>"universal ammunition"
"universal ammunition"
>guns with 5 dmg
>enemies with 100hp
>universal ammunition
>in a "survival horror" game
I haven't even played DS3 and I know that they fucked it good
>games has jumping
>you jump the same height every time
>gun deals 17 damage
>enemy has 103 health
>Game autosaves
>It does it while your stuck in a bug
Why is this a bad thing? Fuck "muh realism", it's so much more useful to just pick up one bit of ammo and have it serve all your guns
>Ak-47 sounds just like the MP5
>Universal gun has universal ammunition
>7 bullets in inventory
Ammo is an anti-fun mechanic. At most there should jsut be reload animations for when you run out of your clip.
I don't know what you mean by DS3
the only time I've ever seen it used is for dark souls 3
what game are you referring to?
Dead Space 3
universal studios
universal soldier
universal constant
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
>hit jump button
>float into mid-air without bending knees or ankles
ah. they seriously fucked it. and they didn't even make it fun like re4.
>galactic ammunition
>when fun is subjective in the first place
What if i enjoy limitations and treat it as an way to maintain the gameplay's balance and difficulty?
There are two types of universal ammo I've seen: one works well, but only for multiplayer, and one is complete dogshit.
The good way is the TF2 method, where if you get an ammo pack as, say, an engie, you get some shotgun shells, some pistol rounds, and some metal. The key is that you don't just have one pool of ammo to draw from; if you run out of shells, you can switch to your pistol.
The dogshit way of doing it is the way where all guns run off the same ammo. This means that when you run out of ammo for one gun, you run out of ammo for ALL of your guns. Run out of ammo with your SMG? Oh no, better switch to my shotgun - wait that's out of ammo too, fuck!
>republic ammo will do
no, they won't
If an assault rifle and a sniper rifle used the same bullets, why ever use the former when that latter can do so much more damage with the same ammo cost?
Universal ammo destroys guns that rely on a high rate of fire.
please I loved being low on ammo in borderlands and the ammo shop being miles away making every headshot count
it baffles me how one team can do so much right in the original deus ex and do so much wrong in invisible war
>Game doesn't have jumping
>Can only mantle over things