What were the best custom games on wc3?

What were the best custom games on wc3?

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inb4 dota

any custom games as long it's not the base game

Castle fight and island defense

naruto td

>Castle Fight
I still try to get a game of castle fight going.

Tech Wars, Civ Wars, any wars game. Tower Defenses, Kodo Tag, Aeon on Strife, Angel Arena.

The silly D&D maps were super fun.

Making your own games and whatnot.

Escape Gay Space

Oh yeeeaaah. I remember those.
Or Land of God or whatever. Ha!



I seem to remember Island Troll Tribes being pretty fun



Island Troll Tribes would make a great standalone game.

that civilization game with the 3 lanes (ocean mid and bot) was really fucking fun. empires was pretty great too.

>Open up Warcraft III after school
>Your school friends came to your house
>One of them is using your dad's computer because he's chill and watching some tv in the background
>Other friend brought his computer over
>You're all hooked up to the LAN
>Start playing DotA, TDs and other custom maps
>Damn, you're having fun
>You do this almost every weekend for your highschool life
>Some of the most fun you can recall having with video games
>Those days are long gone
>You've either lost touch with those friends or they've moved on to other interests
>Everyone just communicates over Discord / Skype / In-Game voice chat
>You haven't physically seen a buddy in weeks / months
>There's the longing for what we used to have
>And the memories of better days still stay the same

Blizzard doesn't make new games anymore, they leech off microtransactions and expansions now.

fuck yeah castle fight
no other map in that genre ever did it nearly as well

Never ever.

can't remember if it was survival TD or solo td but it was a solo tower defense on a green map where everyone had their own lane and their own life pool.

ALSO, fucking line tower wars was so fun

Your mom dropped you didn't she ?

Hots. You can see the butchered assets in that game. Just like Overwatch which has butchered assets of that "Titan" MMO

I recall quite a few line wars games that were amazing

Murder in Sleepy Town
Tree Tag/Sheep Tag
Footmen Frenzy
Battleships 1.337
Island Troll Tribes
Island Defense
Castle Defense
Green TD
Gem TD
Poker TD



What you're thinking of is either Line Tower Wars or another game that I Also can't think of

right in the feelsbadman.webm

obviously is u an retard, there were other great ones too but i seem to have forgotten them. the pyramid thing was pretty cool too

>they're going to release a naga race soon, I swear

I personally would have bet on Naga before gob or worgen...

Fight of characters

13 or 14 year old me would spend hours coming up with epic tales.

Well, as epic as a 13 year old Hot Topic kid could do, but it was a blast.

Why? Goblins were already a mostly friendly race and people demanded them to be playable CONSTANTLY.

Worgen I have no excuse for, I feel Blizzard just knew they had to give Horde goblins and didn't really know what to release for Alliance so they did the sensible thing and catered to furries.

Naruto/Bleach fightin' games

A big part of the fun in Castle Fight was how many races there were. Hearthstone can balance a bunch of decks, blizzard should be able to balance 10 more races in Warcraft 4. Give us the same but upgraded map creation program and create "event maps" like in Overwatch.

Bring all the races from WoW and make WC4 already Blizzard.

Goblins were eternally neutral, and ogres were the most logical horde addition since there was already plenty of horde ogre NPC and they were the first to join the orcs.

Horde goblins are a trainwreck and everything surrouding them is absolute garbage from their architecture to their archetype.

who /SotDRP/ here?

I literally just had fun in the base game against other players-

Wintermaul Wars.

Why didn't SC2's custom maps get popular?

nah it was a green map with lanes that ended in the middle of the map, and shit like "poison towers" and "mortar towers"

They did for awhile, but a majority of players left because there weren't very good ones or very many of them. Blizzard even created a few for awhile to push for custom games.

A select few of them are fun and nobody plays any of them anymore. Blizzard really fucked up when they used automatic matchmaking lobbies. Nobody was willing to sit around to get a nonpopular game going. They've since switched but it's been a long time since launch.

anyone ever played that dinosaur map where you had to build a basecamp and survive against different dinosaurs? pretty sure you could at least make turrets,campfires,walls and even a jeep or something?


This is my answer

Yeah it was called Jurassic Survival or something.

Orc TD?

because sc2's custom map system was ABSOLUTE dogshit and it was literally impossible to find games

no it was survivor rev td, i found it on google

>looking for that one game that doesn't fall apart after an hour of building or descends into a Mary Sue fuckfest

sounds about right, i had a feeling it was called something with jurassic. really liked that for some reason.

Dark deeds and undead assault were my jam.

>Writing down codes

The best shit.

3 cmds or kick

wintermaul wars was the shit
i wish i could find a relatively modern game like it

Pyramid Escape

>tfw this TD has more depth and complexity than most AAA titles combined

I always killed every other player when I played that game. Only the strongest deserve to live.

>12 years later
>moving to a new place packing shit
>find a piece of paper with codes written all over every last centimeter of it at various angles
>reminder of all my dark deeds

I still remember the summer the Frozen Throne came out

I went to WalMart to buy it

It all feels just like yesterday ;_;

unally all
spawn 12 archimonde
level 20

Did anyone ever escape the pyramid? I feel like you'd need a premade team that knows it's shit to do it.

i had quite the different mentality, grouped up to make stronger base for easier survival

I spent so much time playing those roleplay maps where you just had 12 people in a big map building whatever they wanted.

