"WTF the character is gay/bi/trans?! Why do developers keep forcing their agenda on us!!"

>"WTF the character is gay/bi/trans?! Why do developers keep forcing their agenda on us!!"

Ummm, no sweetie try again. Someone's sexuality can't be forced and if you have a problem with more diverse representation you're just a bigot. Got it babydoll?

Sweetie posting is a good meme

Ummm, no sweetie try again.

>remember when games were good
Umm, sweetie pie pumpkin poo, games are better now. Did you buy the new Mass Effect game, scrumptious muffin? It's the best.

Where did this meme even come from?

It makes me physically mad because I know people who actually do that.

Sweetie-posting is very condescending.


there is an autistic woman that responds like this to literally every single one of trump's tweets

But even they admit the characters with no purpose but to be trans in Andromeda and that Baldur's Gate Expansion a while ago were forced and nothing but pandering. Because it was them saying it the devs even changed those.

i bet she does anal


that sounds adorable

Hehe fuck you faggot trannies should be gassed

Sweetieposting will live forever.

Best meme of 2017.

>game blatantly shoves sexual orientation into players faces aka nu-Bioware
>fucking pandering, stop forcing this shit REEEEEEEE
>game completely leaves out sexual orientation in the actual game, but explores it in extra lore bits in comics and videos aka Overwatch
>fucking pandering, it doesnt even have any impact on the gamestop forcing this shit REEEEEEE
>niggas trying to be smart and criticize that lgbt in games fine as long as its done """right"""
>what theyre actually saying is: fucking pandering is only good if I dont realize its there REEEEEEEEE

I thought babydoll was candydoll in this OP.

Dyslexia made the thread more exciting than it was.

They are pixels.

they have no sexuality

Not to mention that "its useless pandering" never EVER made any sense whatsoever. Look up the definition of the term:
> In pandering, the views one is expressing are merely for the purpose of drawing support up to and including votes and do not necessarily reflect one's personal values.
The LGBT community is such a fucking small percentage, "pandering" to them in fucking video games doesn't make any sense. If those devs were actually "pandering", they'd do it to white males, since that would have an actual effect.

Honeybun...sugar....you'ar a faggot...

People who both say and type "uh" and "um" are unintelligent.

It's low hanging fruit-tier, and anyone can do it with minimal effort. Some people actually talk like this. It's dangerous to support it, lest people show up who ACTUALLY talk like that.

You don't want that, do you?

Post feet

You don't actually attract women and gays by designing a video game for them. You just show that you're bleeding edge progressive which makes all the 18-20 year olds who are interested in neo-cuck-liberalism come flocking.

after seeing "butthurt" menace back in the day, i'm still sure there's nothing worse than this
sweetie is kinda fun and barely can do any harm

But it makes me upset because I know people who talk like that. When I see sweetieposting, I sometimes am unsure if it's ironic or not.

The whole "people bitching about Tracer being a lesbian" thing never existed.

People who complain about those people complaining manufactured the entire outrage so they would have something to be outraged about.

Actually any aspect of a character can be forced. It's called bad writing.

Fucking thank you. If anything, more people were outraged that there wasn't more outrage.

There MIGHT have been some vitriol on the official forums, but that place is an armpit, and no one there should be considered human.

I want guava and cheese pastry now

>Haha take that straight male gamers you can't have her
>Meanwhile I can still jerkoff to her because she's fictional
That's assuming I even wanted to jerkoff to Tracer. I prefer Widowmaker.

>Someone's sexuality can't be forced

>Meanwhile I can still jerkoff to her because she's fictional
And the thought of her finger banging a redhead makes it even easier for me.

I'll force my sexuality onto, and into her-

If you catch my drift.

>It's low hanging fruit-tier
ummmm no it isn't sweety-muffin fruitcakes

I'm gonna fuck her

If you catch my drift.


The best example I can think of is Emile from Nier. Other than one really subtle scene, you never know or care about his sexuality.

They don't throw it in your face like fucking Bioware just to look progressive.

mmm sweetie you take your internet etiquette too seriously. being a grumpy wumpy baby isn't how a big boy would act.


>The whole "people bitching about Tracer being a lesbian" thing never existed.
Yeah sure buddy, whatever makes you sleep at night. Its not like Sup Forums totally sperged out over it(spoiler alert: it did), or /vg/ doing the same, or plebbits GG brigade doing the very same as well. Suuuuure sweetie, sure.

Is sweetieposting the next big meme?

