it aint gonna invade itself
Sup Forums's very own Dark Souls Global Restart weekend, by user
OPs can't bump their own threads, you filthy imbecile.
Also, no one cares about your stupid idea.
Gib something fun please
thanks for replying so now i can bump my own thread :^)
I cant believe im only finding out about this now
>lol casuals think this game is difficult when its easy as fuck you just suck git gud lol
Dark Souls is a cancer magnet. Enjoy our artificial difficulty, permavirgins.
OP has been trying to do this for a week. No one cared so now he changed it from one day to four days.
ive been spamming this picture for about 4 days. had around 1000 total replies to the roll picture between all the threads. i changed it to four days after the first thread because someone pointed out it was dumb to not include the weekend. eat shit senpai
to the other guy, surprised you havent seen it till now
>I'm so poor that I need to beg the internet to play an old game that everyone moved on from just so it's not empty.
Just go play something else you fucking idiot. Trying to get everyone to restart because you feel like it is just full blown retarded and all it will accomplish is making more twinks to take advantage of the dumbshits that do this.
>1000 replies
And how many of those people actually bothered to reinstall the game and play instead of just playing digits with your image?
Because at least Steam' historical graph has no variation in number of players.
idk senpai, i noticed an increase in the number of people
>stop playing games that are old!
nah :^)
Currently level 26, just beat Sens Fortress. Pyromancy Glove is Ascended at +3, aw yeah.
Also my sl1 darkwraith has been getting constant action, pretty fun stuff.
It's definitely not an easy game. Nobody is impressed by your autism induced superiority complex.
It's 2017, who the fuck still has that small of a hard disk that they have to delete games?
I've convinced 3 of my buds to do 4 player coop.
Happy days ahead man
>No penalty for dying (you can just grind back the souls you lost by dying)
>No defeat condition (you can try again any difficult part as much as you want)
>Tons of ways to break the game
>You can just run to the bosses; don't need to defeat the regular enemies
>Can summon people from across the internet to beat the game for you
Dark Souls IS an easy game.
im currently in anor londo trying to kill fatboy and slim. maybe ill actually see some people.
what are the optimal pvp levels? currently at like SL46
Fuck it, it's time
Yeah man, suuuure
>>No penalty for dying (you can just grind back the souls you lost by dying)
As if being forced to grind isn't penalty enough?
>>No defeat condition (you can try again any difficult part as much as you want)
So you're exclusively into games that permanently lock you out of areas when you fail them?
>>Tons of ways to break the game
Only if you know how, which helps seasoned players rush through the game to get to the more interesting bits or PVP.
>>You can just run to the bosses; don't need to defeat the regular enemies
Yeah if you don't like being geared.
>Can summon people from across the internet to beat the game for you
I mean if you choose to play on easy mode that's on you, anybody here would shame you for resorting to such a cheap strategy.
wow it's almost as if games get less popular as they age, who would have thought?
that's a slight upward trend since i started this baby
Rollen for Warrior or Knight build
>As if being forced to grind isn't penalty enough?
No, it's not enough because you can easily grind those souls back. You can just kill the enemies near the bonfire and go back. Hell, you even have a healing item with infinite recharges.
>So you're exclusively into games that permanently lock you out of areas when you fail them?
I'm not saying that. I'm saying that you can retry any area forever. An actually difficult game will show you a game over / mission failed prompt, forcing you to restart the whole adventure.
>Only if you know how, which helps seasoned players rush through the game to get to the more interesting bits or PVP.
That doesn't change the fact that someone starting a new character can get the Zwei at the very beginning and then breeze the game.
>Yeah if you don't like being geared.
The point is, a genuinely difficult game would force you to take down all the enemies before fighting the boss every single time, putting stress into your resources and healing items ("better I learn how to fight efficiently so when I arrive to the boss I'm not near death and without health potions"). Instead, you can just rush dodge them like one of the classic Resident Evil games.
Now, the old Resident Evil games, those are games are an example of a game where if you don't "get good" you can actually get stuck. Spend all of your ammo and health items foolishly and you're screwed.
>I mean if you choose to play on easy mode that's on you, anybody here would shame you for resorting to such a cheap strategy.
If you need to limit yourself to make the game difficult, that says a lot about the game's actual difficulty. A genuinely difficult game forces you to use every single resource at hand.
Stay below 100.
Don't go to darkroot, it's full of giantdad faggots, crystal soul spear casting assholes and katana faggot ganksquads
Fuck it, why not.Getting bored of dark souls 3 anyway
but ds1 is shit
>cant even get past Taurus demon
>Taurus Demon
>One of the optional bosses
Why even bother?
I restarted this week, user
playing on 360 with unupgraded weapons for shiggles.
Ignore him; that user is crazy.
Aw fuck it
As long as you picked the Master Key or started as a Theif that boss and many others are completely optional.
Also Taurus demon becomes a regular enemy later.
Also also just climb the ladder and do a plunging attack on him then run to the opposite side of the bridge and repeat for an easy way to do it.
Need a hand?
What's your sl?
>user is clearly playing the game for the first time
>You start talking about game-skipping shortcuts
You're an idiot.
what kind of a stupid faggot do you have to be to make a post like this one? youre even contradicting yourself retard , telling people to fuck off because you think this thread somehow bothers people who arent into the game your shitty mindless post which you made after coming into a thread you had no interest in is pointless and annoying
now go be aggressive with your keyboard to one of the other 20 something shitposting threads about nothing interesting with recycled OPs by faggots like you who have nothing to contribute to the board and let these people have some fun
or better yet , hang yourself , im sure failures like you arent missed at all in this world
>game-skipping shortcuts
The game gives you no real direction as to where to go anyway. It is entirely possible to accidentally stumble on this assuming you picked the master key.
The first time I played the game I ran straight to the cemetery and tried to fight the skeletons and ran past them eventually and kept trying to proceed thinking all the talk of the game being as hard as it was was true and this was the right way to go.
One thing is finding a place for accident.
Another one is arrogantly classifying one of the early bosses as "optional" and mocking that user for having trouble with it just because you can skip said boss when you have enough knowledge of the game world
You're definitively an idiot.
I'll prob just spend 20 minutes trying to make a non-potato waifu and then quit but rollan anyways
Also, post faces/sliders if you got them
I in no way mocked anyone but alright.
Done explaining myself to you though and I've said all I needed to.
It was fun talking with you all the same user.
>He's angry
Might as well.
What game do you consider hard?
Ok, lets repla-
>Sen's Fortress
>Capra Demon
>Lost Izalith
Nah, nevermind
>Dark Souls 1
>Four player co-op
>he doesn't like the Funhouse
Step it up, senpai
>he doesn't know you can use cheat engine to have a friendly invader