Blocks your path

>Blocks your path

Other urls found in this thread:

kamoshida is literally me


>rapes your a student

>drinks wine out of glass with upside down women inside
>licks one of the women in his mouth and spits her out back into the cup
>the women are most likely students

>uses gun

heh heh heh heh....

>he's still on the first dungeon

Surprised someone hasn't made an all out attack out of something like this

>blocks your path

>That slurping noise

>Shadow version of Mara is called the "Throbbing Shadow of Desire"

*swaps places with igor*

Better post pics of yourself in a skimpy pink speedo to back that up.

His voice actors in the sub/dub is pretty damn good

here's my true shadow form.

his english actor is wesker

Is there a single thing, no matter how minor, that this guy did wrong?

You need other two.

Maybe you could put Spurdo in there, but I don't know if someone else could fit.

Violate a minor.

Rule of women: If you ain't fucking it, someone is.

>no matter how minor

Easily the best villain in the entire game and I'm surprised P5 kicked off with someone as sinister as him

haha yeah screw all those sluts am i right my fellow r9k goer!

It was literally Ann

I fucking knew he felt familiar. There was a mecha boss in Xenoblade Chronicles with the same name

What kinds of costumes would SEES and the Investigation Team have if they also got special outfits in their otherworlds?

Hard mode: What would their codenames be?


SEES aren't particularly rebellious, are they? Not until the end anyway where they go against the collective desire to die or whatever.

I'd imagine the Scooby Gang would have the outfits their personas would wear. Hands down Yu would be a banchou.

*Kills himself*

lad, do you not know what yaldabaoth is?

Goro is literally me.

Into the TV he goes

Why the fuck does Cognotive Goro have such a deformed face sprite? Shido is supposed to view him as a calm and collected loyal killer, so why is he turning into some sort of goofy motherfucker?

I don't think either of them are especially rebellious. The P4 cast don't have much to rebel against because they live life on easy mode and the P3 cast have had shitty things happen to them, but it wasn't the fault of any group keeping them down or anything

>Even putting a fight againts Kamoshida
The little boy would get his face printed in the ground before he could even say bitches and whores

*pulls out gun*

>blocks your cock

Considering he planned on killing Goro because he expected Goro to try and kill him, he probably knew that Goro was an absolute madman. Knowing that he constantly murders people and then carries on with a big smile probably plays into that too.

>Implying Adachi hasnt been making gains while in jail


Yeah because that worked well before


That's going to be a hard enemy to beat


I fucking hate how they redeemed Akechi right before he dies. Just let him be batshit insane just for the sake of it.

Akechi idea of redemption was killing himself in a blaze o glory, also the PT doesn't even feel bad about him later Ryuji flat out says that he's glad that he's dead.

>Goro, why did you murder all these people?
>So I could help Shido win the election and then reveal that I'm his shameful bastard son and tank his career for my own amusement
>That's why I killed all those people
>To fuck over Shido, who I could have killed directly

Yeah, no, Goro was not redeemed in the slightest. Shit they only offer to team up with Goro to fight Shido because they don't want him getting in the way again.



E-excuse me. I n-need to get past....

>pic name



Akechi's English voice actor really nailed this scene

Why is Hoshi so based?

Anyone else pissed that this faggot didn't turn out to be a girl? I wanted a crossdressing loli

I might have fucked up. I was on the path to max every Confidant (only Hanged Man & Empress at 8). Since there was a day in early December where I had nothing to do I went and did Shido's palace but now Haru doesn't appear on the map anymore. I skipped forward like a week and she is never there to hang out. If I send the calling card & steal the treasure will she be back & ready to hang out with me again or do I have to reaload before I entered the palace? I really don't want to go through the entire thing again, but I would also hate to miss out on Haru...

he played K1 in higurashi, he's used to batshit voices


hell Goro living would allow Joker to make Goro testify instead of himself and not lose out his january/first half of febuary

Are we all in agreement that Yusuke is the biggest surprise in this game's cast? He looked like he was going to be the dullest character in the entire game but he turned out to be the best.

