>Nintendo Switch Sales - 906k units
>Breath of the Wild for Switch sales - 925k copies
>Nintendo Switch Sales - 906k units
>Breath of the Wild for Switch sales - 925k copies
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the 925k zelda units sold includes Wii U copies, which totaled in around 300k
Kind makes you wonder if Nintendo fans are mentally ill to buy a game they can't play
It's not like they'll run out of copies of Zelda later
no it doesn't
This. OP says Breath of the Wild for Switch sold, but the article never says that wording.
>Sell more copies of a game then systems
>Still has less of an attach rate than the vita
>It's not like they'll run out of copies of Zelda later
>I can't read
I feel like it was people buying the game for someone else, but that doesn't even add up in my head.
What the hell?
And half of all those sales are on Ebay right now!
my girlfriend bought me Zelda for my birthday and we've been looking for a switch since it came out but still can't find one.
I've just been playing it on wiiU to tide me over but I don't want to beat it.
the second paragraph says that both combined for 1.3 million.
I went to target and walmart yesterday and they had 10+ copies of zelda behind their display cases.
>what are scalpers?
They buy two copies and keep one sealed for reselling in 20 years
are you retarded?
>buy BOTW
>the disk get scratched and the game no longer works
>buy another BOTW
People still can't find switches anywhere
Not that hard to figure out desu
collectors who bought multiple copies?
Are you retarded or is this going to be a "merely pretending" type of post.
Maybe people that played it on Cemu felt guilty and buyed a copy?
Or it was just Scalpers.
It's scalpers you retards.
wrong, read the article.
The likely reason is a combination of scalpers, and people ordering it early before buying a Switch (especially in places where the Switch is regularly out of stock anyway).
People are buying the game while still waiting for a Switch.
People that preordered on Amazon late, for example. Had their Switches delayed due to lack of inventory, but BotW obviously isn't wanting.
have we gone beyond now Sup Forums?
Those guys are buying Wii U copies, if any
fuck there's got to be loads of horrible autists who did this
god damn
Stop berating the guy just because he didn't know. Everyone makes mistakes sometimes ;)
Nintendo's explanation is some PR BS. It's probably people buying Zelda without buying the console, because they can't find the thing.
t. samefag
its ok though user, i forgive you
People bought game because it was available.
People didn't buy Switch because it was SOLD OUT.
It happened to 19K people.
Mystery solved.
Some people might have picked up the game before picking up the console due to lack of availability. Some people are weird spergs who bought the special edition and won't open it.
>Nintendo Switch Sales - 906k units
for the month of march
>Breath of the Wild for Switch sales - 925k copies
that could be from total sales of the game ( march - until now)
nobody makes mistakes your either a troll or a troll.
>buying non LE games
That's not how it works.
the attach rate meme needs to die.
I can't read: the post
Here's what actually happened:
I can confirm, I live in Alabama.
Says you.
No modern game is likely to ever reach prices even nearing this, but it happens.
Sealed Wind Waker goes for about 100 on ebay.
That's not how attach rates work you dumb fuck
Spending $60 and sitting on that lost money for a decade so it can go up in value $40 bucks.
Get a job sparkling wiggle
>feeling guilty
arrrrr, matey, you be wrong.
Falsifying numbers
not samefag
learn to read dipshit. Article states that the 925k IS just for switch copies. Including Wii U copies the total is around 1.3m
The Switch is out of stock in a lot of places but BotW isn't, so people buy the game while they wait to buy the console
People probably bought they game while they could before they could find a Switch. That's what I did with Twilight Princess when the Wii was the new thing.
LOL, It cant beat HZD fucking PATHETIC
Reminder that this game needs 2m sales to actually break even
Except HZD sales are over but once Nintendo gets of their lazy asses and starts to make Switches again Zelda will sell farther in great numbers since it's the only title worth playing so far..
i did the same thing
>People probably bought they game while they could before they could find a Switch.
this is actually what I did, I waited for the console, and in the meantime I got the game for the best available price I found, because I saw that most places had it for about 15 EUR higher than what I paid for it and it was limited stock. I had the game about a week before the console
It's all the drones have left.
No, the sales still continue till the end of the year. IT will reach 5-6 million, while BOTW will barely make it to 3-4 Mil.
Hmmmm.... To me, it seems like Horizon continues to sell more thans Wii u and switch combined.
>IT will reach 5-6 million
It was an ok game, nothing that great.
I don't know why nintenbros are using it, but it was impressive for the Vita due to the small install-base.
It's funny, you will be laughed out of Sup Forums when switch restock.
I wish i was a fly on the wall to see your autismal rage when it happens
People scalping Special Editions.
Your opnion is that of a minority user, It will reach 5-6 million & you'll eat your words.
Cant buy what isnt available.
They just bought the game while waiting for a second shipment of switches
>such thrashtalk
I wonder if there are any cases where someone bought a Switch but DID NOT buy BotW.
I was given a Switch but I just pirated BotW on my Wii U so it's been collecting dust.
I know someone who has bought Breath of the Wild even though he doesn't own a Wii U.
He'll play it when he can get one, but as of now, he just wants to keep a copy around so he doesn't have to buy it later on.
>600k difference in sales last week
>400k difference in sales now
Really makes you think.
There is a weekly column you know, everybody can see you're wrong.
Then the other one I saw was wrong. I don't visit those sites so I wouldn't know.
Those sales are for North America, world wide its closer to 2.4 mil switch and 2.5 mil BOTW the same shit is happening world wide
Link to this article? I wanna source that before my rage against Nintendo's blindness grows.
Um yes it is? Zelda attach rate is over 100% currently
>buy collectors edition
>place on shelf
>buy normal edition
>play it
how do you not understand this?
>not using your collection.
Do you also have a bookshelf full of unopened records?
I buy CDs of bands I like and pirate the same CDs.
>buying CDs
>Not buying material stuff you appreciate.
Not even him, but I collect CDs, records, and a few tapes and use my collection in my car and record player. Digital is so underwhelming. Same thing with my games.
By that I meant
>not buying vinyl
Nintendo bought several hundred thousand BoTW with their marketing budget
>displaying something that's worth $5
Jesus Christ... don't tell me you put ammibos on there too...