Why are games made by Russian devs are notorious for Russian bias?

Why are games made by Russian devs are notorious for Russian bias?
You rarely heard of American bias or German bias from games made by western devs

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>You rarely heard of American bias
are you fucking for real?

>You rarely heard of American bias
>Americans are literally always the good guys and total bad asses in every video game ever

Its not a matter of bias, its a matter of lack of skill on your part, OP.

I first believed in the whole "Russian bias" argument, but after playing more and getting good, you can't really sustain that argument.

Just learn to play your tanks right, learn to fly your planes right and when boats come learn to sail your ships right, and the whole "Russian bias" thing will become total bullshit.

That's just being historically accurate. If the truth seems biased to you, maybe you should reevaluate.

pretty sure he's talking about actual game balance. world of tanks is notorious for russian tanks being better than everything else

well, in american games you never play as the other guys
you just mow them down by the hundreds

>That's just being historically accurate.

Okay, I'll respond on the off chance you're not being unironically patriotic.

>Americans being the good guys
You've literally started more wars than any other nation in the world only for the sake of expanding your borders. If you believe America does it to ''bring democracy and freedom'' then you've been successfully brainwashed.

>Americans being bad ass
If you think killing a bunch of dune coons with superior technology is bad ass then you're retarded.

it's not comparable you dumb nigger. we're talking specifically about multiplayer. world of tanks shows heavy russian bias that doesn't exist in western games. the ppsh kicks ass, the stg is the best gun in the game and the garand also kicks ass

>we're talking specifically about multiplayer
was never stated

>WW2 game
>americans are the main heroes
>no bias

>You've literally started more wars than any other nation in the world
lets get a citation for that one you fucking subhuman

> ''bring democracy and freedom''
look at japan, look at south korea and look at western germany. you have no argument, kiddo

you're just an absolute subhuman, probably a virgin that blames all his problems on the usa

WoT, WoWs and WoWp were all made by white russians and I'd consider them balanced.
War Thunder on the other hand is not only notorious for russian bias but also for generally bad development choices. It's run by dirty capitalists that only want to make money at the costs of the players experience, big time.

because you're a dumb yuropoor subhuman

on boards with flags you "people" are consistently the dumbest posters

kek lad, if America is the one expanding its borders and Americanizing the rest, I think that makes us the good guys. After all, it's better to be dead than red.

>You've literally started more wars than any other nation in the world

Oh so what you are saying is you are retarded.

Look at Iraq, Afghanistan, Grenada, Somalia, Vietnam and others.
Also, South Korea really isn't the best example here, burger-kun

Fair and balanced.

just look at where you fucking hit you stupid fuck, you hit perfectly at an extremely thick angle of the turret where it bends downwards instead of the flat surface upwards of it

>You rarely heard of American bias

is he dumb or just american?

Whoops, mixed that one up. Grenada would be a better example than SK

literally none of them were wars, putz.

Based IS-6
Fucking german scum btfo

Because russians are insecure and needs the extra dignity boost to function?

>You rarely heard of American bias

WoT still has some )))))) especialy with nerfing Germans constantly
but WT is straight off the hook with sekrit dokuments

>extremely thick angle

balance you fucking tard, not story


It's not. I'm a wn8 blue player and the game design favors russian alpha strikes and high penetration. + because of rng, russian troll armor is favored over german and russian armor which is alot more consistant with set weakpoints

>look at japan, look at south korea and look at western germany
One party state, decades of authoritarian government, raped culturally and never recovered.
Got more examples?


>It's run by dirty capitalists that only want to make money at the costs of the players experience, big time.
So, just like WoT?
Nice try, WarGaming shill.

>WT is straight off the hook with sekrit dokuments
They literally give you sources for their balancing changes.

