Which meme headphones are better for gaming, the hd598 or the ath-m50x?
Vidya /Headphones/ Thread
Depends if you want to hear everything like you're inside a tiny box or if you want to hear everything like you're inside a huge tunnel.
I pick the middle ground, the 598CS.
left if you want sound isolation and your sound not to leak
right if you want comfier headphones but no sound isolation and sound leakage
neither of those are appropriate for gaming, but I have a M50x
Get one of these instead.
>sound not to leak
The M50's leak A LOT of sound.
I would say the M50's for gaming since they're more bass heavy, so effects and shit would probably sound deeper
What are the best wireless headphones/headsets?
Yea I know, but I need them to be wireless.
ATH M50 have basically no soundstage and are bass heavy as fuck, other than that they're also extremely heavy and uncomfortable, absolutely not good for gaming.
Is there any meme 2.0 desktop speaker I should get for gaming? I just bought pic related but they sound like fucking shit, they're basically mini subwoofers unable to reproduce any sound that is not wub wub. What can you recommend me for up to 100 bucks?
They're not that heavy unless you have a tiny beetlejuice head. But they are uncomfortable until you change the horrendous pads they come with. They are way better options on amazon for like $5 - $10 that make a huge difference. They also lessen the bass a little.
What do people use for talking? Headsets or headphone+microphone?
The latter personally.
ATH M50s are flat tuned since they're monitors meant for studio use, so that doesn't really surprise me they'd sound kind of anemic without an amp of some kind.
These are decent and they produce moderately accurate sound.
>monitors meant for studio use
Yeah, that is what they're sold as but they're far from flat.
All headsets are garbage. Full stop, no debate. The amount you pay for decent headphones with a cheap mic attached could get you a great headphone and mic pair.
Trying to figure out the best pair I can get with $40. Leaning towards HD668Bs
It's 3D 5.1 though.
Also remember, that while you're producing they may be a little flat, but once listening to something that has already been mastered, monitors are no longer flat.
I just need any headphone that will let me hear direction and distance for shooting games. Ive been playing without them for a month and my friends have to tell me where to look everytime.
Just get something like the sennheiser g4me zero or something. Never pay
>$1000+ USD headphones on a Singaporean animated scroll website full of NEETs and poorfags
I did get to try the Sennheiser HD 800 and it pretty much spoiled headphones for me.
I use the z906 which I got for like $200aud when they were newer.
I also have the z506 which was sub $100 and sound pretty decent.
I mostly just like being able to blast the bass.
The real question is what are some good headphones that wont crush the top of my ears all day
>spoiled headphones for me.
>tfw fell for the Sennheiser meme
What you actually want are Sony MDR7506's. They are basically the standard for neutral sound, inexpensive, and perfectly suited to digital media. They have basically been around since the 80s and are still amazing.
This is why I use IEMs
Fuck that noise. I needed to buy new headphones last week and finding a good enclosed pair that also worked with my v-moda boompro was a fucking nightmare. The headphone market is shit, period. It puts out so many models that no single site can cover them all, avaibility and prices vary a SHITLOAD between countries and the whole "you can get a good mic and headphones for the price of a headset" thing is horseshit considering even my standalone mic was 30 bucks, nevermind the other one everyone recommends sells for 50.
Ended up buying a 633 for 80 bucks. Fuck headphone buying.
tl;dr closed hyperx cloud 1 / dt770 / msr7, open hd650/ dt990/ dt880/ hd558
So what open backed headphones give good surround for consoles? Through optical cables I guess?
Teach me
You put on other headphones and immediately hear where they fail from a technical standpoint. From a technical standpoint alone, the drivers are head and shoulders above anything else on the market. Sure you can find really good phones for much cheaper, but fuck if it doesn't ruin using lower end gears and shitbuds.
>tfw fell for the Sennheiser meme
One of the best purchases I've ever made.
What microphone you guys recommend then?
>spend 1k+
>mostly made of hard plastics
I use the Schiit Modi Uber DAC which has an optical input to connect my PS4 to my amp.
That way I can use any headphone I want.
>tfw playing Bloodborne with an HD800S
obv open back
but also why not both
I just got these in the mail a few minutes ago after seeing them on sale for $20 at Newegg a few days ago.
First time I've ever had active noise-cancelling headphones, they're pretty cool.
I have these and I'm fine
>he fell for the studio headphone meme
The only ones anyone will ever recommend are the boompro or the modmic. I bought a boompro and had to ask for a replacement cause it crapped out on the very first day (cable wouldn't send audio to one ear).
