Why does Nintendo keep making Zelda games when no one buys them?
Why does Nintendo keep making Zelda games when no one buys them?
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>you != everyone
I love how the artist felt the need to include the Metroid patterns on Samuss pajamas otherwise no one would know who she was
seriously you need to take classes on how to do this
>The most controversial Zelda release ever outsold the most critically acclaimed Metroid game of all time.
I saw this comic many times and just realized thats Samus, I thought it was the artist self inserting.
This would have been at least tolerable with no dialogue at all
Or being able to switch her to French.
Stop giving Metroid bros a bad name, OP.
it is the artist self-inserting, a lot of women like to see themselves as samus
Why do you spam this comic so much?
Powerful female that still has limitations?
That's actually not bad.
>tfw you speak french
>just lost her father, friends and entire kingdom partially due to her own failings
>rescues Link
>holds back the ultimate evil for 100 years
>you don't rescue her, you go to back her up and finish the job
Clearly the author of this shit didn't buy it.
Next you're gonna tell me Batman should have never given his mom a bat-signal.
>tfw both series were ruined because of tumblrites who couldn't sympathize with the women unless they broke down and started crying and emoting their feelings like children
Keep that trash out of my video games.
For how prolific Zelda is made out to be, it really does sell like dog shit. Not a single game has pushed more than 10 million units. Meanwhile Mario games regularly sell in the tens of millions.
Looks like they draw it when the trailer released so nobody played it at that point.
Why is she eating popcorn while watching a video game trailer?
yeah god forbid a character feel an emotion. Has Zelda ever cried in any of the games?
>Smashbabbys have ruined Metroid, Fire Emblem and Xenoblade while also kick-starting Nintendo's NFC DLC McDonald toys
I hope Smash 4 Deluxe is a straight 1:1 port with no new characters. Rosterfaggotry is cancer.
I live the idea that zelda crying is some sort of weakness or that there's some kind of trope here that is defaming woman.
To much irony, SJWs have absolutkely no empathy.
And as we all know, sales is the absolute single only indicator of quality. Which means the Michael Bay Transformers movies are some of the best films ever made.
>wants baby emotions instead of actual gameplay
If BOTW was a good game, this bout of childish crying wouldn't even exist. It's a crutch that only bad games rely on to try and sucker in kids who want to jerk off to a waifu, or pretend that their game is "artistic".
That's not what happened, newfriend. Tumblrites hated Other M and Zelda crying, too. It was actually the Japanese who wanted to give female heroines a dose of emotional weakness and sex appeal to capitalize on the lonely otaku audience.
>emotions make me angry, stop putting emotions into things, I can't stand it when I see emotions anywhere anytime
omelette du fromage
To hint that she's watching a movie instead of playing the game.
>we need to put more non-videogamey moments in this videogame
>boy I hate actually playing this game, I wish we could have more cutscenes to take me out of it, because emotions and feelings are more important than gameplay
Neogaf pls
>I can't wait to see this intriguing story made game.
>story made game
What does this even mean?
Hi, ACfag, still screaming the same nonsense I see.
>calling people fags for disagreeing with you
I like to think this is a comic made in the batman universe where someone wouldn't know Batman's parents are dead.
Dead son
That's Batman's wife
>botw (switch version) sold more copies than the number of switch consoles sold
Please, your MO is recognizable every time you post itbecause you never change it. If you want attention so badly there are better places than an online image board, go outside and interact with real people instead of trolling about how video games suck because they have graphics, music, dialogue, voices, menus screens, title screens, and everything else that's not the controls.
Oh look it's this thread again! Fuck off faggot.
why is samus an elf?
All blondes are elves, silly.
everyone buys them. I'm not buying that you're not retarded.
why would nintendo make anymore metroid games when no one buys them?
>you're a troll because you just want some good gameplay
Hah, a classic.
I played the entire game without ever seeing that cutscene though. I only found it when I was out there trying to 100% and by then I had already liked it.
>I'll twist what he said into my favor, that'll show him!
Don't try to be smart, ACfag, you're not good at it.
I tried to like the game by just ignoring the cutscene too, but there's no substance in the game. You can tell all their budget went to the cutscenes and voice acting. Nobody at any point looked at Ganon and thought" perhaps we should make the final boss harder than the first enemy you ever encounter." But they were too busy jerking off to Zelda having emotions.