What's this image supposed to convey? Go to the OP pic and look where the red area is, that's where he hit

The playerbases for both of these tank games are worse than abused housewives.

that's because there's literaly no better fucking choice, there hasn't been any single dev to scratch that itch of either pure arcade or pseudo realism
the only thing that's close is Steel Beasts, which is a great sim but it costs an arm and a leg and has no MP

>waaaaaaaaaaaaaa I'm not killing Soviet tanks by the dozens with little to no effort because the Nazis totally didn't lie about inflating their kill count

sup ivan

>t. T-34 driver

german and american*

Wot has never been balanced. My phrasing was bad. It's just that it's always unbalanced in different directions. Sometimes the french, then the americans...

WoT is of course run by money gobblers too but as the game seems to work ok enough it doesn't matter that much. WT on the other hand is obviously being squeezed for every penny and its development history only shows that by implementing good gameplay choices that than get removed because they didn't make money or favoured a group of players that wouldn't pay money for a certain thing they wanted.

you have to be fucking retarded to not understand this was meant for multiplayer

please kill yourself

t. squatting slav starving in russia

But it is a historical fact that German armor divisions killed shit tons of Russian tanks on the eastern front.

It just didn't matter in the slightest because the Russians were pumping out hundreds more.

>You rarely heard of American bias
Really? C'mon user

t. Ahmed in the middle of raping a little girl

If the Germans pumped more resources in the Panther project rather than meme tigers and shitty Pz.IVs, they might've lasted longer

That's not an insult, Sergay.

>You rarely heard of American bias

t. Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov gangbanged by a horde of chechens (no homo because that's punishable by death for them)

>WT on the other hand is obviously being squeezed for every penny and its development history only shows that by implementing good gameplay choices that than get removed because they didn't make money
Such as?

Have you ever played Sweden in any game made by Paradox?

just remember something non-american cuckolds, WE RUN THIS SHIT and we listen to nobody. not your precious EU nor your precious united nations. The best part is you're too much of a pussy to condemn us over some of the worst atrocities committed against mankind over the past 40 years yet you're so quick to condemn someone like Assad over the """alleged""" use of chemical weapons


And it's a historical fact that the Soviets also inflated their own casualty reporting system. Tanks that didn't make a road march or suffered from a breakdown were considered a casualty in their own system. That and Germans reporting more fucking kills than the Soviets actually fielded in that battle.

>asspained wehraboo players on the WoT forums demanding that Soviet crews have a -25% crew skill to simulate poor Soviet training during WWII

I've stopped playing for years but WoT still keeps harvesting Tiger tears.

>condemn us over some of the worst atrocities committed against mankind
Such as? Americucks are too pussy to commit any serious war crimes

War Thunder is a shit game filled with a horrible grind.

They have to fake online numbers to keep any attention.

They have to keep on releasing little content patches to keep adding top tier tanks for people to splurge their gold on.

It has the worst community ever, and that it actually has NO teamwork what so ever unless you have a squad on discord or something.

It's a terrible game.

Because Russians do not understand the concept of balance and fairness. The core concept of Russian culture is screwing over and scamming even your closest relative just to survive the next winter.

Also, that's something WoT is even more so guilty, by removing entire game modes that flopped and maps so shit people didn't want to play them.
Not to mention, for this year's April Fools WarGaming decided that it would be just the greatest idea to give the playerbase a FUCKING TANK BUNDLE FOR 60/100 EURO.

Iraq (again)
syria (soon)

Im honestly convinced after playing a while that at least half the players I encounter are bots made by Gaijew

They do exactly the same thing, they sit still, scoot forward, aim around, repeat, its either botting by players or disguised bots by the dev and they are fucking EVERY where to pad out the queue times

>Warthunder has more focus on realism
>heavy Russian bias devs shit all over the fanbase

>World of Tanks is lolarcade with health bars
>devs actively support military history research worldwide financially

German Bias is massive in strategy games.
Russian in these tank games.

FPS games generally feel fair though they generally make the M1 Carbine and M1 Garand far weaker then their real life counters to balance it against the Kar.

