I'm playing pic related for the first time and I'm wondering what are the weapons worth upgrading? I'm currently using the force gun and I literally cannot kill a single thing with it, should I just drop it? And how many guns can I fully upgrade before the end?
I'm playing pic related for the first time and I'm wondering what are the weapons worth upgrading...
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no joke just the gun you start with. rest of them are situational trash
Only use the plasma cutter. Ever. Don't even pick up any of the other guns.
I figured it was good, but that sounds like a no-fun allowed playthrough
Plasma Cutter (starting gun) is the best if you are methodical and skilful with your aim, upgrade damage to max ASAP. Force Gun, Line Cutter or the Ripper (Buzz Saw) are good for the insect swarms and the superfast enemies you meet later.
NOTE; when you increase ammo capacity it refills the guns ammo for free, so empty it into an enemy before you do so.
Unfortunately the upgrade system highly incentivises only 1 or 2 weapons.
I've played 1-2 on PC on the hardest difficulty on my first play through and the plasma cutter or whatever the first weapon you get is called is literally the best weapon in the game. Just upgrade that. By the end of the game, I had a fully upgraded plasma cutter and some other weapons that were semi upgraded. You could probably have 2 weapons fully upgraded, not sure, but I remember you're able to re spec and shit.
If you're playing on PC, prepare to edit some shit to make the first game run well. I think disabling vsync in-game and enabling vsync with 1+ prerendered frames via gpu control panel is what fixes it.
You need to do 5 minutes of technical fixes if you're playing on PC.
Oh yeah I had to turn off vsync in game and turn it on with the nvidia control panel, and I had to restart the game (in chapter 2 so not much) because I used the "continue" feature on the main menu and that automatically changes the difficulty to normal/easy
Line Gun
What Sup Forums doesn't tell you is that the machine gun is the best.
Upgrade that damage to max, and you can kill slashers with TORSO shot, no need for aiming.
And each ammo dropped is 25, so you will always have more than enough ammo.
Used in first playthrough only plasma cutter. In the second I tried another weapons, but got back to the plasma cutter after a short time.
Game is still much fun, played several playthroughs.
Whatever you do, play the second afterwards, but don't play the third, you'll regret that.
Flamethrower, you gotta have it. You will feel like you battling sum dam xenos
Most fun:
Line gun
Pulse Rifle
Overpowered (and boring)
Plasma Cutter
Also fun but largely useless:
Contact Gun
The rest
In Dead Space 2 the force gun is all you need, in 1 it's shit
You can beat the game on impossible fairly easily with just the plasma cutter but that's boring shit, use whatever is fun.
The force gun is really powerful, rifle is weak but has secondary nades but I had more fun with the ripper and flamethrower just fucking gibbing brutes.
Line gun ain't bad, but mostly just upgrade the plasma cutter and your rig. You can upgrade everything if you do a NG+ (and collect shit you missed out).
Line gun is a poor man's plasma cutter.
Damage is too low for a heavy weapon, and its just not worth it
Flamethrower is the worst weapon in the game
pulse rifle grenades are only in DS2.
Ehh its the other way around, DS1 upgraded force gun gibs EVERYONE on torso shots, all their limbs, on DS2 it just knocks them back and you have to use the alt fire to gib
Force gun is the one with first click huge aoe, right? That upgraded in DS2 was sick, could one shot Slashers and two shot those ones going full SANIC with the primary shot, secondary shot was a concentrated long range shot IIRC that had a charge time
Upgrade the plasma cutter, and if you explore your surroundings decently you'll have enough nodes to decently upgrade two other weapons. I recommend the Pulse Rife and a heavy hitter gun like the Line Gun.
Don't ever upgrade your oxygen (well, maybe once) it's a waste.
The forcegun is goat once you upgrade it.
I like to go plasma cutter+force gun because as great as the plasma cutter is, it isn't as good when you're swarmed when xenos in your grill.
Forcegun kills the fuck out of everything with a close shot and for the few things it doesn't it'll knock them way back and down so you can switch to plasma cutter and chop em up.
Plasma cutter is the best in the game
Pulse rifle is also great, even without upgrades (except mag size)
Force gun is absolute shit without upgrades, that's why you can't kill anyone with it, but upgraded it's a fucking beast, kills anyone in 1-2 TORSO shots, blows them apart
Line gun is in my opinion not worth it
Contact beam is too slow and there's just not many enemies that have a lot of HP to justify the super damage
Ripper is great at conserving ammo but it has low damage and it's not very fun to use, also small range
Flamethrower is shit, avoid it.
>I'm currently using the force gun and I literally cannot kill a single thing with it
You need to hit a very specific location at close range, then it oneshots almost anything even on hardest difficulty.
>Contact beam
Completely forgot this was a thing. Did anyone use the Contact beam in Dead Space? I don't even remember if it returned in Dead Space 2.
