lets go
Lets go
people are still playing this butchered crap? ah yea it was on sale, so I guess the poorfags have their turn now
>getting mad there are people playing games you don't like
could you be any more pathetic?
>playing dark souls 3 again when DS2 is available and better in every way
>anything other than worst in the series
can someone post the DS1 roll?
This meme has to die
Rollan, make one for bloodborne
I wouldn't say every way, but It's certainly a step up.
Why not
I gonna get fucked.
really dont want to play ds3 but ill roll anyway
>pyro, aldritch faithful, greatshields and greataxes
rolling for it
Haven't even finished the last run yet, but fuck it, why not
let's go
Is Dark Souls 3 worth buying? It was $30 recently but i have a radeon hd 7870 2gb and i dont know if ill be able to run it
Is the new DLC worth it?
>always have a torch equipped
EZ mode
Rolling, might as well burn a few hours on this
>whips, small shields, rosaria's, and path of the dragon as a mercenary
Ok, nothing too bad, I can hand-
>skull and calamity rings on
Well shit
Fuck you
rollin for something good
Let's go boys
Did no one tell you DS2 is shit user?
black asshole
How will you use those pyromancies?
gimme that top roll
pls no shit build
there's no spellcasting gear on the equipment rolls so I assume i'm just supposed to keep it in a secondary slot
Looks fun so LETS DO THIS!
rollin for axe assassin
>axe knight
that'll do
Pls answer me
Alright, let's roll.
why not
fuck it
roll you dumb piece of shit filter
I un-installed the game, but if everyone's in on it, I'll play it again.
rolly polly
roll it
check em
>Frostbite weapons only
>Spears only
Oh yeah, I'm gonna enjoy my nothing
Who designed this?
Rollin rollin
ok, gonna try
Rolling to be a grapist.
I will do the thing.
I'm ready
fucking dual whip pyromancer how fucked am I