>Y-you're a loli p-pussy slayer!
Was that supposed to be an insult?

because on paper and often in reality russian tanks are superior. read otto carius, the master of tiger tank. russians had terrible command because of year 38 purge, but their tech and supply was fine.

OK I lold

>They have to fake online numbers to keep any attention.
60k-70k regular playerbase doesn't seem fake, friendo.

Other than that, seems like someone is terrible, LOL.

Name 2 games that have clear multiplayer bias toward the American sides. Just to try to make it easier even though you still wont be able to, I'll allow for any genre, from milsim to FPS.

I'll go ahead and save you the trouble and tell you that take your european asses on somewhere because you can't.


post ignored

M1 carbine reportedly had some penetration issues, it was designed to be a weapon for arty crews and such, a PDW if you will.

He's not a leaf tho.

>company name is a racist slur against white people
Imagine naming your company Nigger instead of Gaijin. Fucking SJWs.

It's also a historical fact that in the early stages of the war, German tanks could not even penetrate the armor of soviet tanks on a regular basis because they fielded peashooters that could only go on roads without getting stuck or frozen solid to the ground, only fit for blitzing through Europe that was largely inhabited by surrendermonkeys with a well maintained infrastructure.


Red Orchestra 2
>Americans get a 75ft range flamethrower
>Japs get a 1ft range katana

smaller crews and shitty quality construction don't really translate well into videogames so the russian tanks end up being good with super simplistic "sim" modeling

t.actual unironic pedophile

If you can't tell a leaf from his post, you need to lurk more

based russ are capable of irony. which is great, i think. east slavs are the only one immune to white guilt and other trendy commie crap.

>was never stated
I'm sorry, should have realized it needed to be spelled out for retarded yuropoor, or leafpoor, or whatever poor country you're from. Apply yourself.

nevermind the tank in the OP has a giant 12.8cm that never had any problem penetrating anything

>South Korea really isn't the best example here, burger-kun
Why? Because it's successful and ruins your argument?

>it's okay when Russians do it
Oy vey anudda Afghanistan

I could be wrong about the M1 Carbine, but it seemed crazy weak in most games. Like using a pistol was more effective weak. Hence why I said that.

>Tiger II

>Japs get the knee mortar
>plus booby trap grenades and a ridiculous suppression effect with their banzai that stacks based upon how many players are participating, not to mention a health buff while in a banzai charge
Try again user.

+50GE has been added to your account :^)

>Iraq, Afghanistan and Vietnam weren't wars
Ayy El Mao

yeah that's fucking great. western white people can't even pronounce world "nigger" without getting fired from job, then sued and thrown in jail.

>historically accurate tanks that never fought in the war

Remember, it's only a war when it fits the narrative. Haven't you learned nothing in your journalism classes?

I had a hunch you were a /wtg/ shitter.
I took the bait still ;_;

One step closer to a talisman at least.

Do those players have a * in front of their name, in that case, its worse that a bot, its PS4 players

I was outplayed. Can't think of another game with american bias

>German tanks could not even penetrate the armor of soviet tanks on a regular basis

It was the same way for British tanks fighting Germans in North Africa. First generation Crusaders were outmatched until they got better guns and armor. And the British ended up winning that campaign.

That's just the nature of evolving technology in war.

Meanwhile in Russia you don't need to commit any crime to be put into jail.
Russians police can put you into jail for 24 hours for no reason and the prison population in Russia is multiple times higher than in the rest of Europe.

it IS a videogame. a not very realistic one

I don't know if it's bait anymore.

>the prison population in Russia is multiple times higher than in the rest of Europe
US of A is still number one here, though.

>posted from my nazi railgun bunker.

>Germans couldn't penetrate glorious Russian steel all the way to Moscow within six months
Really makes you think.

Are you sure you're talking about the same game?
The tiger ii in war thunder has an 8.8cm gun still not 12.8cm