>I'll twist what he said into my favor, that'll show him!
I didn't twist a damn thing. Your entire problem with my statement is that I pointed out that you hate games that are too videogamey. If Zelda was such a good game, you wouldn't mind ripping every single thing out but the gameplay itself, right? But somehow these cutscenes and graphics and voice acting are somehow requirements to you, as if the game stops being good if they aren't there.
What is she saying Sup Forums?
>story made game
Can someone translate this to English for me?
>if she takes my slot in smash I fucking swear
>I pointed out that you hate games that are too videogamey
Putting words in other people's mouths and assuming things, you never change, ACfag, along with your retarded "Hurp berp if there's ANYTHING AT ALL that's not the controls then in my personal opinion it's 100% a movie!" mindset.
What about portuguese?
You know, you could prove me wrong. Perhaps show me some zelda discussion that doesn't instantly devolve into posting porn or talking about the story?
How can I prove you wrong about your personal opinion when even the original Zelda 1 has dialogue, a title screen, music, sound effects, an ending screen, split-second loading screens, and other things that you say turn video games into movies? And what does an online discussion of a game have to do with your psychosis?
Nobody buys them? Breath of the Wild had a 120% attach rate.
Please give me a lot of (You)'s
I hope we get more characters just so Fire Emblem doesn't take up 50 percent of the fucking menu.
>How can I prove you wrong about your personal opinion when even the original Zelda 1 has dialogue, a title screen, music, sound effects, an ending screen, split-second loading screens, and other things that you say turn video games into movies?
>you say turn video games into movies
Dude if you're the guy who accused super metroid of having too long of an opening cutscene just please stop. You've been btfo so hard now in so many threads your bullshit has to stop have you no shame?
Every single thread you show up in, ACfag, you tirade for 500+ posts about how those things are ruining video games and the absolute only thing games need is controls. Don't even try acting stupid about it.
I remember saying that Super Metroid's opening cutscene should be skippable, and I was promptly told "that would ruin the artistic vision of Sakamoto." I hardly see how that is "BTFO".
I say that gameplay should come first. If you want music and graphics and story, then your game itself should be as flawless as you can get it. As in, it shouldn't be running below 30 FPS, you shouldn't be chopping large chunks out of it to resell as DLC later, you shouldn't be making your game reliant on the story, and etc. Yet since people scream in anger at the very thought of removing the cutscenes in this game, despite the gameplay supposedly being so varied and well made, it really turns the noggin.
But they sell more games than they have sold console, user.
How and why, i have no fucking clue.
it's a good metric for how much money they'll have to make the next fucking game
Holy shit dude I can't believe you're still on this bullshit tirade. Still! Look man, video games just aren't for you anymore ok? It's too bad, but you just shouldn't play them anymore. Games are a holistic experience now, and you're narrow dumbass viewpoint doesn't encompass modern day games at all. Get fucking over yourself dude suck a dick and stop playing video games. Fucking play table tennis or feusball or pong those are pure gameplay. Fucking hell.
>why won't everyone like and champion my personal opinions and assumptions?!
That's all your ravings are. You assume they make the game then remove chunks of it to re-sell. You're so impatient you can't even sit through the title screen of a game. You're so easily distracted by the music and sound effects you want them removed. You can't stand characterization because you think the same peopel who program the gameplay also write the script.
Just play fucking Pong if you get this angry at video games because of your personal neuroses. Oh, wait, that has sound effects, oops.
You got btfo later in the thread, maybe you don't like games with story because you have the attention span of a goldfish.
>they literally sold more Zelda games than consoles to play the game
You're a fucking retard.
I want everyone to know that this man has been in MULTIPLE threads claiming that the super metroid intro sequence is too long. Some retards just can not be appeased.
>games are a holistic experience
>but the gameplay shouldn't be the most important! The emotions and feels and "experience" are more important
And this is the part I disagree with whenever it rears up, yet it's considered crazy of me to not want this. Why are you playing video games if you just want the cinematic aspect of it?
>You assume they make the game then remove chunks of it to re-sell.
Well, I'm just saying: the game didn't need its garbage of a story, but it did need a hard mode and a cave of trials. Why you're holding GAMEPLAY content behind a DLC paywall is beyond me, other than greed of course. You could've given us the gameplay and kept the story and cutscenes behind a DLC paywall, but then nobody would pay for them because they're useless waste.