Sugarbuns... honeymuffins... you are so delusional!

Remember when she first cut her hair? It was in an aesthetically pleasing style? And then...

...shortly after, she fell for the nu-man cut.

But it didn't. And you don't have a single shred of proof to even imply that it did.

please no, the inner voice i read this with makes me want to die

Western Devs
>Gay/Trans characters main characteristic is that they're gay/trans
>Same sob story of being discriminated against
>Either weak as enemies or sub-par stats, not work using

Easter Devs
>Gay/Trans characters flamboyent with wacky backgrounds and preferences
>Written and treated as jokes, usually huge and muscly
>Over the top and Cuh-Ray-Zee as enemies, or good / mediocre at worst party member

>The whole "people bitching about Tracer being a lesbian" thing never existed.

Are you a fucking cunt? I literally complained for days on end, so did hundreds of other people you fucking faggot.

Also, if you don't realize that women need more representation in video games from a perspective that isn't male then you're an idiot that will be trampled by history.
Most video game characters are made by men for men. Thats problematic, since girls who want to get into games, only have a tiny fraction of characters that might interest them. Thats why the field needs to be leveled.
And yes, its the men's job to do it. None of that "then girls need to make their own games hubbuble". Its men who placed women in that position and its men who created that industry, and now its time, men get it right and undo their wrongs.
Thankfully, most AAA developers have caught on by now, and the sexualization is slowly fading into obscurity. You can continue masturbating once the field is leveled boys.

Only because you are so cute!


So they're both shitty

Stock images of females are my favorite shitpost reaction images. I hope sweetie posting doesn't ruin it for me.

Exactly. But at least the east can treat it with humour.

>Most video game characters are made by men for men. Thats problematic

>the field needs to be leveled.
And yes, its the men's job to do it.

What did he mean by this?

Do you have proof that it didn't? Because I was here. In fact, (and you might not know this so you better hold on,) we're on Sup Forums right now. And if you think that these people wouldn't have made threads about one of the most popular mp games out there, then you are an idiot.
Spoiler alert: they did.

Sweetie, pls. Don't deny the obvious. Sure honey, Sup Forums was all "oh tracer is lesbian? Okay." about it. Suuuuuure sweetie, sure.

That men created an industry of inequality and now need to undo their mess?
Its not that hard user. Reading comprehension much?

The most bizarre thing about the fictional outrage was how completely it misperceived what would cause an actual outrage. Lez Tracer was prime fap material, exactly the sort of thing the people they tried to trigger where enthusiastic about.

Your first mistake was playing or caring about Overwatch to begin with if it really upsets you.

>Ugh why do SJWs care so much what skin color or gender a character is?

What do the /r/gamergate tourists mean by this?

>But at least the east can treat it with humour.
You wont see this again either. Japanese media has been hugely criticised for its depiction of LGBT people by the japanese LGBT community. The guy who had this comedy act as "hard gay" actually made an apology video.
So say goodbye to that

Imagine defining yourself and your whole life around your sexuality.

Imagine such a shallow and boring person.

Of course it happened.

It actually chills me to the bone to think that I experienced something and someone is confident it didn't, and is trying to convince me of their side. It's so fucking psychotic I almost cannot express.

Correct. Was it the most embarrassing faked outrage since the black stormtrooper thing?

Fucking kill yourself. There are a lot of people here who still correctly think Tracer being a dyke is pandering horseshit.

>Blizz thinks making her gay will slow the porn
If anything people will be making more now.

It would be if it weren't Sup Forums tier levels of obsession kek. Bitch dedicates her life sending tweets to trump that he will never read.

Its funny how one the very places that sperged out over it so much, and usually takes pride in it, now delusionally and desperately tries to deny that anons ever flipped their shit about it.
Also, it wasn't just Sup Forums, people on twitter, and reddit, and also cripplechan had their threads about it, so the - ' i did nothing therefore its fictional ' stuff is just nonsense.

Sup Forums was completely unbrowsable after the first SW trailer though, literally every single thread was about race.

my complaint about Tracer being a lesbian was that it was the only point of the entire comic, and it was the only character development Tracer got.
Tracer is the poster girl of Overwatch and she's the least interesting character.
I guess it's not really true anymore since the current PvE event is Tracer's first mission and we get to see why and how she got in Overwatch.


>why are you distraught, male NPC?
>my husband was taken away

>why are you distraught, male NPC?
>hi, im trans


Sweetie posting is hilarious and is the best meme since shiggy diggy.

it's the end game of shitposting. it's knowing a world leader might've read your abhorrent post and is annoyed by it.