Should we make a Sup Forums wc3 b.net channel and get some games going on rotation?

Life of a peasant

>tfw when excessively playing ice troll tribes and other variants erry day
>kept dreaming how in a few years we'd have these massive big open world survival games with a crafting system where we could form lasting tribes and have a lot of fun

and now we do and I hate all of them fuck fuck fuck

Trolls vs Elves
Yoshi Tag
Fight of Characters
Battlestadium don
Jurassic Park Survival
Werewolf Transylvania
Resident Evil
Pimp My Peon

100/101 rounds
Darwin's island

TD's are for fags

>tfw you'll never play Trolls and Elves with your friends
>tfw no more fucking around in Vampirism as a total noob trying to figure out how to play with friends
>tfw no more Custom Hero Wars
>tfw no more Pokemon TD
Hold me, Sup Forums.

legion td , uther party, warlock, jurassic park, yoshi tag,impossible bosses.

Tbh there are so many good games to play with friends in skype w3 customs is a unique thing

Tree Tag, Sheep Tag, Enfo's, DoBRP, Wintermaul Wars

those first 2 are in dota2

>try to get one of these going recently
>manage to get like 7 people somehow
>one guy is afk the entire time
>2 leave at the start because they don't know how to play
>remaining 5 of us start building
>after 30 mins, one leaves wordlessly
>finish building shit
>go to check out what the other guys have done
>no buildings, all they bothered to do was give their hero a fuck ton of items and skills and level 10
>start seeing xD and edgy names in IC chat
>close game

How are custom games in Dota2? I tried it out when they first came out, but they were extremely glitchy and getting into games was hard, 1 out of 10 games would actually start, it was a mystery if it would end. How is it nowadays?

It bothers me to this day that DotA became such a big deal while no one remembers Tides of Blood

Does anyone still play it? This thread making me want to install WC3

Gib name

anyone wanna make a game?

i have wc3 installed


Does hosting still require messing with the ports?

7.00 a really big patch that changed a game came out in january, since then custom games are buged.

Thanks, will check later

Some of them are fixed, I saw castle fight being hosted.

>Tfw you just recently got afew buddies of yours to get and play some wc3 custom games with you

Shit's dope

Footmen Frenzy
Pudge Wars
Ele TD


>Element TD
>Green TD
>Footman Frenzy

My nigger. Still have an itch to play this from time to time.

Uther Party was fantastic.

Anyone remember Parasite? Its similar to Space Station 13 without being a browser shit game. Had so much fun with that.

What the hell are you talking about, the history of HotS isn't even a secret. It was a SC2 mod, that turned into its own project, because "Muh e-sports" and LoL/DOTA2 making so much money.

much better but there's not many great maps, just remakes of great ones or offshoots of regular dota.

Some fun skillshot maps, island troll tribes, tds.

It was Blizzard DotA, remember? Then they lost the rights to the name and made it Heroes of the Bored instead

So, they no longer use that god-awful matchmaking system? I might check it out again.

Back when I played, the SC2 "Arcade" was perpetually doomed because the frontpage only showed popular maps, and all the popular maps were poorly done DOTA clones.

Kinda sad to see the creators of Angel Arena and maps like that try to make SC2 versions only to be drowned out by bullshit

Warcraft IIII when?

there are a lot of w3 servers on gameranger fag

There will never be more proof about Blizzard being a gigantic fucking loser company that understands nothing about its own games, than the fact that Dota 2, a derivative of the most popular map made in THEIR game has 580k players at this very moment, while their too-little-too-late hots piece of shit is fucking dead.

The same way they didn't understand the value there, they didn't understand the value in their editor and custom game setup either, they same way they didn't understand what kept people playing WoW and so on.

I think the funniest thing was that Icefrog went to them before Valve. Blizzard then told Icefrog that he didn't own the rights to the map he made

Cue a year later them changing their ToS for WC3 because they literally didn't own DotA. Feelsbad for all the games that didn't get off before that point, Blizzard owns their body and soul.


Who cares?
Blizzard lost everything there, such an extremely lot of games today are derivatives of WC3 custom maps its ridiculous, most "complex" mobile games literally are.

If Blizz wasn't such a gigantic jew who never ever wants to invest in anything they could've been shitting out wc3-maps-remade-into-full-game by the dozens and hit gold several times.

Instead they played it super-safe and wasted their money buying themselves out from under vivendi instead.

I cant believe no one mentioned Azeroth Wars or The Third Age Lord of the Rings. They both had shit balance but were super fucking cool when everyone was compitent. Ohh and fucking Azeroth/LotR Risk was also fucking choice.

how many people are actually still on WC3 multiplayer nowadays? could I get a Castle Fight game if I launched it?

Phase Killer, Dark Deeds, and the dodgeball map blew my mind. I had no idea some of these mechanics were possible. Shame they weren't as popular as some of the sandbox stuff.