>you're a bad person because you want the sound, music, and plot to exist solely to make the game better!
As if that isn't the entire point to having any of these elements.
[citation needed]
I didn't say that dumbass. Holistic experience means the whole thing, not just the cinematics. Fucking damn dude can you even read?
ACfag has been sperging out about Metroid Other M since whenever the game was released, and he's been sperging out about video games having music, story, sound effects, characters, title screens, and everything that's not controls for the last four years. He does it for attention, and it's really sad.
I can't believe I actually didn't think it was her.
Aren't you the same user that says cutscenes should never be skippable because the story is just as important, if not more important, than the gameplay?
>citation needed
Other people were there and remember man. You should be ashamed of yourself. It's an anonymous internet forum and yet you're known for your idiocy. Think about that one.
ACfag deliberately ignores everything in a post except for tiny snippets that he then twists around so it supports his opinion. You should see him claim that Sup Forums in its entirety adores Other M and completely disregard every linked thread proving him wrong.
And I'm saying that video games being a holistic experience means nothing if the gameplay is not the most important part. The medium specifically requires that the interaction is given center stage.
Still gonna need a citation on that.
No. If you look clearly I said "holistic experience". It's ok, you can read my posts again if you didn't understand them. I recommend it actually.
As long as a game make money, they'll continue to make them even if are shitty.
>what is AC
>what is COD
internet headcanon samus is even worse than other m samus
>when no one buys them
Excuse you, what? I bought botw for my wiiu a couple weeks ago, and im having fun
>multiple people tell him he's a dumbass in multiple threads
>need a citation !!
You may be an attention whore but that doesn't mean we screencap your dumb ass.
look at that, a woman watching a game instead of playing it.
>No. If you look clearly I said "holistic experience".
So why do you have such a problem with skipping the cutscenes? Why is that somehow not allowed? By implying that games are a holistic experience, you're saying that the gameplay isn't the most important aspect, and that suffering through an unskippable cutscene is supposed to enhance my experience.
>You may be an attention whore but that doesn't mean we screencap your dumb ass.
Because the archives don't exist?
The medium does not specifically require that. The medium allows a large number of elements to come together to form a holistic experience. Thus the holistic part. I'll say it again. Holistic. That included gameplay and other elements. Sometimes a failing in one area can be made up for in a boon in another area. It's not hard man.
>expecting people to go through archives to show he's a dumbass in multiple threads
You've basically admitted you're the same guy, other people have chimed in against you while no one has supported you. Preponderance of evidence, were not going through the archives to satiate you when it's clear that you're the dumbass.
Botw cutscene are skippable, completely optional. Thus you have no reason to complain in this thread. Now, be gone with you!
Why do Primefags always make us Metroid fans look bad?
Alright I guess it's time to stop talking to him then. Fuck this guy needs a life, And I say that as someone on Sup Forums, I thought I was as pathetic as it got.
Yea, clearly. And he doesn't even do a good job of it since he completely got the meaning of the post wrong.
If Metroid is so good then why did they stop making them? Checkmate, autists. Enjoy your shitty dead series.
So AC fag and XV-kun are the same person right?
>The medium does not specifically require that.
The very dictionary definition absolutely requires interaction in the medium. So you can't just make a cinematic movie and claim it's a game. It has to have some gameplay in it. And what use is a game with terrible, or minimal gameplay?
Sorry, but you made the claim, so the burden of proof is on you.
>Botw cutscene are skippable, completely optional.
The problem here is that they shouldn't exist period, because the gameplay wasn't ironed out enough to be good. In Super Metroid it gets a pass because the gameplay runs at 60 FPS and doesn't have a hard 30 FPS cap for that "cinematic feel".
Look at yourselves. You're telling me that I'm a horrible person for valuing gameplay over all else. You sound like you work for Kotaku for goodness sake.
>not a mention of Prime anywhere in the thread
Why do you faggots always have to try to start shit?
No. You said it in your definition there: there needs to be some gameplay. Not that gameplay needs the center stage. Learn to read, faggot.
We're not the ones using muh strong woman need no man meme for Samus.
May I remind you all that ACfag has been doing this exact same uchanging routine since August 2010.