This has one of the worst combat systems in any Tales game. It might even be worse than Abyss.
Why do people like this again?
This has one of the worst combat systems in any Tales game. It might even be worse than Abyss
hmm, different games in the series have different combat? I only played Abyss and was turned off from the whole series
Abyss is one of the weaker games in the series, IMO, in terms of both story and combat system.
My favorites are Xillia 2 and Symphonia.
The combat system is good, you're just too autistic to get a hand of it.
It's quite bad.
Just because it's an improvement over Zestiria doesn't make it good.
they like it because they're desperate after the absolute disaster that zestiria was
I actually think Zestiria's combat system was better.
Whose bright idea was it for souls to spawn far away from you after successfully dodging an attack?
>Whose bright idea was it for souls to spawn far away from you after successfully dodging an attack?
THAT's what you don't like about Berseria?
You could've said something better like bullshit casters are still a thing.
retard with shit taste
did you even play Zestiria you mouthbreathing fuck?
I tried the demo, and having not played a previous entry in the series, found it completely nonsensical.
This game would be greatly improved if they lifted some of the energy restrictions and added an option to keep gear and weapons in New Game+. Having the best gear in the game with the best random abilities is useless if it is only post game.
I tried the demo and the combos were really weird compared to other Tales I've played. I'm sure I could get used to it if I start from the beginning, but that demo just did not sell me on it at all
Way better then Zesteria.
>Abyss is one of the weaker games in the series
No. Seriously, go back and play the fucking series before you say stupid shit like this. It's not even in the bottom 10 worst Tales games.
People see to forget that tempest and Symphonia 2 exist.
Is this a mod?
What did you not buy the exclusive pre-order Artorius DLC?
you call abyss weak while praising xilla 2? get the fuck out of here.
Please wright me an essay on why you think Abyss is the best game user.
i thought it was alright. its what i expect from a moderna tales game.
im a veteran and even i had problems getting into it. the demo just throws you in the middle of the game without explaining how shit works unless you go out of you way to discover it yourself.
I've been enjoying it a lot. My only problem is when you're fighting bosses that refuse to stun so you can't chain with break souls.
I haven't played any of the series since Symphonia, so I'm not even comparing. What are people's problems with the combat?
i wont. all i say its not rushed and re-use the same areas from a earlier game.
That is the nature of the demo. The game does an alright job of teaching you the mechanics in the full version but its still sub par without experimenting yourself.
This is pretty much the reason why I gave up beating the game on chaos mode.
And instead used cheat engine to crank up the stun of my characters so I could actually combo
How is Abyss weaker than Symphonia? What? Symphonia is literally barebones with nothing going on and casters having zero merit outside of AI control.
Abyss at least is speedier and has the Field of Fonon mechanic allowing you to change up your artes for variety.
Fighting big groups of enemies is great fun. I always lure them together to get a dangerous encounter. How are you supposed to play against single bosses though? I feel like I'm doing something wrong. I just use the guard-charges that increase stun chance and then dive at them and hope it works, which it rarely does. I'm maybe halfway through Just got the spear chick after the Lapichet goes full Gohan and needs a vessel