What went wrong?
What went wrong?
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They tried making a competitive game instead of making a fun one. Instead of improving on game play to give both hard core players and casuals quality of life improvements they insteaded added shit that ended up being a chore and lots of meaningless actions.
Most people don't like playing RTS outside of casual matches and custom games. SC2 sold fine, but the circumstances that made SC huge competitively (blowing up in korean game cafes) didn't apply to SC2.
People have construed its "failure" (not being as big as SC1) to be a result of being too e-sporty, but the truth is these people (many of them in Sup Forums) didn't play RTS in any serious way to begin with. They just played campaigns and hung out in custom game rooms.
Game out 20 years after Starcraft 1, but with no significant improvements. 20 years and you can't make a single new race? A new resource? A new type of terrain besides the binary high ground/low ground? Water units? Units that can shoot while they move? Anything at all to make the game a little deeper than the original? Bueller?
Starcraft 2 is this really odd middle ground where they tried too much to appeal to more casual gamers, and they did it in all the wrong ways, while also trying to be competitive like Brood War was. They ended up with something that appealed to the overlap on the venn diagram, if you know what I mean.
Unlimited control groups was their biggest sin. I'll never understand the logic behind that. It doesn't have to be as small as 12 like BW, but unlimited means the entire protoss army on 1 hotkey and that's just silly
>dude let's give everything extreme mobility and high dps and super competent AI
>what do you mean you can't micro two army groups on the opposite sides of the map simultaneously? It's your own fault that burst damage bullshit killed your whole army in the two seconds you weren't looking
>also we gave you more workers at the start so now you have no time to scout or react to your opponent, it's called a high skill ceiling
>and we'll never go back and fix poorly designed units because it's not a balance problem, the players just refuse to adapt!
>to top it off we made not-ladder as inconvenient as possible
Working as intended.
none of those things are 'improvements'
>also we gave you more workers at the start so now you have no time to scout or react to your opponent,
Not even close. Your other points are true though.
What went RIGHT?
Custom games done right
they tried to sell me the game 3 times
That actually is an issue in LotV ZvZ though. Rushes hit faster now, and your Overlords didn't get any faster so they're harder to scout
Custom games being better than the original
Lack of interesting & rewarding mechanics. Every game ended with smashing two huge deathballs into eachother, and, while visually impressive, that's just not very intersting to watch.
I fucking swear there's a blizzshill here.
Game is filled with stupid mechanics that make it more mindless apm intensive but less fun
Injects were a fucking mistake
I was top 8 diamond back in HoTS, dropped the game before LoTV. For me it was the fact that balance updates took SO LONG to come, broodlord-infestor, widow mine against zerg, hellbat drop, blink-stalker all in, immortal all in, swarm hosts(that was just bad design); all those were very obviously too OP for longer than they should have been.
It should take 2 week max for a proper dev team to patch these up. But since ultimately pro scene adapted to those things one way or another, cause their job depended on it, every time dev teem took their precious time and distanced the casuals, even top diamonds like me, during the time they did not patch.
>blink-stalker all in
The first few months were at least all amazing players winning, but when Pigbaby wins something... yikes
On top of that game became too "coin flippy". What i mean that, take AOE2 for example. If you scout a hun tower rush early, it is a definite win for you and lose for HUNs. If you not, it comes down to who micro betters.
In SC2 it is the opposite, if you scout a cheesy VERY early, ok you defat it. But if you scout it just "early", that play can still inflict enough damage to neutralise it's investment. If you don't scout it early enough, you lose %100.
This happens with so many mechanics in game, like a medi-drop, oracle, cannon rush, 2 gate rush, any kind of all in, dark templar. You either lose instantly, or the game gets post-poned to next cheesy mechanic.
Back in my day only %10 of the matches were hard-fought victory/lose, other %90 were just a crushing snow-ball.
There were so many custom games that were on par with dota at the time. Hundreds updated regularly.
Warcraft 3 had the best custom games.
I like how they can add two new races in warcraft 3 but not add even one to sc2.
It's funny how Blizzard just doesn't react to any of it.
>wc1 has full race campaigns
>wc2 has full race campaigns
>wc3 has full race campaigns
>tft had three full race campaigns and one added for free in patches
>starcraft had full race campaigns
>broodwar had full race campaigns
>starcraft 2 has one race campaign with the others being sold separately at almost the cost of a new game as well as separate dlc missions
thanks activision
blizzard said balancing 4 races was a nightmare. i guess they didnt want to relive that
A new race would make the game a lot deeper, more complex and exciting. You have whole new race to play plus more matchups to consider. How is that not an improvement? They have the Xelnaga right there as part of the lore and they chose not to add them. Probably because all these autistic esports fags got some retarded idea that Starcraft is a perfect game that could never be improved, and Blizzard started to believe them.
They used to add races because they knew it makes RTS better. Warcraft2 to Starcraft to Warcraft 3. Then Starcraft 2 they decided to go BACKWARDS. They lost the creativity I think.
This is the bullshit of gaming today. Developers used to work years and years on their game, polishing it, testing it. Diablo 2 is a testament to this.
All of this solved:
>They tried making a competitive game instead of making a fun one
This (this console limitations) is the ruin for many games nowadays. I mean, come the fuck on just look at D3
>A new race would make the game a lot deeper, more complex and exciting
Or it could be a grab bag of palette swaps from the other three races with a poorly thought out macro mechanic. With Blizzard's track record of design and balancing in SC2 I say they should actually remove one race because they can't handle all of them.
>working is hard
state of game devs today
watching/playing only consisted of one of 3 strategies vs one of 3 strategies over and over and over with a funny cheese once in a blue moon
to play devil's advocate a little, games also cost a lot more to develop these days and require bigger teams of devs than they used to so it makes sense that they'd charge a bit more
This would be epic as fuck
Imagine the movie
This. Esports killed fun. And it's not even a good esport. It was a blob vs blob simulator for at least a year.
back in 2010 sure, LotV is better.
I had so many and enjoyed watching so many quality games.
But not completely correcting the early game bullshit rush meta and imbalances put a cap on the game's competitive life.
They should just make it one race. Then it will finally be balanced and fun for esports.
HotS. Blizzard being a bunch of fucking idiots and requiring the game be played online. Sorting custom games by popularity and gutting anything fun. All I wanted was BW/WC3 with updated graphics and some balanced units added to the game.
>implying adding a new race TODAY to sc2
>not grasping basic grammar