Fuck you man! You gotta kill em all with fire! I always have one on me on every DS game.
Yeah its basically the shotgun of the DS universe. I'm currently replaying the franchise (minus 3), almost finished with 2 now on zealot and I have the force gun fully upgraded, it really doesn't kill anyone with primary fire, on DS1 though it did
buzz blades
I used it for the brute and the leviathan fight, as well as killing some random necros, it's fun but too impractical to use.
this is what i'm talking about, force gun blows everyone apart from a torso shot
Also I always thought DS1 looked waaay better than the following games, the suit looked amazing
>Also I always thought DS1 looked waaay better than the following games, the suit looked amazing
They put a lot more care into lighting and level geometry.
I used it when I have to kill things very fast. Used it in both games.
Well we have used machine guns in a lot games so nah fuck that.
The force gun is a great shotgun for killing small enemies once you upgrade it.
DO NOT stick with the plasma cutter. Yes it is good but it's a boring weapon to use for your entire playthrough. Every weapon is situational so you need to use them at different times. Force Gun is actually one of the best guns in the game when upgraded though.
It is. Plasma cutter only is a no fun allowed play though, don't do it.
It's a money printing machine, always good to collect its ammo to sell in the shop.
It uses the most expensive ammo so you make mad bank.
I end up having 3 fully upgraded weapons when at the greenhouse level.
What you need to know is that if you press Continue in the menu you will reset the difficulty to Normal so don't ever do that.
>shit tier
>force gun
Someone didn't upgrade his shotgun. That thing is a beast when upgraded. Literally can kill multiple nercro's in one shot when upgraded if you wait for them to get close before firing.
DS1's arsenal is so underrated because that stupid fucking achievement caused every pleb to do plasma cutter only playthroughts. I suspect that's why so many people thought the game wasn't that good when they intentionally gimped themselves by using a boring starter weapon that while fairly powerful isn't exactly super fun to use.
I just finished the trilogy last night and now im looking for more TPS horror games. Can you guys name some?
Is RE6 as bad as Sup Forums says?
Sell the ammo for easy credits.
Plasma cutter and line cutter. I got through the game and series just fine with those two.
Evil Within, it's underrated as fuck.
It's like RE4 but with a lot less ammo drops and lots of moments where the game just kicks you in the nuts, hard.
Holy shit so I wasn't imagining it, I also thought this when I played DS1 and DS2.
DS1's suit looks way better. Also much more aesthetic. Come to think of it, DS2 as a lot just looked a lot worse.
Those screen borders, though.
My autism cant handle that.
plasma cutter is best gun
I personally love the flamethrower,
it's kind of shit but it's super fucking effective against everything the plasma cutter sucks at,
especially the fucking tentacle monster
Line gun is also good
main problem is the game mainly drops ammo for the weapons you're carrying, so carrying just 1 or 2 guns is easier than carrying 4
That was patched out ages ago.
>it's underrated as fuck.
Because it was a super massive disappointment with about 3 good bits
Maybe I'm being too harsh on it, but I was so annoyed how it pushed for the "surbliblal hurrur" and it was really not
It wasn't even that good ignoring that, I completed it at least 5 times too, just to make my mind up
I still, to this day, believe Bethesda fucked with the game
They patched that a while ago
>I was so annoyed how it pushed for the "surbliblal hurrur" and it was really not
I played it as TPS with horror theme and was not dissapointed in the slightest.
It helped fill the void since Dead Space is dead for good and RE has identity crisis.
>Dead Space is dead for good
Poor Isaac deserves some rest. He had a hard life.
Flamethrower's shitty in the first game. It's the unsung hero of the second game though. Upgrade that shit to blue flames and everything dies in two hits.
I end up agreeing with Yahtzee's opinion on this one.
When you have a game about a nightmare world, it's really not a good idea to make THE ENTIRE GAME SET IN THE NIGHTMARE WORLD, otherwise it loses it's creepy factor
Aiming in it is really bad until you upgrade weapons though. Kills a lot of the fun for a good portion of the game. In fact it makes me just wanna upgrade the crossbow to fire bolts instead of bothering with upgrading multiple weapons' accuracy.
I have not bought a single accuracy upgrade and am headshotting shit left and right with the revolver.
Most enemies are close range anyway so I don't sse how this could be a problem.
plasma cutter (allrounder)
force gun (growth control and panic gun)
line gun (growth leg remover and hallyway cleaner)
javelin gun (in ds2)
Amusing enough the one handed Telemetry spike with fire addition was my favorite DS3 gun.
Literally ripped everything apart like it was paper.
Plus alternate fire in crowded areas was hilarious when it ricocheted everywhere.
I don't care how many others have said it, plasma cutter is that fucking good.
Well I don't know about you but I'm not really used to shooters where every weapon starts out shaky as fuck.