>taking Sup Forums seriously


>why are you distraught, male NPC?
>my husband was taken away
L fucking MAO. Fallout 4 DLC Far Harbor or whatever it was called, had one fucking NPC who did EXACTLY that! And Sup Forums had multiple threads about the "bioware tier writing" and "pandering"

Sup Forums shat on the division for doing the former. Except I think it was actually a woman mentioning her wife.

I don't find sweetie posting as funny as I simply enjoy that women's witless condescension is finally being lampooned, and could eventually slow down the amount of it due to meme magic

>we only did it ironically

Like you ironically posted about Zoe Quinn, or Anita, or Brianna Wu, or Alison Rapp? Filling their pockets with patreon money due to being pretty much the only idiots on the internet giving them attention and makign them famous?
Ironically yeah? Ironically!

i love all my cutie patooties

boy i wish i lived in a one-variable world

lesbian tracer was like a weird alternative reality. the butt thing was all over the forums and Sup Forums, the only times I heard about her being lesbian was journalists whining about the 'outrage'

if it's pertinent information, its not a problem.

if it's out of place, it's not. Some dudes are married to other dudes, brah

When you write a quest/character that is gay, it should be for a reason. Maybe you're exploring the marriage aspect and what it means to lose a spouse from a different angle

but when you write a side character to be gay/trans for no fucking reason, it's a problem. It shouldn't even come up in conversation unless it serves a point. Just like real life, regular gay people don't really mention it until it's pertinent, like "where were you last night?"

"hanging out with my boyfriend"

it's unacceptable when you meet a character and they lay it out there. That's telling instead of showing. And that's shit writing no matter what it is. If you really want to make a gay character but can't figure out a reason to tell the player, just hide it. Or pull a rowling and just tell someone on twitter

Just because there are retards doesn't mean that pandering doesn't exist.

>a fucking leaf

>when you write a side character to be gay/trans for no fucking reason, it's a problem
So it's........ problematic?

Sup Forums has gone full circle and became tumblr lmao


Oh my... Sweetie... that is not an argument.


English nigga. You ain't impressing no one

degenerates belong to the cross

I'm a tranny and write for a living

I don't like how Bioware does trannies and homos

Obsidian did it right in Fallout New Vegas

Arcade Gannon just happens to like rubbing dicks and only mentions it if you ask him about it

Veronica likes to smash clams but doesn't really talk about it unless she has a reason to

They are both people with personalities and hobbies and lives

Meanwhile in Bioshit games their sexuality is their only single defining characteristic and they need to mention it all the time

LGBT characters are fine

It's annoying when they're one dimensional and only in there to appease illiterate minorities

If there was some deep and meaningful and comepelling and story driven game that had a tranny or gay character nobody would care

However we get 2017 Bioware/Blizzard levels of shallow characters being written only to fulfill diversity quotas and earn brownie points with dumblr and muh oppressed minorities

However this is a troll thread with a topic that's been beaten unto death by more trolls who gives a shit just play your games and fuck off

It's not.
It's almost worse than thiccposting.

sorry cupcake, did i trigger you? that's so problematic sweetie

So sweetie posting is spreading from Sup Forums now?

>reddit spacing
must be the real deal

Their sexuality is forced on you if you find out about it without specifically investigating it.

>obligatory "I'm X/Y and I see no problem with it" post
Yeah my black transgender friend whos also disabled and was part of the Waffen SS sees no problem with it either. I dunno what the gubbub is about?
Seriously: lmao.
Not to mention
>I am X/Y and therefore my opinion overwrites that of all other people that are X/Y
No no wait. Seriously: lmao!

>reddit spacing
what the hell is reddit spacing

>actually, (statement) so...

If a character's development is organic and genuine and the writer has no political agenda then there's no reason why a character can't be a non straight white male and still have the game or story be good

There are plenty of games or stories that have legitimate and compelling characters that might be faggots or trannies because their lives revolve around more than just their sexuality

A character's sexuality should have no bearing or influence on the overall arch of the game or story

The problem lies in the motivation of the character being a certain way for an agenda

Like in InFamous you have a straight white male character and the game/story is great because the story is about more than the fact that he's not brown or a homo

Or any other good game really

I want Bioshit and Blizzard to stop pandering to whiny children and make good characters again

wow i sure wonder

could it possibly be when alternating lines are...

left blank?


>Ummm, no sweetie