).
I don't think I've played a game that was innovative since Ghost Trick.
I'm actually kinda overwhelmed with how many good current games there are right now
Persona 5 has top priority, but I still have Zelda around which I haven't touched yet. I'm waiting for Nioh to get cheaper since its low priority, and I still have to beat Nier before I want to buy Automata. Fire Emblem Echoes is also around the corner.
Its almost as if the videogame industry never went to shit.
Oh and this thread got me thinking - we never had a fighting game that came close to imitating the style of Jackie's movies. For example, God Hand is relatively close but not as near as frantic. Imagine a Drunken Master video game where you don't have total control over your actions and have to constantly adjust. Again, only Clover (RIP) could do it. Maybe.
are there any other movies that came close to this?
Operation condor.
>Nioh being a dumbed down Ninja Gaiden, P5 being the same ol' Persona game, Nier 2 being like high quality Drakengard
Want to know how I know you haven't played any of those games? Stop pretending to know shit just because you looked up stuff online, for fuck's sake I hate you people.
>Did we finally fix video games?
video games are for the most part fixed now we just need to fix ourselves so we're not a bunch of whiny little shits.
pretty sure that axe heel like kick should've killed that dude outright
Calm down sperg.
No fuck you, stop talking about video games you haven't played, fuck off.
I don't see how you can ever be dissatisfied if you like Persona. I mean you'd probably endure even Yoko Ta-
Is this a shill thread? Did I misread it?
Yeah, all the shit games that have come out lately were predicted to be garbage early on, like Mass Effect Andromeda and Yooka-Laylee
Wonder if Hiveswap will be another dent in Kickstarter's reputation,
Lol I can judge any game properly if you show me the gameplay, they are not some sort of magical faerie dust to be inhaled. Go fuse some more personas, now. Off with you. Shoo.
I literally figuratively don't get what you're trying to say
>tfw people who like guys like Donnie Yen or Tony Jaa always shit on the more wuxia actors like Jackie or Jet li and vice versa
It's awful that people can't appreciate both.
Every time Jackie says today is a good day I feel a bit sad because LEI FUCKING WULONG HASN'T BEEN REVEALED FOR TEKKEN 7 YET!
look how people praise Daredevil S1 for its fight scenes. the west has trash choreography
OP you don't understand how this works.
Nier Automata purely sold because of word of mouth and good reviews.
Hell Persona 5 for example, Persona 4 got HUGE despite selling jack shit, mostly due to social media and word of mouth.
it got so big, it got a dancing and fighting game spin off and anime.
Persona 5 is huge despite most of those buyers not having played previous Persona games but maybe watched a Youtube video on Persona 4
this always make me laugh
>Persona 4 got HUGE despite selling jack shit
The Golden sold 1 million, it literally was the reason many Vitas were sold in its first year.
>I wanted a war
>wanted to get drafted
>want to die while doing something sort of useful
>even if it's a conspiracy
>at the same time I don't want the world to turn to shit
>im stuck being a neet forever am I?
>fuck you too.
Jackie's overall style of fight scenes would be difficult to make into a game. He often uses the environment, each of the enemies momentum, you have those sillier and funny scenes where's this constant back and forth between Jackie and someone else like Jackie grabs a chair, enemy pulls it away, Jackie spins it around, etc.
A game would be ambitious since it'd need an absurd amount of different variations in combat.
>Was mad as fuck they killed Donnie Yen offf in the Nu-Star Wars
>Would've loved to see his ass as a Rebel Special Forces fighter in the next Nu-Star Wars
>Haven't seen Tony do a movie in years
>Same for Jet
>Watched some homeland made Jackie film
>Want a Rush Hour 4.
This world is getting real unpleasant.
>Nier: Automata
Garbage that only pillow-hugging pubertant weeb children would even consider playing. Look at the """badass""" sexy virtual girl haha I'm in love with my slutty whyfoo!!
>90% of the games released are at least good
Nioh is the single game so far this year that's worth a shit. And it's really not that great.
>Tony Jaa
the only movies that were entertaining was ong bak and that movie with the tower scene. he is overratted as fuck
Man it must suck to be you.
Who's the dude that did The Raid?
He was pretty nice to watch
My negro. I've been enjoying games so much recently, and I've been getting more and more tired of the whole console and region war. At most I'm still bitter at individual companies and developers.
>>Did we finally fix video games?
I think so and leave it to based Japan to save the day.
console wars are over this gen.
sony has such a big advantage that there aren't enough people on the other fronts to pick a fight.
the war is over son, time to go home.