I want to know if Mount and Blade on Steam is worth buying for someone who almost never has enough money to buy games. I might be able to afford it by a few months and was just wondering if it's worth it.
Should I buy Mount & Blade: Warband?
Gog version is very cheap at g2a. Game worth your money. It has a lot of mods.
Sad that we can't just have a MnB thread without thinly veiled bait.
What do you mean by bait?
Its another boring Sup Forums meme
Buy any other rpg instead
the bit about taking months to save up for a cheap old game. It's guaranteed to get at least one bite if the thread takes off.
I don't want someone else to buy it for me if that's what you mean, I just don't have much spare money at the moment so I'll buy it later.
It's a lovely and unique game. Old but gold.
You can also pirate it if you don't want turks to have your money.
Does anyone play the multiplayer?
It's a ton of fun, but there is a barrier of entry. Not a bad one, but there is one. Hours of conquer await you if you find it enjoyable. One of my top games.
If you cant affor it, download the gog version, no need to crack or anything, but im no sure about multiplayer, if you want only singleplayer you are lucky
I won't pirate it because I want multiplayer and prefer to have the proper copy anyway, but thanks.
Just wait for bannerlord mate.
it hurts
I've spent 2000 hours on the multiplayer alone. Napoleonic Wars DLC is worth getting too.
I'm stuck in this rut of mid-game where I have a reasonable army, but the kingdom I'm aligned to makes retarded choices and it feels like I have to carry them in the war to even have a chance.
Am I supposed to just stay as a merc for super long and see one noticeable winning kingdom to join?
enjoy wasting a month's worth of hours playing this game
Download it for free on their website and get a key on youtube
It's literally free to play and you dont even need Steam running.
How do you get a key from YouTube?
Just email them and ask for a key.
Look for videos called mount and blade keys
There are tons and they work.
If not in the video they are in the description
It's literally that easy. You can play mount and blade and all the nice mods for literally nothing.
It's my favorite game of all time and has a solid modding community behind it so you can have countless hours of entertainment.
I would suggest playing on some of the easiest settings in the beginning to get used to the combat and get used to building up your army and gear. You can always change the difficulty during your game so that won't pose a problem. I almost always go to the training field and finish the sparring quest there and then enter arenas for starting gold and xp. After that the world is really your oyster, but it's recommended that you go questing at villages and castles to build up some rep then join one of the many factions.
Your starting area doesn't define your faction choice.
And all the options for your background at the character creation alter your stats.
Have a good one and give the game some time to get used to.
I want a legitimate copy of the game everyone, stop saying to pirate it.
love this game, this was my main game back when i didn't have internet for like a year.
get the Floris Expanded Mod pack if you like the vanilla game but want to expand on it.
i bought this game for a couple of kids with crappy PCs because it's only 2.50 on g2a and i like helping poor 12 year olds
You can do what you want nigga. Be cool with the king and become conte consensio and make non retarded decisions yourself.
Didn't you read yesterday's blog post, beta next week man!
100% yes
Fuck off
are you jew or just like corporate dick??
Buying from G2A is latterly worse than piracy.
thats not how you spell that word, and i really don't see how it is. someone purchased a mount and blade key, meaning the developers/publishers (or whoever the fuck) got paid.
and then he sells it to me on a third party website, if you think all the keys on G2A are stolen you are a retard.
play the demo first on steam/their site and find out if you like it
>He doesn't know about chargeback.
yeah because shit like that isn't bad for repeat business right??
i have bought around 40 games on G2A in 2016 and have never had any of my games removed from the steam library, then again i only buy from the big sellers on there.
>implying there's anything wrong with piracy
>It works for me!
Tell that to the people that got they're accounts banned.
It's still better than G2A
keep buying from steam kid i don't really care
if everyone would be smart enough to buy on G2A we'd have a real problem on our hands, thanks
The problem that websites like g2a exists for people to buy it.