>forgetting about the magical HD rumble inside that can even simulate the softness of boobs or multiple ice cubes in a glass
That's what we in the industry call a "lie."
Either that or their manufacturing system is so inefficient that it costs them the bulk of that $90 in production alone. Cause there's ~$10 in raw parts. Maybe $15.
they're either lying or just unable to keep costs down.
Ice cube technology is expensive.
Just sound like they're horrible at optimizing their costs
Are your that easy to trick?
Fucking A.
Not falling for that shit.
>t.armchair manufacturer
>tfw Ninty wanted to deliver us the gift of joy-cons even if it meant losing money on it
Thank you, Nintendo. We here at Sup Forums are grateful.
>it's because there's lots of small parts!!
>doesn't give a rundown of the parts
not buying it desu
oh boy, I can't wait for the switch to never get a price drop because nintendo had to have that retarded HD rumble gimmick
>Mental gymnastics
While the switch is doing well, fuck all, imagine what the thing would cost if they didn't have the gimmicky ass joycons along with it. Imagine if they were just standard wireless controllers, not motion crap no excessive rumble, like fuck
$300 isnt awful but once again they've managed to make something way more expensive than it should be because of gimmicks (ie: wii u gamepad jacking up price of wii u)
>Nintendo has never sold anything at a loss ever
>The 3DS was so overpriced it had a 100$ price cut not one year into its lifespan
>People still believe the switch is being sold at a loss and not at a huge markup
You gullible fucking idiots.
Unless Nintendo itself gives verifiable sources it's bullshit, you're a dumb motherfucker if you really trust this shit.
>simulate the softness of boobs
I'll wait for the SK game to come out first before I judge the HD Rumble
On top of that,
>The link on the source for the production estimate is just another one of their articles
>And the only link to Fomalhaut on that article is to their estimate of number of Switches sold by 2018's end
Make your own Joy-con buddy!
lets make them a card Sup Forumsros...
operation: save the princess
Well maybe that "teardown firm" is retarded.
>Sup Forums sends treehouse a card
>treehouse becomes sjw and censors everything
>Sup Forums sends iwata a get well card
>he dies
>Sup Forums sends kojima a thank you card
>turns into a hack and mages awful mgsv
>Sup Forums sends kamiya a card
>scalebound gets cancelled
let's not
Why don't we send ourselves a card?
they should increase the price
i'm not a thief, how can i get in contact with nintendo
Send a card to Hiro, hopefully he'll shut down Sup Forums and free us from this nightmare.
That number is bullshit, simple as that. Wait until financial reports from ninty come out.
I'm not sure how anyone can still call pointers and gyros gimmicks. Being able to aim bows in Zelda with a pointer or selecting things in a menu like animal crossing is great. And Splatoon shows how much better pad aim can be with gyro. It's not questionable anymore that they have value. Anything that's not precisely what you've been using is just going to be called a gimmick regardless of whether it's useful. There's no thought
We also sent Gabe a happy birthday card and he became a money-hungry jew
>hiro merges /vp/ and /vg/ back into Sup Forums
What about them costs so much? And don't say HD rumble, that shit feels no different than normal rumble.
They choose to deck themselves out on the weirdest shit
So you haven't used it?
I've never seen any other rumble before that can simulate a cow udder, or ice cubes in a glass, multiple dice, or the softness of boobs
Pretty cool how the joycons can emulate the feeling of bags of sand.
>>Sup Forums sends kojima a thank you card
>>turns into a hack and mages awful mgsv
he was always a hack and has never made a good game
I tried 1-2 Switch at Nintendo NY, felt no different than normal rumble
It certainly isn't accelerometers and gyrometers, chips like that cost like 2.30$ on digikey. People assume the HD rumble is expensive due to the lack of info about it.
It doesn't feel like a cow's udder, it feels like a controller that vibrates more and more as you press down. The only use of HD rumble in 1-2 Switch that felt incompatible with traditional rumble was the "guess the balls" game.
mgs1 was good
we already have a a Sup Forums card