Also, headphone jews will never tell you but it's very likely that depending on your pc you will also need a separate pre amp so you don't get a shitload of noise or a too quiet mic.
>not having HD650s
Fucking plebs.
kikety kek
Behringer 2030A
I have the M50s and I love them. But I have a whole bunch of different pairs of headphones for different purposes.
For example, I use a razer headset for voice comms
I have the ath-m50x and I'm very satisfied with them but I also got them for free so that probably affects my attitude
When I bought them I clearly recall them having nigger bass, which is one of the reasons why I sent them back (back then the X model was not out so they were the regular M50). Then I got the open 598 and they had the opposite problem, they had too much mids, veiled highs, and literally no bass. I found a good middle ground with the Sony MDR 1A, which have a nigger bass but less than the ATH M50, and are also way more light and comfy.
What are the best wireless IEMs for a man on a budget?
I have a pair of sennheiser 558s, is the meme hack thing legit? Is it worth doing?
Bluedio N2
Just fuck your own shit up.
I'm good with these babies.
Gaming is pleb tier audio. You don't even need to go above sennheiser 380's
Ah, a true consumer.
I got Dayton B652's off of a cheap LEPY amp. Altogether cost about 50ish dollars. Love them, great for movies, music, games, whatever.
wow you have shit taste in everything
I have m50x's with FiiO E10K DAC. How much of a meme am i?
I have the memes
E10K not pictured
Buddweiser is good, tastes like Ashi. Can't get my Grimbergen or Uzavas in this shit country.
Doritos are great with dip.
Ht do you hve against Sony?
whatever beyerdynamics you can get.
Ironically, this webm is a guy demonstrating what happens when audio hardware colors the input too much and produces a harsh, painful result. Yet modern audio designers hate manual equalizers.
As long as they do what you want, and you are happy with them, that is what counts.
no stand?
No soundstage
>Ironically, this webm is a guy demonstrating what happens when audio hardware colors the input too much and produces a harsh, painful result.
It's actually because the shape of the headphones. it was hurting the top of his jaw.
What's a good, cheap mic? I got a $1 mic to clip on my headphones but has crazy feedback so I can't use it. Guess I went too cheap.
I just buy whatever's below 20 bucks on Amazon
>headphones without mics attached
Into the garbage they go.
Headphone+microphone is better if you're willing to go for it.
There's a very small amount of decent headsets out there, so many are just shit. I've had my eye on one i heard was decent. A little worried because it's pretty cheap.
>Talking to people in video games
What are you, some kind of normie?
>he unironically uses headsets
Look at the "gamer" right here.
I bet you think your $50 logitech headsets sound good.
Dumb nigger. You vastly reduce the quality of your sound by getting a mic in your headset. Just velcro on a 2 buck mic, same quality as whatever gaymen headset you're using. Or better yet just get a desk mic.
>broke jaw 2 years ago
>cant use headphones with any clamp
>doomed to poor audio forever
>People still seriously responding to this obvious bait
Get into speakers bro, arguably better sound in many areas.
Should have unbroke your jaw after you broke it.
Im not taping speakers to the sides of my head, that sounds uncomfortable.
The seinheiser is more comfortable so that one wins by default.
I've had my m50x for about 4 years now. They've held up well and their audio quality is awesome.
I've had my 598's for like 4 years, still working perfectly and the best sound quality i've ever experienced
inb4 shill, i'm just giving my experience.
You can get some bomb ass IEM's dude. They just won't be be bass heavy, but you can still pursuit your audiphile goals.
Find me a decent set of headphones with LED lighting on them. I'll be waiting.
at least you tried
Dumb anime poster
jaw isnt the only thing that broke
Oh god, you're one of those kids aren't you
Reminder that people that say headphones can't be compared to headsets come from the same stock that think a 1000 dollar diamond studded cable will improve their music and so are not to be trusted.
>buy the sennheiser hd 598 cs headphones
>they dont sound that much better than a pair of 7 dollar skull candy earbuds
did i fall for the meme? am i missing something to truly make these things worth it?
>huge tunnel
Soundstage =/= reverberation
You're supposed to plug headphones into the front jack
but that what i did though
Great for tracking
And nothing else
Audiolet detected
If you can't detect the difference between these and skullcandies, there's no hope for you.
I wanted to buy a steelseries arctis 7 untill i discovered it has audio through usb.
Fuck that shit i am looking for optical so i can plug it into my tv instead of into a console.
I have absolutely no idea what to get now.
Here's the real question, which headset is most comfortable with glasses?
I can't care about sound if my glasses are digging into my skull all day.