Any games where I can play as a white Knight?

Any games where I can play as a white Knight?

Any game where you save a damsel in distress


Why would you come to a video game forum just to complain about white knights. How pathetic is your life


hail my fellow white knight brethren

there's a game literally called white knight chronicles for ps3

cuck detected

game name?

>video game forum

hint: its exactly what OP is looking for.

the greatest ally

any boards where i can shitpost as a Sup Forumsack?

Any games where I can play as nigga with a garden hose knight?

>Sup Forums
>video game forum
dude where have you been

t. cuck white knight

Don't forget to prep the bull

Black Knight and Axe Knight best.

So that's what an ally is

What are the perks of choosing the white knight class?


Invisible in snow. Literally just that.

>These guys are bothering
No, they're bothering YOU, you goddamn satellite.

>see some ho getting beaten on the street
>ignore the scene as I do not support the patriarchy by helping a damsel in distress