Go to send the calling card. Then party will say not to send it until the last day.

Then after that Haru should be available. You just need to see a scene

>Go to send the calling card. Then party will say not to send it until the last day.
Are you confusing this with the 6th palace? I am now fighting Shido and its two weeks before the deadline...

it's like the opposite of Haru who I assumed I would like and she turns out to be dull as a board

edge: the post

> sexually abused teens
> physically abused team
> mind games

stop pretending he's good

I think I am sorry. No worries though, there is no timeskip. You'll have time to do Haru's link after beating Shido.

It's amazing how much of a nothing Haru is. I mean DAMN.

Would you play an Eroge with Coach K as the protag?

I honestly expected him to be a Jun expy with lots of homovibes for Potter-kun, I'm a bit disappoint.

I thought I wouldn't like Haru, Yusuke or Ann and I ended up liking the three of them. I like Ann the least, but I thought she would be Yukiko levels of bad, when she ended up being just fine.

Kamoshida felt like the only really fleshed out villain in the game

>Gets away from your path

his palace theme is pretty great.

I knew nothing about the characters aside from their designs since I kept myself in the dark about the game, so I assumed he was going to be some edgelord fuckboi. Boy was I fucking wrong.

>Mementos convo about him getting a gold star for drawing a picture on the back of his test

Never thought I'd say one of my favorite characters in a video game is a dude with legit autism.

Makoto's another one that I'm surprised how much I ended up liking her, but I already figured she'd be my favorite just on design alone.

He was, because he was the foundation for the game loop and the story took the time to build him up, sell the threat he posed, and make you invested.

The others were on too predictable a cycle.

>Enters car
>Puts my arm around Takamaki
>Alright take us to school

I like Haru's SL because you can actually joke with her and she'll give you three music notes, like holy fuck whoever came up with this should be fucking shot.

2 of those 3 three things were because the kids were -literally- asking for it. And then "mind games" doesn't make him a bad person.

Haru as a character is fine, she just falls into a similar problem that Ryuji and Ann fall into after awhile of "not being Makoto or Futaba so you don't really matter that much." At least Yusuke can steal a scene just by being Yusuke, even if he otherwise falls into that same issue.

No. In fact, if I was presented with either doing that, or killing myself, I'd mutilate myself in the most painful way possible and wait for loss of blood to slowly take my life.

Reminder that Soejima likes short haired girls over long haired girls.

I like Haru's SL just because she is so fluffy and nice that it's like I'm playing one of those old pet simulators. Also Evil Spouse Abusing Battler

He's got good taste.

At first I thought Loki was gonna end up the big bad and he was controlling Akechi. Seemed like a waste of a design for just one fight.


Little bro is not for sexual.

I agree that the 2 coming after him are sort of weak, but Shido was pretty good and the other dungeons are more for the sake of moving the story along then giving you an actual villain to hate.


He's the best confidante, fuck you.

Loki was too good for that faggot

I really liked him, just a shame you can't seal the deal. Didn't even seem totally-not-gay like Ryuji, it wouldn't have been impossible.

He's not gay get over it.

Why does he wear a crown?

Yeah he was really aggressive against you and the game treated him like a big deal. Everyone between him and Shido was just, eh. They lacked the personal stakes, the reasons for the time limits felt contrived.

>Playing through early part of the game
>"This Shiho girl is kind of cute and I like how she makes an effort to understand me. I wonder if she has a romance option later"
>Play further


I just realized. That "Take your time"

It's Sae telling you to take your time and not skip over even the smallest, most autistic details.


His obsession with getting Ann nude was purely for artistic purposes.


>fantastic persona design
>only used in one fight
P5 Arena with playable Goro (with Loki, not robin hood) when?